Good news, rockers! We heard back from our friends at EA, and yesterday’s panic over the kill switch on Rock Band for iPhone was premature. They tell us that the in-app message was an error, and you can buy the game with confidence if you feel so inclined. [More]
wcia 2012

EA Responds To Worst Company Win By Name-Dropping Past Worst Company Winners
Usually when we announce the winner of the annual Worst Company In America tournament, the victor chooses to quietly reflect on their triumph rather than make a public comment. But not this year’s champ, Electronic Arts, which has responded to being voted the WCIA winner by hinting that it’s not as bad as other companies. [More]

The Voters Have Spoken: EA Is Your Worst Company In America For 2012!
Whether it’s on a console, a PC, a smartphone or tablet, hundreds of millions of people play video games every day. Yet most mainstream media covers the industry the same way it treats adult dodge ball leagues and cat fashion shows (both noble ventures, but neither of them multi-billion dollar industries). And the only time you hear legislators discuss video games is when some politician decries them as the death knell for all things righteous in the world (hint: they’re not). Now, after years of being ignored and relegated to steerage, game-players have voted to send a message to Electronic Arts and the gaming business as a whole: Stop treating your loyal customers like crap. [More]

There's Still Time To Vote On Worst Company In America Final Death Match
A record number of voters have turned out to choose between Bank of America and Electronic Arts for the winner in the Worst Company In America 2012 tournament, but there’s still time to have your say in which business walks away with the Golden Poo. [More]

AT&T Caps Off Crappy Year With Third-Place Worst Company In America Finish
This sort of epitomizes the last 12 months for AT&T. First it attempted to leap-frog to the head of the wireless pack by swallowing T-Mobile whole, only to fail miserably after many months and at a cost of several billion dollars. Then it came tantalizingly close to vying for the coveted Worst Company In America Golden Poo trophy, only to be given the smack-down by a video game company. At least it won’t be leaving the tournament empty-handed. [More]

Worst Company In America Final Death Match: Bank Of America Vs. EA
Here they stand, surrounded by the carved-up carcasses of their fallen competitors. “Make us proud… Win the poo,” the ghosts of the vanquished call out from another realm, demanding that these two remaining contenders for Worst Company In America prove that all this bloodshed was not in vain. [More]

Worst Company In America Consolation Round: AT&T Vs. Walmart
As we announced on Friday, for the first time in Worst Company history, readers will have the chance to vote on a third-place finisher from between the two companies eliminated in the Semifinal round. This means that either Walmart or AT&T will end up being honored with the coveted Bronze Poo trophy. [More]

Third-Place Worst Company In America Winner To Be Honored With New Bronze Poo!
Last year, when Bank of America lost by the narrowest of margins to BP in the Final Death Match of the 2011 Worst Company In America tournament, we listened to readers who called for the creation of the first-ever Silver Poo trophy. That honor will remain in place for the 2012 tourney, and will be joined by a Bronze Poo for the company coming in third — or rather, “turd” — place. [More]

Worst Company In America Semifinals: EA Vs. AT&T
This is it. Only one bout remains before we get to the Worst Company In America Final Death Match. But will it be the established telecom terror or the rookie greedy game-maker that vies for the Golden Poo? [More]

Worst Company In America Semifinals: Bank Of America Vs. Walmart
Once again, Bank of America is so close to holding the Golden Poo it can taste it. And only one obstacle remains in BofA’s path to another shot at the WCIA crown. Of course, that obstacle also happens to be the world’s largest retailer. [More]

Let's All Do A Slow Clap For Your Worst Company In America 2012 Semifinalists!
What began as good, clean fun between 32 bad businesses quickly devolved into something so violent and grotesque that it would make a great PG-13 movie featuring Lenny Kravitz in a small but pivotal role. And now, only four contenders for the Golden Poo remain, each with a worthy claim to the trophy. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 3: EA Vs. Comcast
Imagine you’re playing a game of Worst Company In America Online, Game of the Year Collectors’ Signature Edition 2012 with your pals. You’ve paid hundreds of dollars for the game and all the downloadable tricked-out corporate logos, bloody finishing moves and deluxe cat photos and you’re about to head into the Final Death Match. Then your cable company decides you’ve gone over your data limit and the game grinds to a halt. And when you finally get it back up, the game’s servers have been pulled offline by the publisher. Which company do you end up hating more? [More]

Worst Company In America Round 3: AT&T Vs. Facebook
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… a young man with big dreams took down the Death Star in his X-wing starfighter. Can history repeat itself today, as Facebook’s precocious billionaire takes on the dark lords of the AT&T empire? [More]

Worst Company In America Round 3: PayPal Vs. Walmart
Which is mightier: bricks and mortar or bits and bytes? That age-old question will finally be resolved on the blood-soaked ultrasuede floor of the Worst Company In America Ellipse of Evil. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 3: Bank Of America Vs. Ticketmaster
For several years now, these two terrible titans of industry have been locks to make the Worst Company semifinals. But in a year with so many bad businesses in contention, only one of these perennial favorites will make it through to the next round. [More]

The 8 Remaining Worst Company In America Contenders Sure Are An Elite Bunch!
Two weeks ago, 32 of the nation’s worst businesses entered the Worst Company In America Battledome Nonagon, hoping to prove they could out-twit, overcharge and outlast the others to ultimately be named the Worst Company In America 2012. Two dozen companies have since been fed to the shark-eating robot piranhas and only eight remain with a chance to be crowned with the Golden Poo. [More]

Ticketmaster Gets Into Spirit Of Worst Company Tournament, Encourages Staffers To Vote
With a little more than six hours to go before voting closes on the second round Worst Company In America bout between Spirit Airlines and Ticketmaster, a source at Live Nation tells us that senior staff are encouraging employees to vote on the matchup. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 2: Walmart Vs. GameStop
With all other remaining contenders having had their time trying to shoot each other with crossbows or burn each other alive with wildfire in the vast, Worst Company In America Hunger Games arena, Round Two comes to a close with this match-up between two reviled retailers. [More]