While Keurig is surely hoping there will come a day when its failed KOLD soda-making machine is but a misty, sparkling memory, it’s not the first company to reach for the stars, to fly too close to the sun, to try to capture lightning in a bottle… and fail utterly and completely, thereby forever securing a spot in the brand failure hall of fame, never to be forgotten. [More]

Report: Netflix's Killing Of Qwikster Forces Layoffs
After Netflix decided against spinning off the DVD rental side of its service as Qwikster, the company reportedly decided it didn’t need as many call service reps to handle such duties as fielding inquiries from confused customers. [More]

Netflix CEO Explains Qwikster Fracas To Catty NYTM Reporter
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings stopped off at the New York Times Magazine to engage with a very ornery reporter on what the whole deal with Qwikster was. If the reporter really asked these questions and didn’t just spice them up later to make himself look like a badass, I’m surprised Hastings didn’t punch him in the face. [More]

Woot Mocks Netflix Over Qwikster Debacle, Sells Computers At The Same Time
Remember those brief few weeks when Netflix said it was actually going to rename its DVD service “Qwikster” and separate it from the Netflix website? Ah, those were the days… And now the deal-minded folks at Woot have put together a bit of prose that allows them to poke fun at Netflix, all while trying to sell some Lenovo Notebooks. [More]

Another Postal Worker Caught Stealing Netflix DVDs
It’s been over five years since we first wrote about postal workers being busted for detouring Netflix DVDs into their own private stashes, and yet there are apparently still some USPS staffers out there who think they can steal more than 100 DVDs and not have it set off alarm bells. [More]

Netflix CEO Jokes That Irked Investors May Be Trying To Poison Him
It’s been a downer of a week for Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, whose attempt to soften the blow of deciding to split off his company’s DVD-by-mail division into the questionably named Qwikster was met with much derision and an initial dip in the company’s stock price. But Hastings has either been able to maintain a sense of humor about the situation or he wants the world to know he fears angry investors are out to poison him. [More]

Netflix DVD Service To Be Renamed Qwikster, Will Offer Video Games
Over on the Netflix blog, CEO Reed Hastings offers a lengthy “my bad” about the way the video delivery service abruptly announced the fracturing of its services into separate streaming and DVD-by-mail offerings. But that doesn’t mean Netflix is going back to its old pricing model. In fact, Hastings announced that the DVD delivery service will soon become even more distinct from Netflix’s streaming side. [More]