Wherever Pokémon Go players roam, it seems there’s bound to be someone who doesn’t want anything to do with the virtual creatures. Like in France, where the mayor of one village wants to banish the “anarchical settlement” of Pokémon Go characters that have taken up residence in his “territory.” [More]
get off my lawn

New Jersey Man Sues Over Pokemon Go Placing Critters In His Lawn Without Permission
The augmented-reality game Pokémon Go took the world by surprise over the last month with its popularity. That’s not very good news for people who have discovered that their homes or spots nearby are Pokéstops or gyms, spots where players might walk past to gather free items, or gather to battle their characters. Now one man who is tired of telling people that they can’t catch Pokémon in his backyard has filed a suit that seeks class action status. [More]

Town Creates “Do Not Knock” Registry To Keep Away Unwanted Solicitors
In a move that would’ve had the Fuller Brush Man and his fellow door-to-door salesmen fuming 60 years ago, a town in Michigan has created a “Do Not Knock” registry to keep annoying solicitors from banging doors and ringing bells. But then what about my “Go away, punk!” doorbell sound? [More]

Teenagers Decide New Cool Thing To Do Is Make Copycat Airline Bomb Threats On Twitter
I don’t envy teenagers — it’s just so hard to keep up with the coolest trends. Like are we still saying “for shizzle?” Are high fives acceptable? But if all your friends started tweeted fake bomb threats to American Airlines just because one Dutch girl did, would you throw yourself off that cliff, too? [More]

Neighborhood Residents Can’t Get Mail Delivered Because Of One Chihuahua
In the latest round of that ancient fight between man and beast that is the tense relationship mail carriers have with residents’ dogs, a Chihuahua (to be fair, a Chihuahua mix) is effectively holding one neighborhood hostage. The United States Postal Service says the local mail carrier can’t deliver mail to a block in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, because the little dog’s reign of terror makes it impossible to do so. [More]

Slap-Happy Pappy Pleads Guilty To Punching Kids At Walmart
It seems like, oh about three weeks ago that we wrote about the grandfather who was arrested for punching kids in the head while their parents weren’t looking at an Ohio Walmart. In an update to that story, the slap-happy grandpappy has decided that, because it’s not a little kid, he won’t fight the legal system and has pleaded guilty. [More]