If you were around in the late ‘70s and into the ‘80s, you’ll undoubtedly remember the Choose Your Own Adventure series of children’s books, which allowed readers to make choices about what would happen next, ultimately deciding the characters’ fate. Netflix is perhaps hoping to piggyback on that nostalgia withs its new interactive TV shows. [More]

Netflix Changes Its Mind, Decides Maybe It Does Care About Net Neutrality Again
Netflix, once a loudmouthed supporter of net neutrality — the concept that your internet service provider should no say in what you do or where you go online — but Netflix CEO Reed Hastings recently shrugged off the need for neutrality as something that was important to the company a decade ago, but which it not longer really needs. Either not everyone at Netflix is as flippant as their CEO or Hastings has had a change of heart. [More]

There’s A Limit To Downloading Some Movies On Netflix
Last fall, Netflix began allowing users to download some content for offline viewing. While the service was a welcome addition for many, it came with a few restrictions, some of which users are just now experiencing: Some shows and movies can only be downloaded a finite number of times. [More]

Netflix Doesn’t Care As Much About Net Neutrality Anymore Because It’s Big Enough Not To
Here we are, fighting the net neutrality fight again. The battle lines are drawn and basically everyone is right where they were the last time we did this, back in 2014 and 2015, with one key player missing from the debate: Netflix. The streaming video service that once defiantly asked why ISPs weren’t paying it extra for making their service worthwhile is absent this time around. Why? According to its CEO, Netflix just doesn’t need to care as much anymore. [More]

You Can’t Get The Netflix App On A Rooted Android Phone Anymore
Folks who enjoy tinkering with their Android phones have gotten a rude surprise this week: As far as Netflix is concerned, their phones no longer exist, and can no longer install or update the streaming video app. [More]

Why Aren’t More Cord-Cutters Flocking To Live-TV Streaming Services?
Millions of Americans have canceled their cable TV subscriptions in the last decade, choosing instead to get their video entertainment over the internet. A growing number of services have popped up in recent years that offer cable-like live-TV streaming for this audience: Sling TV, DirecTV Now, PlayStation Vue, YouTube TV, with Hulu planning to launch a competitor soon, and Comcast reportedly looking to get into the fray. Yet, despite the multiple options and the large potential market of cord-cutters and cord-nevers, these platforms have yet to win over the masses. [More]

Showtime Now Lets Users Download Movies, Shows To Watch Offline
In the middle of watching Homeland season 2, but won’t have a WiFi connection on your next trip? No worries, you don’t have to pause your binge: Showtime now allows subscribers to download shows for offline viewing. [More]

Netflix May Edit Its Content Specifically For Mobile Users
In order to stand out in the crowded field of on-demand streaming services, media companies know the more places they can get eyeballs on their content, the more successful they’ll be. And because viewers are often on the go, Netflix says it’s considering making separate cuts of its original programming optimized for watching on mobile devices. [More]

Nintendo Switch Will Include Netflix, Hulu & Other Services…. Eventually
If you’re already bored playing the games on your new Nintendo Switch — and its awful tasting cartridges — there’s little else you can do with the gaming system…. at least for now. [More]

Almost Half Of Netflix Customers Are Streaming Cheaters
Tonight, when you’re settling on the couch with your loved one and a giant pile of snacks, take a closer look at your partner: Do they look like they’ve been doing something so despicable, so hateful and mean, that you might not ever forgive them? Or… do you have a bad behavior you’d like to admit? If you’re like almost half the world, someone is Netflix cheating in your relationship. [More]

Patent Troll Sues Netflix, Claiming It Owns The Idea Of Downloading Videos
While it took years for Netflix to finally decide to offer the option of downloading videos for offline viewing, it’s not like the company hadn’t thought about the concept. Now Netflix and others are being targeted by a patent troll who claims to have a patent over the basic idea of downloading video from the internet. [More]

Netflix’s Original Shows Are More Popular Than Those From Amazon, Hulu
Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu all offer a good deal of original content — shows and movies that now compete for traditional TV for eyeballs and awards. But according to one recent analysis, one streaming service is doing a much better job of getting folks to tune into its original shows — mostly because it has so many of them. [More]

Netflix Engineers Dream Up ‘MindFlix’ Device That Would Let You Browse Movies With Your “Brain”
Because you will probably wear out your thumb endlessly scrolling and scanning through Netflix offerings to find something to watch, engineers at the company have cooked up a concept that would allow you to do all of that browsing without lifting a finger. [More]

Netflix Will Now Let Android Users Download Content Onto SD Storage
Now that Netflix has finally opened the doors to offline viewing, subscribers have the ability to download content and watch it later. That’s all well and good if you’ve got plenty of space on your device, but not so useful if you don’t. [More]

Is Netflix’s DVD Service Doomed?
When we talk about video nowadays, the conversation is usually about streaming content and the services that provide them. While Netflix’s DVD service is still kicking — and even has its very own app — it’s been losing customers steadily for years. And now, with the latest quarter’s subscriber exodus, some are wondering whether the disc-based service’s time is limited. [More]

Apple’s Plan To Compete With Spotify? Add Original TV Shows To Apple Music
A new report claims that Apple now has plans to produce original TV shows and movies, just like Amazon and Netflix have been doing for several years. However, the goal isn’t to compete directly with these streaming video platforms, but to bolster the Apple Music streaming audio service. [More]

Netflix Has A New App Just For DVD Service Customers
Remember when deciding you wanted to watch something on Netflix meant adding it to your queue and then waiting for a red envelope to show up in the mail? Though it may seem like we’ve always lived in a streaming world, there are still people who rent DVDs and BluRays from Netflix — about 4.2 million of them — and now they have their very own app to make the process easier. [More]