When a 6-year-old Tampa Bay boy turned on his “new” PSP from Walmart there was a little something extra included. Lots and lots of porn!
Best Buy Threatens To Replace A $2200 Sony Laptop With An Asus EeePC
Is there a difference between a Sony TZ ultraportable laptop and an Asus Eee PC? Reader Ignacio bought Best Buy’s accidental damage protection plan for his $2200 Sony TZ laptop, and when he did, indeed, drop it — Best Buy threatened to replace it with a $600 Asus Eee PC, and finally decided to issue a $1200 gift card — the price of a 15″ Dell notebook. Fair?
Unboxed: Sony PSP Flog Lucky Golden Shit Awards
The lucky golden shit awards for the best flog of 2006 have arrived!
‘All I Want For Xmas Is A PSP’ Wins Best Flog 2006
Based on reader votes, we anoint Sony’s Alliwantforxmasisapsp as the best flog of 2006.
Announcing The Floggies
Since nobody should be allowed to move on from their mistakes, we’re holding a knife fight to see who had the “best” flog of 2006. We are pleased to announce… The Floggies.
We Reupload Fake Sony PSP Blog
We reuploaded the fake Sony PSP blog for your reference purpose pleasure. The new address is alliwantforxmasisapspflog.com.
PSP Flog Not Greg Meyerkord’s Fault
Greg Meyerkord, the man whose name appears on the PSP flog domain registration, has put up a website to debunk all the haters.
Greg Meyerkord Interviewed-ish
Reader Nolen decided to harass/contact Greg Meyerkord , the guy whose name appears on the PSP flog domain registration….
We Reupload Heinous PSP Flog Videos Sony Removed
UPDATE: The 807 comments that were on the Dancing Petey video, after the jump.
Meet The Douchebags Behind The Sony PSP Flog
We found the Myspace profiles for most of the the marketing douchebags who appear on the PSP flog, pretending that they are kids who want their parents to buy them a PSP for Christmas.
Sony’s PSP Blog Flog Revealed
We’re a day late and a dollar short to this story, but the forces of the internet outed a marketing company working for Sony for creating fake PSP blog.
Best Posts Ever, This Week
Our most popular posts this week that had nothing to do with retention policies or call centers.
Sony PSP: Racist?
The internets are burning, aflame with outrage over this allegedly racially charged campaign Sony launched in Amsterdam to intro the new white PSP. The argument seems to hinge around that showing a black person and white person together, in combat, is racist. Previously, the PSP was only available in black. We don’t particularly find the ad racist, or even that interesting, just another shiny TBWA drop of gloss.
Sony to Customers: Kill Others
Earlier, we here at the Consumerist were brave enough to tell you about a recent London subway PSP advertisement that gleefully encouraged Sony customers to kill themselves. We took the opportunity in reporting this to wonder whether or not Sony’s next subversive advertisement tact might be to encourage their customers to start killing people.