Although AT&T executives initially dismissed technical issues that popped up during the early days of DirecTV Now as no big deal, the company’s top tech executive admits now that the company wasn’t prepared to deal with the streaming service’s rapid growth. [More]
Too Much of a good thing

Reminder: Chugging Too Much Eggnog Will Not Bear A Pleasant Result
Eggnog has gotten a bad reputation over the years. And it’s understandable — the stuff is a combination of delicious holiday drink and very very bad idea for the next day. Even without alcohol, eggnog packs a whopping, creamy punch. So when you chug a quart of eggnog in about 12 seconds, things are not going to go well. [More]

Office Depot Shuttering 400 Stores, Because No One Wants To Compete Against Themselves
Are too many office supplies a bad thing? Apparently so for Office Depot and Office Max. As the merger of the two companies gets underway an overlap of stores in the same areas means some stores will be closing their doors. [More]