If you have two bags of potato chips with the same size packaging, containing the same weight of potato-based snacks, does it matter if one of those bags also contains more empty space? It does to two customers who have accused Wise of misleading shoppers by selling bags of snacks with lots of air. [More]
potato chips

When Does The Extra Space In Your Potato Chip Bag Go From Annoying To Deceptive?

More Snacks And Desserts Recalled Due To Potentially-Contaminated Milk Powder
Whenever you want to think about how complicated our food supply chains are, just look at all of the items that end up recalled across the country when one basic ingredient is potentially contaminated and recalled. Milk powder from one dairy co-op in Virginia has caused product recalls at stores ranging from Aldi to Williams-Sonoma. [More]

Lay’s Wants Me To Try Their New BBQ Chips, Sends Me Expired Coupon
In recent years, Frito-Lay has experimented with the flavors of its iconic Lay’s potato chips, giving consumers the chance to weigh in on what outlandish flavors — cappuccino, wasabi ginger, bacon mac and cheese — should be added to the company’s lineup for a limited time. More recently, the company has revamped its popular BBQ Lay’s — somehow adding a “burst of flavor.” And, in an attempt to entice customers to try the re-flavored snack, the company offered customers a coupon for a free bag of chips. Except, by the time the mailed coupons arrived, they were expired. [More]

Lay’s Reveals Relatively Tame “Do Us A Flavor” Potato Chip Contest Finalists
For better or worse, this is not the year of coffee-flavored potato chips: Lay’s announced its four finalists in the brand’s annual “Do Us A Flavor” contest, and all of them aren’t that far out of the snack box. [More]

Hardee’s/Carl’s Jr. Slaps A Hot Dog & Potato Chips On A Cheeseburger, Calls It “Most American Thickburger”
When it comes to stacking meat-upon-meat, pretty much nothing surprises us these days. So a hot dog on a hamburger? Pretty much inevitable (see: bacon on hamburgers). Adding potato chips? Sure, why not get it all done with at once. That’s the lineup for the Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s upcoming Most American Thickburger. [More]

Taco Bell Is Testing Potato Chip Nachos For Some Reason
Sure, nachos made from thick-cut potato “crisps” are nothing new, but we are kind of surprised to see them at Taco Bell. Maybe they’re preparing themselves for a bleak dystopian future where there is no more corn or flour to make tortillas from. Or they’re trying to create new and more appealing junk foods. [More]

Man Buys Bag Of Potato Chips, Finds Whole Potato Inside
While kits that encourage a do-it-yourself spirit are great, that isn’t what people expect when they buy a bag of potato chips. That’s why a man in England was surprised when he opened up his snack and discovered a ‘tater in its unprocessed form. Delicious? Sure. A convenient snack? Not so much. [More]

If Anyone Actually Liked Cappuccino Potato Chips, They’ll Be Bummed Wasabi Ginger Is Lay’s New Flavor
While it was noted during an unofficial, informal tasting of Lay’s trial of cappuccino-flavored potato chips by Consumerist’s Boss Meg a few months ago that the snack “tastes how the mall looks,” others out there might actually have liked the dusting of sweet, coffee-ish powder on chips. Those others, if you exist, are going to be quite bummed to learn that voters have instead chosen Wasabi Ginger as the newest Lay’s flavor. [More]

Lay’s Confirms Those Bright Green Chips Are Meant To Look Like That
Imagine you open up a bag of Lay’s Barbecue potato chips and, among the expected rust-colored discs of fried tubers you find a pair of bright green chips that look like some sort of St. Patrick’s Day gimmick. Turns out these chips are supposed to look like that; they just shouldn’t have ended up in your bag. [More]

Cappuccino-Flavored Potato Chips Are Heading To Stores Whether You Want To Eat Them Or Not
You reap what you sow, which means whoever out there suggested that it would be a great idea to make cappuccino-flavored potato chips has turned that freaky bit of frankenfood fantasy into reality. [More]

I Report A Plastic Thingy In My Snack Bag, Utz Showers Me In Chips
When Kevin found a foreign object in his bag of Utz chips, he wasn’t after a freebie or about to sue for pain and suffering. He just wanted to let the company know. He couldn’t find an e-mail address, so he messaged the company using Facebook. He didn’t expect to hear back from a company VP, or to have his twist tie-filled chip bag replaced twelve times over. [More]

Irish Snack Fans Can’t Get Enough Cheese And Onion Potato Chip-Flavored Chocolate Bars
Even though this is America, we are not the top country as far as wacky and amazing snack foods go. No, that would probably be Japan. But Ireland is making a serious run at the title, since their citizens are currently going mad for chocolate bars flavored with bits of cheese and onion potato chips. [More]

Behold The Magical Potato Chip Machine
Potatoes enter a factory as dirt-covered round brown things, and leave as potato chips. What kind of mysterious magic happens to them in between? Two reporters from NPR’s Planet Money team visited a Herr’s potato chip factory to find out what happens to turn vegetables into bags of delicious oil-filled snacks, and how that process has changed over the decades that the factory has been in operation. [More]

Pepsi Marinated Chicken Wings & 3 Other Potato Chip Flavors We’d Have To Be Drunk To Try
Sometimes it feels like every other country is having so much fun with their snacks and fast food while we’re just stuck with the ho-hum normal flavors of the West. Sour cream and onion-flavored potato chips? Fine, that’s tasty. BUT SO BORING. We can’t help but be jealous of countries like China, which has a vast array of Frito-Lay potato chips that come in flavors like “Pepsi Marinated Chicken Wings.” What in the what now? That has to be fun. [More]

Beware The Fraudulent Doritos Coupon
Frito-Lay is warning consumers to watch out for fake free bags of Doritos coupons being distributed via email. If you are an unsuspecting victim of this subterfuge and receive the coupon in your inbox, watch out! You might get to check out and not be able to get a free bag of Doritos with a value of up to $5. Here’s how you spot the real deal and the phonies, just like Holden Caulfield: [More]

Lay's Chip Tracker Helps You Find The Source Of Your Salty Snacks
Do you lie awake at night, wondering where the potatoes in the bag of Lay’s chips you downed while watching “Dancing With the Stars” were grown? No, neither do most sane people. However, our alert colleagues over at ShopSmart magazine have discovered the Lay’s Chip Tracker, which can tell you the potato source based on the bag’s production code. No, seriously.

PopChips: Turning Loyal Customers Into Cult-Like Snack Food Following
If you’re wondering how to build a cult-like following for your product, take some lessons from snack company Popchips. In this case, a small amount of free stuff went a very, very long way.

Potato Chips: Now With Fewer Carcinogens!
Four major potato chip makers have agreed to use less of the carcinogen Acrylamide under a settlement with the California Attorney General’s office. Frito-Lay, Heinz, Kettle Foods, and Lance Inc. also agreed to pay a $3 million fine for flouting state laws that require companies to place warning labels on products with carcinogens.