Today was the first day of the federal court hearing where Staples and Office Depot are making their cases about whether a proposed merger of the two companies would be beneficial to or terrible for consumers. Today, both sides made their opening arguments. The FTC is concerned about possible price hikes for consumers, and the two office supply companies are concerned that Amazon is going to crush them. [More]
office max

Office Depot Will Open For 3 Hours On Thanksgiving Day
In another blow for that holiday that we used to call “Thanksgiving,” the newly merged Office Depot and OfficeMax will open for a few hours on Thanksgiving Day, delivering doorbusters to the masses from 6 PM to 9 PM, closing again until 12:01 AM on Friday. [More]

Office Depot Shuttering 400 Stores, Because No One Wants To Compete Against Themselves
Are too many office supplies a bad thing? Apparently so for Office Depot and Office Max. As the merger of the two companies gets underway an overlap of stores in the same areas means some stores will be closing their doors. [More]

How Much Did I Save If I Don’t Buy Anything?
Whenever I throw away a coupon or decide not to take advantage of a sale, I tell myself that I’m saving more money by not buying the item in the first place. That is not exactly the approach that OfficeMax took when adding up the items in Tod’s cart. [More]

Office Max Shuts Down Due To Power Outage That’s Already Over
Kaleb has the bad fortune (maybe) to live in a part of the Midwest where it snowed at the beginning of May this year. The storm was so bad that it led to a power outage, and the power outage led to some businesses closing. While the power was out. In the case of one Office Max, every business around them was bustling with activity while they remained closed.
It was the sign on the door of the fully lit store saying that the closure was due too [sic] the power outage that really got to Kaleb. [More]

Should OfficeMax And Office Depot Just Merge Already?
Unemployment is still up, and companies are doing more and more paperless business as time passes. So does the United States really need three competing big-box office supply retailers? The company that holds the most shares of Office Depot doesn’t think so, and most experts agree. Merging two smaller chains that people mix up anyway and that have one very large competitor should be a no-brainer. [More]

Survey: Barely Half Of E-Mails To Major Retailers Receive Adequate Responses
If you’ve ever written an e-mail to a retailer and either never received a reply or received one that did not adequately answer your question, you’re not alone. In fact, according to a new survey, retailers only provided complete responses to customers’ e-mails 54% of the time. [More]

Office Max Proudly Advertises Their Fuzzy Pricing Math
This fuzzy math that Laurie found at Office Max seems like your everyday pricing error– a stupid sign posted by bored and underpaid worker who doesn’t bother to question authority. But look deeper. That sign says “As advertised.” That means that Office Max put out a circular or other advertisement bragging that they’re selling correction tape for one cent more than they normally do. Grab your coat, honey! We can’t possibly miss this once-in-a-lifetime sale! [More]

Secret Phone Numbers And Email Addresses To Reach Executives At 101+ Companies
Inside, email addresses, phone numbers, and addresses for over 100 different companies to inject your customer service complaints into their corporate executive offices, and get it well on the way to success.
Morning Deals
- WarCry: Free Warhammer Online Beta 10 days
- Amazon: Kitchen deals for under $7, all eligible for 4 for 3 promotion
- Logitech G51 Gaming Speakers for $71.99 Shipped After Rebate
Highlights From Buxr
- Deal Extreme: Rechargeable Digital Pin-hole Spy Camera + USB Drive Disgused as Working Pen for $35.53 w/ Free shipping
- HP Home : New stackable Laptop coupon, up to $350 off $999 w/ coupon code NB3325
- OfficeMax: Oscillating 16″ Pedestal Fan for $7.99 + $7.95 Shipping
Highlights From Dealhack
- OfficeMax: Olympus FE-320 8MP Digital Camera $120 Shipped
- Shoebuy: Pay via PayPal & Save $20 off Shoe Orders of $50+ and get Free Shipping
- Bike Nashbar: Save 10%, 15%, or 20% off Entire Order with Coupon Discounts

13 Email Addresses For An Office Max EECB
In case your efforts to deal with Office Max customer service fail, and you’ve escalated to a supervisor, here are 13 working email addresses you can use to send off an EECB.

Greg's Office Max Freakout
This guy on San Fran’s “Woody Show” goes into Office Max, twice, and loses his shit after every item he brings up to the counter rings up higher than its shelf-price. Not only does no one seem to care, one employee even insinuates that the complainant might be partially at fault for Office Max’s inability to shelve things in the right place. Neither disc jockey, producer, crazed customer, Office Max employees number 1 and 2, nor Office Max Manager seem to realize that if the item is found on the store shelves under a certain price, as long as the description matches the product, the store has to honor the price. It’s the law. In addition to a an amusing radio clip and animation, The Woody Show also has material here for a complaint to their state’s Attorney General. Video, inside…

OfficeMax Black Friday Ad
OfficeMax boasts the skimpiest lineup of Black Friday sale items we’ve seen to date.
Dear Diary: Today I Went to Best Buy
Gus went shopping today at Best Buy and decided to write us. It’s not a rant, not necessarily a complaint and probably won’t make you a better person.

OfficeMax says, “No Evidence of Security Breach”
“Following an extensive review of its security systems, OfficeMax says it has no reason to believe it was the company that suffered the data breach that resulted in thousands of cases of debit card fraud,” in a CNET report pointed to us by reader John.