If you’ve been paying attention to what’s available in the aisles of stores every fall, you probably had the same reaction that we did when looking at this label: “Pumpkin spice Snapple?!” No. Look closer. It’s “fall spice” flavored black tea, with zero pumpkins. However, the pumpkin spice nog is on the shelves at Kroger, so there’s that. [The Impulsive Buy] [More]
peak pumpkin spice

Pumpkin Spice Latte M&Ms Are A Thing, If You Were Wondering
Candy with pumpkin spice flavoring? That’s so very 2013. The flavor wizards at M&M/Mars have gone beyond the tepid cinnamon-ish flavor of their attempt two years ago, and have now added what we’re guessing is a faint hint of coffee flavor to the mix for pumpkin spice latte M&Ms. Yes, this is real. [More]

Pumpkin Spice Egg Nog Exists To Quench Public’s Infinite Pumpkin Spice Thirst
Remember when we featured the Creamsicle-flavored, Halloween-marketed, orange-colored TruMoo novelty milk and said, “At least it isn’t pumpkin spice”? Well, about that. In the novelty dairy beverage cooler at Walmart, right near the orange TruMoo, we found the newest and greatest holiday mashup: pumpkin spice egg nog. [More]

Pumpkin Spice Hummus Is Back In Stores, I Give Up
Maybe this country’s pumpkin spice obsession has gone a little too far. That must be the case when pumpkin spice condoms and pumpkin spice Four Loko seem completely plausible, and there are multiple brands of pumpkin spice gum on the market. Now we’ve learned that Cedar’s has brought pumpkin spice hummus back, because that is exactly what the world needed. [More]

Pumpkin Spice Oreos Are Real, Hit Stores September 24th
We had plenty of unofficial evidence and off-the-record confirmation of the existence of pumpkin spice Oreos, but couldn’t be definitively, publicly sure that they were official and real. Yes, the artificial flavor wizards over at Nabisco have given us Oreos flavored like limeade and cookies and creme Oreos, and everything else in the world already comes in pumpkin spice flavor, it’s not surprising. However, the news is official now. [Oreo Twitter] [More]

Pumpkin Watch: Trident Also Has Pumpkin Spice Gum
Need something inedible and fall-flavored to chew on while you mourn the non-existence of pumpkin spice flavored condoms? There’s more than one pumpkin spice gum on the market. This Trident variety was spotted at Target, which is America’s Pumpkin Spice Central. A reader of The Impulsive Buy spotted it in the wild, One of their readers declares it to be acceptable: the flavor lasts 15-20 minutes if he chews two pieces. Assuming that what you want is for the flavor to last. Some people are into that kind of thing. [The Impulsive Buy] [More]

No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing
Here at Consumerist HQ, we were both intrigued and horrified when a plausible-looking mockup of a pumpkin spice flavored condom spent the weekend circulating around the Internet. If pumpkin spice gum and bacon condoms can exist, why not? Alas, the wrapper circulating online isn’t real, even though some people kind of want it to be. [More]

The Pumpkin Crème Brûlée Latte Is Now A Thing At Dunkin’ Donuts
It’s the last official week of summer, but did you think that America had reached peak pumpkin yet? Of course it hasn’t. Apparently the early lattes, pumpkin-flavored peanut butter, toaster strudels, and gum weren’t enough. Dunkin’ Donuts has raised the pumpkin stakes by offering pumpkin crème brûlée latte coffee drinks, and pumpkin mocha drinks. I don’t understand. [More]

Pumpkin Spice Gum Hits Shelves, Consumerist Editor’s Forehead Hits Desk
As Peak Pumpkin Spice approaches, eventually, food manufacturers will run out of items that they can inject real or artificial pumpkin flavoring and spices into. When that happens, we’ll end up with ridiculous things like pumpkin spice flavored gum. …Oh. Look at that. Well, flavor wizards, if we’re going there, how about some pumpkin spice toothpaste? I don’t like gum, but I would definitely buy that. Maybe some dental floss, while you’re at it? Mouthwash? [The Impulsive Buy] [More]