Remember when we featured the Creamsicle-flavored, Halloween-marketed, orange-colored TruMoo novelty milk and said, “At least it isn’t pumpkin spice”? Well, about that. In the novelty dairy beverage cooler at Walmart, right near the orange TruMoo, we found the newest and greatest holiday mashup: pumpkin spice egg nog. [More]

No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing
Here at Consumerist HQ, we were both intrigued and horrified when a plausible-looking mockup of a pumpkin spice flavored condom spent the weekend circulating around the Internet. If pumpkin spice gum and bacon condoms can exist, why not? Alas, the wrapper circulating online isn’t real, even though some people kind of want it to be. [More]

The Pumpkin Crème Brûlée Latte Is Now A Thing At Dunkin’ Donuts
It’s the last official week of summer, but did you think that America had reached peak pumpkin yet? Of course it hasn’t. Apparently the early lattes, pumpkin-flavored peanut butter, toaster strudels, and gum weren’t enough. Dunkin’ Donuts has raised the pumpkin stakes by offering pumpkin crème brûlée latte coffee drinks, and pumpkin mocha drinks. I don’t understand. [More]

What Happens If You Eat Nothing But Pumpkin Spice Items For A Whole Week?
Earlier this week, I idly wondered whether it would be possible to put together a whole day’s diet out of only pumpkin spice foods. turns out that J. Bryan Lowder over at Slate was way ahead of me…and extended the concept by six days. Why? Well, his editors told him to. [More]

Pumpkin Spice: The Movie Shows The Full Horror Of Seasonal Food Items
It started ten years ago with the Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks. Pumpkin spice consumer products have spread throughout the marketplace, threatening to bring consumers’ blood allspice levels to dangerously high levels. M&Ms? Sure! Booze? Sure! But why are there so many pumpkin products? This movie trailer explores the Orange Menace. [More]

The Burger King Pumpkin Burger Is A Thing – In Japan
Pumpkin is the fast-food flavor of the season, with pumpkin ice cream and coffee confections available in various delicious locations and an ever-growing selection of marshmallow pumpkins available. You’ll have to go all the way to Japan, though, to try Burger King’s newest pumpkreation: the pumpkin burger. [More]