Kyle just emailed us a recap of his successful haggling adventure at Target this past weekend. If you’re afraid to try haggling at a big chain store, check out his story for an example of how to make it pleasant for all parties involved; the goal is to approach it as a negotiation where everyone wins, not as a zero-sum competition. [More]
personal finance

Starwood American Express Card Hikes Annual Fee To $65
The annual fee for the Starwood American Express card is going up from $45 to $65. Is it worth the price to pay for the right to use a credit card? [More]

Rare Superman Comic Saves Home From Foreclosure
See through walls, bounce bullets off his chest, save homes from foreclosure, is there anything the man of steel can’t do? [More]

What's Your Net Worth?
You can’t get where you’re going if you don’t know where you are. In order to accomplish your long-term financial goals, like saving up for travel, a home, or starting your own business, you should sit down and assess your net worth. [More]

Don't End Up In Jail For Debt
Friend of the show Caveat Emptor has advice on how to not get thrown in jail for your debts. (Yes, this is happening in America). [More]

Mortgage Broker Told Me To Open Up A Bunch Of Credit Cards, Should I?
One of our readers is looking to buy a house and his mortgage broker suggested that he open up about four credit cards to establish some credit history. Should he? [More]

Personal Finance Roundup
Try as Investors Might, So Much Depends on Chance [Wall Street Journal] “Investors saving for retirement can find mutual funds that invest in almost any kind of asset, but they can’t buy the one thing that will have the biggest impact on their nest egg: luck.”
How to Cut Your Textbook Costs in Half — or More [Kiplinger] “Students have plenty of more-affordable options than the campus bookstore.”
30 ways to save money on a cruise [Smart Spending] “Cruise lines use every means at their disposal to get you to spend more. Here’s how to avoid the traps.”
Why spend $300 a night for a hotel? [CNN Money] “Why spend so much, when you can rent a place, swap houses, or arrange a home stay for a lot less?”
The good life is not only about money [MarketWatch “In difficult financial times, having a sense of purpose is key to staying happy.”

Get Customers To Sign Up For Overdraft Fees Or Get Fired
One of our readers is a bank teller branch manager and he feels queasy. His bank is making him trick customers into signing back up for overdraft fees, and if he doesn’t, he’ll get fired. [More]

Paypal's New Security Card Fits Inside Wallet
Like the idea of the Paypal security key fob, which auto-generates a 6-digit code that must be entered every time you use your Paypal account, but not so hot on its bulky shape? This year Paypal introduced a credit-card sized design that fits inside your wallet. [More]

Crooks Crack Check Image Sites, Steal $9 Million
Know how when you go into your online checking account you can click on checks that you’ve written and see the scanned image of them? Well, those pictures have to be stored somewhere, and they’re not always secure. Russian crooks broke into three sites that store archival check images, stole the information, and wrote over $9 million in phony checks against over 1,200 accounts. [More]

Guy Hacks ATM To Spew Money, Play Music
Whether it’s a steel door or an encrypted network, thieves are always finding ways to break down the barriers that protect money. And the new technologies are also enabling bank robbers to invent new ways to jack cash with flair and razzle dazzle. Exhibit A, a security researcher at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas demonstrates on-stage how one can remotely hack an ATM to make it spew money while playing a lively tune. [More]

10 State Taxes That May Be Coming Your Way
As states scramble to fill coffers, lawmakers are getting creative in dreaming up new ways to tax you. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup
Two Mind Hacks to Lower Your Expenses [Free Money Finance] “Two mind hacks that will make you look at money differently from this day forward.”
7 Secrets to a Happy Retirement [US News] “Seven traits happy retirees share.”
Which college grads snag the best salaries [CNN Money] “Attending school in California and becoming an engineering major can really pay off for college graduates — by thousands of dollars a year.”
Financial Aid 101: How to get more cash [MSN Money] “Even well-off families may find they’re expected to pay more for college than they can really afford. But with the right financial moves, they can qualify for more aid.”
24 Top Legitimate Home-Based Business Ideas & Opportunities [ChristianPF] “Even if you don’t have aspirations of working full-time from home, having a little supplemental income would be nice – wouldn’t it?”

How To Talk Yourself Out Of Unnecessary Buys
The moment before you make the final decision on whether or not to make a questionable purchase, your money makes one last plea to stay in your wallet rather than be traded for something superfluous. [More]

Deflate Puffed-Up Medical Bills With A Phone Call
The New York Times Bucks blog talks up a medical bill negotiation tactic that saves people who are in the know thousands of dollars. The secret: Pick up the phone and ask the billing department guy how much he’ll take off your bill if you pay in full immediately. [More]

Five Things To Do Before Losing Your Wallet
Look, it’s going to happen eventually. Whether it’s pickpockets or carelessness, you’re going to lose your wallet. When you do, you’ll be glad you took these five steps to make recovery simple and painless. [More]

Coupon Use At Record High
According to a new report from coupon marketing company NCH, the volume of coupons redeemed rose about 8% from a year ago, and marked the seventh consecutive quarter of growth. The report also indicates that manufacturers are increasing the value of coupons but moving up the expiration dates. [More]