It’s not quite 2014, but we’re already sick and tired of promises to help consumers make their resolutions a success. Lose 15 pounds in one week! Never crave a cigarette again! Watch your wrinkles disappear! Make sure you’re ready for intimacy whenever your partner is! Enough with the empty — or questionable — promises. [More]
new year’s resolutions

If Your Resolution Is To Finally Figure Out That Whole Hygiene Thing, Walmart Has You Covered
It’s a new year, and you know what that means: We all make promises to ourselves that we probably won’t keep (although I swear I’m going to start my own organic dairy farm someday and have a bestselling cheese brand) or will at least give up on early in February. But hey, you, the one without a toothbrush who hasn’t figured out soap yet — Walmart is here for you. [More]

Why No New Year's Resolution May Be Your Best Bet
If you’ve already tried and failed in an attempt at a New Year’s Resolution, don’t worry about it. You can still opt to swim against the current by resolving not to make any resolutions. [More]

Solid Financial Goals To Swipe For Yourself
It’s easy to set financial goals for the new year, but harder to make them matter. Make them too vague, such as “take control of my finances” or “reduce wasteful spending” and there’s nothing to gauge your success. [More]

3 Steps To A Financially Successful 2012
If you’ve decided 2012 will be the year you get your finances in order, you’ll need to take concrete steps toward making that goal a reality. It takes sound, consistent choices to chug along in the right direction. [More]

Steps To Take Before You Start Running
So you’ve plumped up over the holidays and have decided you’re going to jog off the flab. Bear in mind that there’s more to starting your new career as a runner than just lacing up your cross trainers and scampering in circles around the neighborhood. Rush into the hobby the same way you did that pecan pie on Sunday and you could burn yourself out. [More]

Spending Traps We Succumbed To In 2011 & How To Avoid Them Next Year
When we were feeling good about spending this year, man, we were feeling good. But those spend-happy habits when the economy was on the uptick or when a sweet deal landed in your inbox should be shed when the ball drops on 2012. [More]

Don't Be Afraid To Make Financial New Year's Resolutions
Since the year is only a few days old, you haven’t had much of a chance to screw it up just yet, meaning your New Year’s resolutions are probably still valid. You can plan to ditch that dead-end job, drop those 15 pounds, set up that Roth IRA and plan that road trip you’ve never gotten around to taking. [More]

What New Year's Resolutions Should Companies Be Making?
2010 is just about all wrapped up and many of us are at least paying lip service to self-improvement by making new year’s resolutions. So in that optimistic spirit, let’s see if we can come up with some resolutions that retailers and other companies should adopt for 2011. [More]

Train Your Brain To Keep Your New Year's Resolution
Most people will make a New Year’s resolution. And most people will end up breaking them. The problem comes down to willpower. Mainly that relying on willpower alone is a surefire way to end up failing. Sure it will work for a short time, but the prefrontal cortex, which controls willpower, is easily overwhelmed. Instead, you need to make plans that involve other parts of the brain to help keep you on track, like your emotions, reports WSJ. [More]