Wherever Pokémon Go players roam, it seems there’s bound to be someone who doesn’t want anything to do with the virtual creatures. Like in France, where the mayor of one village wants to banish the “anarchical settlement” of Pokémon Go characters that have taken up residence in his “territory.” [More]

Daycare Gets Itself Removed From Pokémon Go After Too Many Strangers Show Up
Add daycare businesses to the list of places that would rather not have swarms of Pokémon Go players showing up every day: a New Hampshire child care center successfully got removed from the game after its status as a “gym” prompted strangers to pop up in the parking lot a bit too often. [More]

New Jersey Man Sues Over Pokemon Go Placing Critters In His Lawn Without Permission
The augmented-reality game Pokémon Go took the world by surprise over the last month with its popularity. That’s not very good news for people who have discovered that their homes or spots nearby are Pokéstops or gyms, spots where players might walk past to gather free items, or gather to battle their characters. Now one man who is tired of telling people that they can’t catch Pokémon in his backyard has filed a suit that seeks class action status. [More]

New York Will Bar Sex Offenders On Parole From Playing Pokémon Go
In an effort to keep sex offenders on parole from taking advantage of games like Pokémon Go to gain access to children, New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo says that population won’t be allowed to play the mobile game. [More]

Pokémon Go Creators Removing Some Locations In Effort To Be “Respectful” Of Reality
Since Pokémon Go launched earlier this month, the mobile game has sent out into the world in droves, seeking Pokemon, as well as “Pokéstops,” where they can stock up on Pokéballs. But those stops and gyms are all real life locations — and some of the people who live or work there aren’t exactly pleased with the new crowds. [More]

Driver Who Sideswiped Police Cruiser While Playing Pokémon Go: “That’s What I Get”
Police in Baltimore are adding to the chorus of law enforcement everywhere, urging folks to put down Pokémon Go while they’re driving after a man distracted by the game sideswiped an empty police cruiser. [More]

Nintendo Is Now Worth More Than Sony And Has Pokémon Go To Thank
It’s been quite a good month for Nintendo, all because of this game you may have heard of, Pokémon Go. The company’s worth has more than doubled since the mobile game launched on July 6, sending its worth climbing past that of its fellow Japanese company, Sony, in short order. [More]

Reminder: Selling Or Buying A Pokémon Go Account Counts As Cheating
Although it might be tempting to make a few bucks off the stable of rare or valuable Pokémon you’ve collected so far in Pokémon Go by selling your account, according to game maker Niantic’s player guidelines, that’s cheating. [More]

Pokémon Go Launches In 26 Countries, Servers Promptly Start Crashing
Until this past weekend, Pokémon Go was only available in a few countries, including the U.S. So when Niantic and Nintendo finally launched the mega popular mobile game in 26 more countries on Saturday, players were probably super excited… and then servers started crashing, causing more headaches than monster-catching glee. [More]

T-Mobile Will Provide Customers Unlimited Pokémon Go Data Until Fad Dies, Or August 2017
While the suddenly popular mobile game Pokemon Go doesn’t gobble data in the same way as streaming music or video, it does use more data than just wandering around not hunting for imaginary creatures. That’s why T-Mobile is joining the party and giving Pokémon trainers unlimited data within the app for more than a year as its next promotion for T-Mobile Tuesdays. [More]

This Is What Can Happen When You Play Pokémon Go While Driving
For anyone who thinks that warnings like this one from AAA to not play Pokémon Go while driving aren’t necessary, just look at what happened to a New York guy’s car after he peeked at his Pokémon for just a second behind the wheel. [More]

Walmart Employees On Break Play Pokémon Go Outside Of Store, Catch Burglar Instead
You know how it goes: you’re hanging out with your co-workers on a break, and while playing a game on your phone to pass the time, you foil a burglar who was trying to rip off your employer. That’s what police say happened at an Illinois Walmart, where employees were playing Pokémon Go during a break, and caught a thief instead of a mini-monster. [More]

Sen. Al Franken Has A Few Questions About Pokemon Go’s Access To Personal Data
As people wander around with their smartphones out (but don’t drive) playing Pokemon Go, some people have concerns about the data that the game collects. After all, it’s installed on our smartphones, which are full of very personal information, and gathers information about real-world locations that we visit. That combination of information could be dangerous in the wrong hands, and Senator Al Franken of Minnesota is here to make sure users of new technology stay safe, just as he did when the Oculus Rift was released. [More]

How To Avoid Shady Third-Party Apps Piggybacking On Popularity Of Pokémon Go
Amid the crowds of roving Pokémon Go players out there following virtual monsters around with their phones, there are likely some who might be interested in downloading third-party or ancillary apps to help you in your quest. But like with any popular tech phenomenon, there could be dark forces lurking out there, shady apps that you should avoid. [More]

While You Collect Pokémon, Pokémon Go Collects Your Data
Even if you aren’t playing Pokemon Go, you know people — probably a lot of people — who are. And that means you, and your friends, should keep an eye on the permissions the popular app wants to access on your phone. [More]

What Happens When Pokémon Go Turns Your House Into A Gym
The world is still new to this Pokémon Go thing, Nintendo’s mobile game that has seen instant success since its release last week and sent players stumbling around in public with their smartphones out. But of course, there are bound to be things that go a bit funny in any game, like when Pokémon Go thinks your house is a gym for training all the virtual creatures people have captured. [More]