Wherever Pokémon Go players roam, it seems there’s bound to be someone who doesn’t want anything to do with the virtual creatures. Like in France, where the mayor of one village wants to banish the “anarchical settlement” of Pokémon Go characters that have taken up residence in his “territory.” [More]

Couple’s Lawsuit Claims Pokémon Go Has Made Their Neighborhood Unsafe
Pokémon Go has changed not only the way the game’s players see the world — a virtual landscape filled with collectible monsters — but it’s also changed the way other people experience it, as well. Like the couple suing Niantic and Nintendo, claiming that their formerly quiet neighborhood has been made unsafe with all the rampaging hordes of Pokémon Go players. [More]

Reminder: Selling Or Buying A Pokémon Go Account Counts As Cheating
Although it might be tempting to make a few bucks off the stable of rare or valuable Pokémon you’ve collected so far in Pokémon Go by selling your account, according to game maker Niantic’s player guidelines, that’s cheating. [More]

Pokémon Go Launches In 26 Countries, Servers Promptly Start Crashing
Until this past weekend, Pokémon Go was only available in a few countries, including the U.S. So when Niantic and Nintendo finally launched the mega popular mobile game in 26 more countries on Saturday, players were probably super excited… and then servers started crashing, causing more headaches than monster-catching glee. [More]

Nintendo Announces $60 “Mini NES” That Includes 30 Classic Games
In a move that will please countless 30- and 40-something gamers who remember the days of pounding out not-so-secret cheat codes on their controllers, Nintendo has announced plans to release a downsized version of its classic NES gaming console — complete with 30 games to warm the cockles of your (possibly aging) nostalgic heart. [More]

What Happens When Pokémon Go Turns Your House Into A Gym
The world is still new to this Pokémon Go thing, Nintendo’s mobile game that has seen instant success since its release last week and sent players stumbling around in public with their smartphones out. But of course, there are bound to be things that go a bit funny in any game, like when Pokémon Go thinks your house is a gym for training all the virtual creatures people have captured. [More]

7 Things We Learned About The Insta-Popular Pokémon Go
The other day, someone caught a Pokémon on my couch and I was flabbergasted, and a little terrified. What is this suddenly very popular Pokémon Go phenomenon, with the power to send reasonable humans out into the world to catch critters in an augmented reality viewable through smart phones? [More]

Science Says: Video Games May Improve Cognitive Abilities In Multiple Sclerosis Patients
“Video games will rot your brain,” is something I used to hear as a child. It’s not true, and in fact a newly published study claims that some video games may actually be helpful for the more than 2 million people around the world with Multiple Sclerosis. [More]

GameStop Wants You To Trade In All Those Dusty, “Retro” Consoles, Games & Accessories
Nostalgia is all well and good, but it won’t change that dust-coated Nintendo you’ve had sitting around into anything useful. GameStop, on the other hand, says it wants to do just that with the pilot of a new “retro” consoles, games and accessories trade-in program in two cities starting April 25. [More]

Nintendo Announces Plans To Make Games For Mobile Devices
Have a hankering to play Super Mario at the bus stop but don’t have the portable gaming console to satisfy that urge? Soon video games from Nintendo will make the move from consoles to mobile devices, as the company announces a partnership with an online gaming firm to develop and operate new apps. [More]

Rare Copy Of “Stadium Events” Video Game For Nintendo Can Be Yours For Only $100K Or So
Your childhood dream of jumping horses and winning relay races from your living room is on sale for the bargain basement price of about $99,600 as of Wednesday morning: Known as one of the rarest licensed Nintendo Entertainment System games, a sealed copy of Banda’s Stadium Events (predecessor to other track and field games on the Power Pad) released in 1987 is yours for the taking on eBay right now. [eBay via Chicago Tribune] [More]

Actor Hired To Wear Donkey Kong Costume For Game Launch Sues Nintendo Over “Stressful” Experience
While getting the chance to get paid to play a beloved video game character all day might sound like a dream gig for some, one actor hired to climb into a Donkey Kong costume for the launch of a new Nintendo 3DS game is suing the company saying his time in the suit seriously stressed him out. [More]

It’s Time To Start Treating Video Game Industry Like The $21 Billion Business It Is
The majority of video games in the U.S. are purchased and played by adults. The largest titles make money that Hollywood films could only dream of raking in, and the biggest players in the industry run multibillion-dollar multinational operations that employ thousands of people. Yet many consumers still think of gaming as a kid’s thing that doesn’t merit serious consideration or scrutiny. In an age where our culture recognizes previously sniffed-about industries like professional sports as much more than child’s play, it’s time to get over that same hump about video games. [More]

The Nintendo Power Glove Is Born Again As… An Oven Mitt, Obviously
I’ll be the first to admit that my video game talents as a child lay more in the Nintendo Power Pad than in the Power Glove, but it still feels good to welcome back an old friend. Though this time around, Fred Savage would be pulling a roast out of the oven instead of competing in Video Armageddon. [More]

Another Christmas, Another Porn-Filled Nintendo DS Under The Tree
When you buy what is supposed to be a brand-new piece of electronics from the world’s largest retailer, it really shouldn’t come loaded with someone else’s content. And when the supposedly new device is a gift for your 8-year-old son, it certainly shouldn’t come pre-loaded with other people’s porn. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Kmart Not Sure What Color This Game Boy Advance Used To Be
Recently, Reddit user Pwnapanda wandered into a local Kmart* store, stumbling on a fantastic piece of ancient technology. There was a demonstration-model Game Boy Advance beckoning shoppers to play…if they don’t mind the decade’s worth of grime on the device. Or whatever it is that makes this thing look so vile. [More]

Customers Accuse GameStop Of Reprinting Wii Game, Flooding Used-Game Market
Back in 2012, Nintendo published a game called Xenoblade Chronicles. It was only sold at GameStop and directly from Nintendo, and they only published a limited number of copies. It was scarce and hard to get hold of until very recently. It was like someone found a hidden warehouse: every GameStop store in the country suddenly had bushels of copies to sell at $90 each. Where did these games come from? [More]