On Monday, Radio Shack will forever cease to be the retailer it once was, and will turn into something different as the result of a bankruptcy auction. Exactly what will emerge from the ashes depends on the bidders bellying up to bid on the chain’s remains. [More]
the final countdown

Retailers Extend Hours, Enable Last-Minute Christmas Shopping
If you celebrate Christmas, yet aren’t done with your shopping yet, don’t feel bad: the nation’s retailers are here to help you spend your money as the business days count down to the holiday. Some department and big-box stores are open around the clock, and online retailers will help you avoid human interaction while using express shipping to order gifts. [More]

Sony Killing Off Playstation Portable Video Game Console After 10 Years
Still got that Playstation Portable, aka the PSP? Clutch it tight if you treasure it, folks, because Sony says it won’t be making anymore. Instead, it’s focusing on the PSP’s successor to the mobile gaming throne, the Vita. [More]

12 Scams To Watch Out For During Tax Time
For the last several years, the IRS has released their Dirty Dozen list of tax scams, including schemes involving return preparer fraud, hiding income offshore and phishing. They recently posted the 2010 version on their website. [More]