How To Talk Yourself Out Of Unnecessary Buys

The moment before you make the final decision on whether or not to make a questionable purchase, your money makes one last plea to stay in your wallet rather than be traded for something superfluous.
Well-Heeled Blog deals out some tips on how to psyche yourself out from making purchases that will lead to buyer’s remorse.
Here is some of the best advice from the post:
* Force yourself to calculate how many hours you had to work to make enough money for the purchase.
* Make yourself wait 24 hours, come back and see how bad you “need” the item.
* Run through your personal inventory and determine whether or not you already own something that’s an apt substitute for the proposed purchase.
*Ask yourself whether or not the money you’d be using could serve you better if put toward a different financial goal.
What do you do to talk yourself off the ledge of financial foolishness?
How to Talk Yourself Out of Buying and Spending? [Well-Heeled Blog]
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