

How To Make Pizza At Home That Won’t Be Horrible

You’ve got all your favorite toppings assembled, the cheese is waiting to be melted and the dough is ready to go. But no matter what you do, making pizza at home can be disappointing when compared to the pies served up at restaurants. It seems so simple — so why do homemade efforts often fall so short of expectations? [More]


Domino’s Offering 50% Off All Pizzas Ordered Online Through March 22

Because sitting in front of the TV watching basketball game after basketball game can really get your appetite worked up, Domino’s is trying to capitalize on March Madness by offering a 50% discount on all pizzas ordered online this week. [More]

‘Breaking Bad’ Creator: If You’re Throwing Pizza On Walter White’s Albuquerque House, You’re A “Jagoff”

‘Breaking Bad’ Creator: If You’re Throwing Pizza On Walter White’s Albuquerque House, You’re A “Jagoff”

So you think you’re a Breaking Bad fan, huh? Well if you’re one of the people tossing pizza on the roof of Walter White’s home in Albuquerque, show creator Vince Gilligan has got some pointed words for you. [More]

(me and the sysop)

Theft Of Truck Trailer Prevents Multiple Tons Of Mozzarella From Achieving Delicious Pizza Fate

Admittedly, a truck full of cheese would be a tempting sight for many, yours truly included. But some dastardly villain took things a step too far, swiping a tractor-trailer filled with multiple tons of mozzarella cheese, keeping it from heading off into the delicious pizza sunset it was destined for. That’s just wrong. [More]


The War On Pizza Will Be Fought With Lobbyists

Did you know that there are lobbyists for the important, quintessentially American cause of…pizza? Every part of the industry from family-owned pizzerias to companies that sell mass-produced frozen pizza sheets destined for school lunch trays has people schmoozing members of Congress on its behalf. Their greatest enemies? Nutritional labeling and Michelle Obama. [More]

This is what fries look like, sometimes. (Dyanna Hyde)

Police In New Hampshire Town Issuing Tickets Good For Free Pizza And French Fries

I’m halfway out the door already: Police in a New Hampshire town are rewarding residents for good behavior by issuing them with tickets that are good for free pizza and French fries. I repeat: FREE PIZZA AND FRENCH FRIES. [More]

Adam A. Koch

Visa And Pizza Hut Want You To Order And Pay For Pizza With Your Car

Have you ever had one of those days where you just want pizza to come to you as easily as possible, using as few tools to procure said pizza as possible? Then you might be into a new concept from Visa and Pizza Hut, that wants to get drivers to order and pay for their pizza without ever leaving their cars — or picking up their smartphones, for that matter. [More]

Watch Unhappy Little Caesars Customer Throw Register, Display Case At Employee

Watch Unhappy Little Caesars Customer Throw Register, Display Case At Employee

While the recent McDonald’s employee meltdown had a certain nihilistic joy to it, with the fired worker made a calamitous exit but in a way that didn’t really put anyone at risk, this footage from a Little Caesars here in Philadelphia is downright terrifying as an angry customer attempts to attack an employee with everything he can get his hands on. [More]

Little Caesars has wrapped a pizza in bacon. Behold.

Little Caesars Makes Internet-Ready, Bacon-Wrapped Pizza

What’s the fastest way for a fast food purveyor to make news online? Slap some bacon on whatever they’re selling. Or in the case of Little Caesars, wrap 3.5 feet of bacon around it. [More]

When Pizza Hut Loses Your Order, Don’t Drive Your Car Into The Building

When Pizza Hut Loses Your Order, Don’t Drive Your Car Into The Building

Here’s the latest from the To-Go Food Overreaction File: Police in New York arrested a woman yesterday for smashing her car into a Pizza Hut after the eatery reportedly lost her order. [More]

(Paxton Holley)

Police: Georgia’s Pizza Hut Fugitive Captured In Indiana

The prison inmate who managed to give his guards the slip while they were stopped at a Pizza Hut grabbing food in Georgia has been nabbed in Indiana, police say. Considering that’s where he was headed anyway, it all kind of works out, doesn’t it? [More]


Iggy Izalea Not So Pleased To Hear From Papa John’s Delivery Guy’s Family After Placing Order For Pizza

Everyone needs pizza, even if you’re a Grammy-nominated rap artist. And it’s understandable that to successfully have said pizza delivered, you’d have to give out your phone number. Which is fine by Iggy Azalea, but she’s none too pleased that her Papa John’s delivery guy apparently then handed out her digits to his admiring family members. [More]


Pizza Shop Customer Sends Owner Letter Apologizing For Writing Bad Check In 2002, Encloses Money Order

While there are many bad consumers in the world, there are also those out there who recognize they haven’t done the right thing, and seek to make amends, even if it’s years later. That’s how it went down for a pizza shop owner who was surprised to find a letter in the mail from a customer who’d written a bad check in 2002 — and enclosed a money order to make up for it. [More]

(Marc Wathieu)

Super Bowl Weekend Is The Big Show For Pizza Box Manufacturers

Did you know that there’s a pizza season? Pizzerias say that their business picks up in October, and the bump lasts through the NCAA tournament in March. 12.5 million pizzas are ordered on Super Bowl Sunday alone. Supporting all of that delivery business in a very literal sense is a crucial American industry: the factories that make pizza boxes. [More]

Chipotle’s Non-Burrito Pizzeria Concept Expands Eastward

Chipotle’s Non-Burrito Pizzeria Concept Expands Eastward

For the last couple of years, Chipotle has been playing around with pizza at the few Pizzeria Locale eateries it has in Colorado. But now the eatery is looking to the east and seeing there are hungry mouths to feed in the Kansas City area, where another Locale is set to open this summer. [More]

Crowdfunding Page Seeking Tips For Pizza Delivery Guy Hits $20K In Donations

Crowdfunding Page Seeking Tips For Pizza Delivery Guy Hits $20K In Donations

He didn’t get the $7 tip he was forced to return for delivering pizzas, but now it seems a pizzeria worker who was stiffed the first time around by a Massachusetts car dealership will be doing just fine: A GoFundMe campaign set up by a stranger who saw the video and was outraged has hit $20,600 (as of Friday afternoon) in donations in just two days. [More]

Car Dealership Workers Demand Pizza Delivery Guy Return His Tip, And The Internet Is Displeased

Car Dealership Workers Demand Pizza Delivery Guy Return His Tip, And The Internet Is Displeased

Everybody wants to go viral, but for workers at one car dealership in Massachusetts the dream of Internet popularity went totally awry after a video posted online appears to show employees stiffing the pizza delivery guy out of his tip. [More]


Pizzeria Lets Customers Donate Extra Slices To Homeless And Hungry Visitors

Back in 2013, we had some misgivings about a message spreading around Facebook that explained the idea of the suspended coffee, and urged people to spread the idea and the idea of donating free coffees to the needy all over the world. Since then, the idea has taken off in some places, including a pizzeria in Philadelphia where customers have bought more than 8,400 slices for homeless and hungry people who stop by. [More]