Here’s the latest from the To-Go Food Overreaction File: Police in New York arrested a woman yesterday for smashing her car into a Pizza Hut after the eatery reportedly lost her order. [More]
life lessons

Judge Orders Bank Of America To Pay $10K/Month If It Wants To Keep Hassling Couple
Here’s how inept Bank of America is. Not only did the bank ignore the fact that a couple’s mortgage debt had been discharged in bankruptcy, continuing to harass them for a debt they no longer owed, it also ignored messages from the bankruptcy court judge. That is until after the judge imposed a $10,000/month sanction on the bank. [More]

Angry Mom Punishes Daughters, Makes Profit, By Auctioning Off Their One Direction Tickets
I’m not a parent, but I do remember being a horrible teenager and occasionally being yelled at by my much put-upon mother. Like most parents, there were times when she took items and privileges away from me as punishment, but I don’t think she ever made a hefty profit off me by selling anything — and venting angrily — on eBay. [More]
Family Resorts To Public Humiliation To Stop Teen From Stealing
What’s a parent to do with a sticky-fingered teenager who keeps stealing things from other family members? For one Memphis family, the answer was to make that teen stand on a busy street corner holding up a “I steal from my family” sign. [More]