According to those ever-mysterious “people familiar with the matter,” the northeastern grocery chain Price Chopper is in “advanced talks” with national chain Albertsons in an acquisition deal. The acquisition could still fall through, but it would mean that the closely held grocer could have a new owner after more than 80 years as a mostly family-run company. [More]
price chopper

Report: Albertsons In Talks To Acquire Price Chopper, Expand To More States

Price Chopper Supplier Takes The Blame For Spate Of Undersized Lobsters In NY
After New York regulators cracked down on Price Chopper for selling under-sized lobsters, a wholesaler that supplies the grocery chain is taking the blame for the shrimpy crustaceans. [More]

NY Regulators Cracking Down On Sale Of Undersized Lobsters At Price Chopper Stores
It’s summer, and many people are no doubt jonesing for that seasonal favorite, the lobster roll. But in order to make sure there are enough lobsters to go around without depleting the crustacean population, there are laws regarding how big they have to be to be sold. And according to New York regulators, Price Chopper has had more than a few undersized lobsters for sale in the last few months. [More]

Here’s Some Fuzzy Pricing Math That Isn’t At Target
We began calling certain types of fuzzy pricing schemes “Target math” some years ago, since they turned up most often at Target stores. When this happens, unit pricing goes awry, and it costs more per unit to buy a larger quantity of the same thing. For example, when a two-pack of lotion costs almost a dollar more than two individual bottles. [More]

Nutty Nuggets And Panburger Partner: The Best Store-Brand Products You Submitted
At the beginning of this week, we took inspiration from reader Tom’s photo of a margarine tub, and asked our readers to send in your favorite funny store-brand product names. They could be fanciful or funny in their descriptive bluntness: they just had to be funny. You submitted plenty: let’s unload this grocery cart of amusement. [More]

East Coast Supermarket Chain Price Chopper Renaming Itself Market 32
Shoppers in six states used to making a quick run to the local Price Chopper will soon be frequenting a new supermarket, as the company behind the supermarket chain unveiled plans to rebrand and rename the stores Market 32. [More]

Police: Shoplifter Shoved Steak And Seafood Down Pants
Employees of a Price Chopper in Troy, N.Y. noticed something kind of strange in the wee hours of the morning: a customer stuffed steak and seafood in his pants, then walked out of the store. Police followed the man on a four-block car chase with lights and sirens, ultimately capturing him and the meats when he drove into a pole. [More]

Price Chopper's Ice Cream Is Always A Full Half-Gallon, Except When It Isn't
Northeastern grocery chain Price Chopper is one of the few companies around that still sells a full half-gallon of ice cream. None of this 1.75 or 1.5 quart shrink-rayed nonsense that you find at their competition, but a proper half gallon. You can’t blame them for bragging about this in stores and in their advertising materials. But Scott discovered where all of this bragging falls apart: Extreme Moose Tracks, which has a slightly smaller container than other flavors. Harbinger of shrinkage to come? Not quite. When he contacted Price Chopper, they explained that there’s a little less ice cream in that flavor’s container because of the amount of candy included. Guess it’s too extreme. [More]

Is That "Organic" Egg A Good Egg?
Not all organic eggs are created equal. While different cartons of eggs might all have the same “Organic! Yay!” label slapped on them, standards for what that means can vary from farm to farm. One might meet minimum USDA or Federal standards while another has no real outdoor access for the chickens to speak of. To help you navigate the bedeviling array of options, The Cornucopia Institute has created an Organic Egg Scorecard to rate farms on a 5-egg system. Small farms with lots of pasture for the chickens to frolic in rate highly, while eggs put out by Trader Joe’s, Kirkland, and Price Chopper only get a one egg rating. [More]

Price Chopper Supermarket Emails Customer's Employer, Demands Disciplinary Action For Negative Tweet
Last week, a customer at Price Chopper in upstate New York tweeted a relatively mild insult about the store: “Every time I go to @PriceChopperNY I realize why they r not @wegmans. Tonight -bare produce areas & this sign 4 ex” In return, Price Chopper contacted the man’s employer and complained about him. [More]

Man Spoils Price Chopper Opening By Stripping & Threatening To Kill People
Grand openings are occasionally not so grand, but that’s usually because of bad weather or poor turnout. It’s not usually due to a drunk shedding his clothes and hurling threats at employees. That is, unless you’re talking about the grand opening of the Price Chopper in Cromwell, CT, this week. [More]

Price Chopper Supermarket Offers Free Diabetes Drugs
Price Chopper locations with pharmacies will now offer free prescription diabetes medications such as metformin, glipizide and glyburide, as well as free lancets and lancing devices when you fill those prescriptions. They are giving away the free drugs as part of a “comprehensive integrated diabetes management program.” [More]

Big Brother Is Watching You Grocery Shop
Star fruit distributed by Melissa’s Produce between April 21 and May 5 is being recalled due to chemical residues. Mmmm. I’m having a hard time finding coverage of the recall itself, but one grocery store’s handling of the situation got my attention.