Reader Eric wants everyone to know that Logitech has great customer service. We’ve heard this before, but here’s some more evidence. [More]
phone numbers

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service
Got a Verizon complaint wireless complaint that’s not getting anywhere? Live in the Northeast? Monica is your gal. [More]

Reach FedEx Executive Customer Service
Fredrick Smith- CEO
Fax 901-818-7570
Carmine Echols – Executive Assistant to CEO
FedEx Corporation
942 South Shady Grove Rd.
Memphis, TN 38120

Reach Chase Executive Offices For Mortgage Modifications
Here is a fun-pack of executive escalation contact info you can use if you’re trying to get Chase to modify your mortgage. With the bureaucracy and indifference staring you down, you’ll need every vector you can get your hands on. [More]

Lowe's Is Totally Hitting On Me And Other Customers
Steve was taken aback when Lowe’s asked him and other customers for their phone numbers as they were checking out. [More]

Reach Countrywide Executive Customer Service
Here is some Countrywide executive customer service info. Even though Bank of America acquired Countrywide, some of this contact info is still valid. Former Countrywide customers who experiencing post-integration account difficulties have reported success using it. [More]

Reach Acer Executive Customer Service Agent Monique
Monique: 254-298-4490. She’ll take care of you.
PREVIOUSLY: Reach Acer Executive Customer Service

Google Opens Phone Support For Nexus One Customers
Hey look, Google has finally decided to take selling smartphones seriously! After initially trying to treat Nexus One owners like Gmail users who’d locked themselves out of their accounts, the company finally admitted it might be good to have actual people on hand for troubleshooting. If you’ve got a Nexus One problem that T-Mobile can’t solve, call 888-486-3987 (888-48NEXUS). The line is open from 7am-10pm ET. [More]

Reach Acer Executive Customer Service
Acer’s customer service is so horrible that even if you manage to escalate to their corporate and executive offices, you may not get anywhere. But if you’d like to try anyway, here’s a phone number and executive emails that may work: [More]

Reach AT&T Executive Customer Service
Got an impossible issue with AT&T wireless? After trying and failing with the regular customer service, you can try this gal who works in the AT&T Office of the President.
Gina Cain
866-220 8446 ext.1047

Reach Chase Executive Customer Service
Here’s another Chase Executive Customer Service contact to add to our collection: [More]

Reach HSBC Executive Customer Service
HSBC Card & Retail Services
James R. Lane
Vice President, Executive Resolutions

Reach American Airlines Customer Service
American Airlines unpublished customer service number is 817-963-1234. Press 00 and say “agent” to get an operator. Don’t press 3, because that’s just a trick. [More]

Keep These Numbers Handy If You're Cooking A Turkey
Are you cooking a turkey, but not accustomed to baking and carving entire animals? You’re not alone, and there are hotlines full of helpful and knowledgeable people ready to help you with any and all poultry crises. Or other food safety issues.
There’s also an app for that–the interactive Turkey Timer iPhone application is on sale for $1.99 today (regular price $2.99). It reminds you when to baste, tells you how long until the turkey is cooked, and even estimates the internal temperature of your bird. (Warning: do not insert iPhone inside turkey.)