Retailers upselling customers on services they don’t need is nothing new, but a new report claims that some Office Depot employees are falsely claiming computers are infected with viruses in order to meet sales goals. [More]

Office Depot Allegedly Diagnosing Computers With Nonexistent Viruses To Meet Sales Goals

CFPB Launches Financial Coaching Program For Transitioning Servicemembers, Financially Underserved
The first step in living a fiscally responsible life is to understand what financial products are available and how they fit into your goals. Or at least that’s the idea behind the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s recently launched Financial Coaching Initiative that aims to assist certain groups of consumers become financially independent and knowledgeable. [More]

How Did You Fare Financially Last Quarter?
A fourth of 2011 has already whizzed by, so you’ve probably either abandoned any financial resolutions you made going into the year or adopted them permanently into your lifestyle. [More]

Don't Be Afraid To Make Financial New Year's Resolutions
Since the year is only a few days old, you haven’t had much of a chance to screw it up just yet, meaning your New Year’s resolutions are probably still valid. You can plan to ditch that dead-end job, drop those 15 pounds, set up that Roth IRA and plan that road trip you’ve never gotten around to taking. [More]

Mint Makes Saving More Fun With New "Goals" Dashboard
Mint was the cool kid on the financial website block until it cut its hair and went corporate, but the Intuit-owned service can still roll out some nifty features now and then. The latest is a “goals” dashboard, which takes advantage of our natural tendency to try harder if there’s some way to see immediate feedback. Under your account there’s now a goals tab, where you can activate any of the default choices (“get out of debt,” “take a trip,” “buy a home”) or create your own (“laser hair removal,” “pvc bodysuit”). Then you can link your accounts to that goal, and have a quick visual metric you can use to stay focused. [More]
6 Ways Not To F— Up Your Finances Before You're 30
1. Stop with the credit cards already! MSNMoney says that the average credit card debt among 25- to 34-year-olds was $5,200 in 2004. You should be saving in your 20s, not spending.

U.S. Airways Offers Employees $100 Bonus For Meeting Baggage Goals
U.S. Airways has something of a problem when it comes to transporting their customers’ belongings. They’re just not very good at it, particularly in Philadelphia.

A Simple Guide To Setting And Achieving Life Goals
Zen Habits has posted a simple guide to setting and achieving life goals, and we think it’s great. A lot of life goals have a personal finance aspect, and this guide can help you get yourself organized so that you’re not just dreaming of a the day where you have the things you want, you’re actively working towards that future.