Like stumbling onto a bunch of Pitbull songs some ex put in your music library four years ago, the ghost of video-sharing platform Vine continues to haunt the internet. See, even though Vine is dead and gone, its cache of user information is not — and now some of that data has apparently been leaked. [More]
email addresses

Hackers Bite Apple, AT&T To Breach 114K iPad Owners
Some early iPad adopters got a special bonus prize for buying a device that’s sure to be replaced with a vastly superior model a year from now — a data breach in which hackers unearthed account info from 114,000 users, including newscaster Diane Sawyer, New York mayor Michael Bloomerg and movie kingpin Harvey Weinstein. [More]

Reach Best Buy's Executive Resolution Team
If you have an issue with Best Buy that you’ve tried and tried and tried and tried to resolve using normal customer service methods, to no avail, try pinging this guy on their executive resolution team: [More]

Reach Logitech Executive Customer Service
If you have a Logitech customer service issue, warranty repair request or otherwise just need to kick your issue to the top because regular customer service isn’t doing it for you, here is a gal to contact: [More]

Reach PG&E Executive Customer Service
Got a longstanding PG&E customer service issue that’s getting you down because no one at regular customer service will fix it? Escalate to the top with these executive email addresses and phone numbers: [More]

How To EECB Sirius XM Radio
If you have an issue with your Sirius XM Radio service or a billing problem, and vanilla customer service behind the 1-800 number just can’t seem to get it right, no matter how hard you try, you might try emailing the people running the company. Here are their email addresses: [More]

Reach Bank Of America's CEO
Got a squirrely Bank of America issue that no amount of calling and pleading with customer service can resolve? Try kicking it up the poop pile to CEO Brian Moynihan, or one of his trusted slaves: [More]

Executive Emails For Victoria's Secret
Got an issue with Victoria’s Secret that regular customer service can’t or won’t handle? Try escalating it to the top of the laundry heap with these email addresses for senior executives. [More]

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service
Got a Verizon complaint wireless complaint that’s not getting anywhere? Live in the Northeast? Monica is your gal. [More]

How To EECB J.Crew
Had a problem with an order or customer service from J.Crew and need to escalate your complaint? Here’s a list of e-mail addresses you should try when crafting your Executive E-Mail Carpet Bomb. [More]

Reach Countrywide Executive Customer Service
Here is some Countrywide executive customer service info. Even though Bank of America acquired Countrywide, some of this contact info is still valid. Former Countrywide customers who experiencing post-integration account difficulties have reported success using it. [More]

Email Sprint's Lawyers
If for some reason you feel compelled to contact Sprint’s lawyers, here is their email address: [More]

Reach PlayStation's CEO
Jack Tretton, President and CEO Sony Computer Entertainment America, is standing by and waiting to escalate your backlogged PlayStation complaint! In his spare time, he tests batteries he finds in his kitchen drawer by touching them to his tongue. Connect and start talking hot at! Or his sassy assistant, Amanda Murphy Pedroso at! UPDATE: Sony is mad that we posted this email address. [More]

A Priceline Email Address That Humans Sometimes Read
Priceline hates hates hates giving refunds. But if you need one, or some other aspect of their non-existent customer service fixed, you can email or You will probably end up going to your bank to get the refund, but at least you know where to shove the cc. This information is also useful in case your 2-year old daughter is in the burn ward and you need to cancel a trip. [More]

Reach HSBC Executive Customer Service
HSBC Card & Retail Services
James R. Lane
Vice President, Executive Resolutions

Reach Keurig Executive Customer Service
If you have a problem with Keurig, makers of those coffee machines where the coffee comes in little pods that you just place inside, and regular customer service isn’t helping you, you can try nicely escalating to their Director of Customer Service or emailing their executive team.