Man Gets Lead On Laptop Thief Using Dropbox Program

Man Gets Lead On Laptop Thief Using Dropbox Program

Ryan believes he has a lead on who stole his laptop thanks to the Dropbox filesharing program that was installed on his computer. Turns out his laptop could be just up the street from him right now. But what does he do with the IP address he got from Dropbox? [More]

Would You Berate Someone For Eating On Public Transit?

Would You Berate Someone For Eating On Public Transit?

Public transit smooshes together people from all walks of life. In this video, a person from the “don’t eat on the subway” class of society comes into contact with the “I’m hungry and I’m going to eat my noodles” class of society. The woman from the first group keeps asking the woman from the second group to stop eating, at one point saying that “animals eat on the subway like that,” and the woman from the second group and her friend take offense. Then the train lurches and punches start flying. The noodles appear to stay intact, thank heavens. [More]

Botched Paperwork Delays Law Capping Gas Tax

Botched Paperwork Delays Law Capping Gas Tax

As gas prices have continued to rise in recent weeks, the people of Suffolk County in New York must have been so happy they passed a law that would cap sales tax on gas. The regulation was supposed to have kicked in on March 1, but, well… someone goofed. [More]

Scoping Out The Sad State Of Affairs At A Borders Liquidation Sale

Scoping Out The Sad State Of Affairs At A Borders Liquidation Sale

The liquidators have swooped into Borders with giant black and yellow signs screaming 20-40% off. But are these sales a good deals for consumers? I visited one to find out. [More]

Certified And Notarized Letter Gets Heat Turned Back On After 5 Days

Certified And Notarized Letter Gets Heat Turned Back On After 5 Days

Davya says that after showing her landlords she meant business with a notarized and certified letter, she finally got the heat in her apartment turned back after 5 days of no heat. [More]

Apartment Still Doesn't Have Heat After 4 Days But It Does Have Noxious Burning Smells

Apartment Still Doesn't Have Heat After 4 Days But It Does Have Noxious Burning Smells

Dayva has written in an update about her landlord and heating issue. They don’t have heat yet, but they do have a power strip that’s been slowly melting itself into goo! [More]

No Heat, Apartment Has Smoke And Fumes, Landlord Is MIA

No Heat, Apartment Has Smoke And Fumes, Landlord Is MIA

Dayva is fuming, almost as much as her apartment. She’s been without heat since yesterday after the cord on the heater her landlord installed melted. The landlord sent repair people who replaced the cord, but the heater still doesn’t work and its been emitting odd smells. Now she’s fighting through phone tree hell and getting hung up on by the landlord, unresponsive management company, and their minions. What’s a body to do? [More]

Join The Yes Men In A Food Fight This Weekend

Join The Yes Men In A Food Fight This Weekend

Corporate pranksters the Yes Men are inviting you to a food fight. Among their many activist media hoaxes, these guys have posed as spokespersons for the WTO and McDonald’s in order to deliver satirical presentations to unwitting conference goers. Now they’re hosting a two-day workshop this Saturday and Sunday in New York City to devise a “high-profile media action on a crucial food-related issue.” You can take part in the brainstorming and then later help execute the action. [More]

NYC May Add Bar Codes To Restaurant Inspection Grades

NYC May Add Bar Codes To Restaurant Inspection Grades

It’s been about a year since New York City eateries began posting huge letter grades to reflect their latest health inspection results, but now the city’s Health Department is thinking about adding bar codes that people could scan to get more in-depth info on that restaurant’s specific results. [More]

Home Depot Dispute Ends With Customer Being Punched In The Face

Home Depot Dispute Ends With Customer Being Punched In The Face

Police have arrested an employee at a Staten Island Home Depot after she allegedly popped a peeved customer in the face. [More]

New York State Guarantees Legal Assistance In Foreclosure Cases

New York State Guarantees Legal Assistance In Foreclosure Cases

While defendants in criminal cases are guaranteed lawyers, folks involved in foreclosure cases either have to go out of pocket for a lawyer or try to fend for themselves. Now the state of New York has become the first state to guarantee legal representation to all residents involved in foreclosures. [More]

Looking For Free Condoms? There's An App For That

Looking For Free Condoms? There's An App For That

Nothing says “Happy Valentine’s Day” like free condoms. That must be why the New York City Health Department picked today to unveil its new condom-locator app for iPhones and Android devices. [More]

Cabby Pleads Guilty To Ripping Passenger Off For

Cabby Pleads Guilty To Ripping Passenger Off For $800k

The car service driver accused of ripping off a Hong Kong feng-shui master for over $800,000 on his credit card has plead guilty, New York Post reports. [More]

NYC Bans Smoking At Parks, Beaches

NYC Bans Smoking At Parks, Beaches

The smokers of New York City will soon have even fewer places to light up this summer after the Big Apple’s city council voted to expand the existing ban on smoking in restaurants and bars to include, beaches, parks, boardwalks and other public spaces. [More]

A Miserable Life Inside A Foreclosed Apartment

A Miserable Life Inside A Foreclosed Apartment

Living inside an apartment building that has been foreclosed on can become a living hell when the building crumbles into disrepair around you and there’s no landlord to call. Bursting heat pipes, cockroaches, mice, hunks of ceiling falling on you, and black mold seeping up the walls have become the new neighbors to tenants in one low-income apartment building in the Bronx where the landlord has long since checked out. [More]

Family Wakes Up To Cell Tower In Front Yard

Family Wakes Up To Cell Tower In Front Yard

A family in Long Island says workers have been putting up a giant pole, pictured at left, in their yard the whole week. Workers told them it was an extra light that the town was putting in. But when it was done, it wasn’t a light. It was a cellphone tower put up by “NextG Networks,” and local officials are calling it “construction by ambush.” [More]

Angry Restaurant Workers Secretly Tape Bosses

Angry Restaurant Workers Secretly Tape Bosses

Some employees at a famous restaurant NYC’s Central Park got so fed up with the way they were being treated by their bosses that they took matters into their own hands and began secretly tape-recording workplace conversations. [More]

Train Station Closes Bathroom To Public, Pisses Off Passengers

Train Station Closes Bathroom To Public, Pisses Off Passengers

A scrawled note scotch-taped to the New Rochelle train station in New York tells passengers that they better hold it. The city has decided that’s it too expensive to keep the bathrooms open. The recession takes its toll on your toilet. [More]