The Burger King Pumpkin Burger Is A Thing – In Japan
Pumpkin is the fast-food flavor of the season, with pumpkin ice cream and coffee confections available in various delicious locations and an ever-growing selection of marshmallow pumpkins available. You’ll have to go all the way to Japan, though, to try Burger King’s newest pumpkreation: the pumpkin burger.
Which does not, strictly speaking, contain pumpkin. The vegetable slices are actually kabocha, a Japanese squash that looks pumpkin-like. You can get a regular old pumpkin burger with two slices, or a “pumpkin bomb” with ten. Ten! Though Kotaku points out that doing a Google Images search for the words “pumpkin bomb” bring up images weapons that the U.S. dropped on Japan during World War II, not burgers from fast-food chains that we dropped on the country in recent decades.

More pumpkin slices! More!
We know that we have readers in Japan. Please, someone who happens to be in the area, taste test this thing for us and report back.
To ply 10 100 yen burger pumpkin “pumpkin bomb” BK, plus. [Excite] (via Kotaku – thanks to Kim for spiritual inspiration.)
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