Soap has one job. It’s supposed to help clean things. Instead, Dr. Brown’s soap, which is marketed as “natural” and sold for use on dishes and baby bottles, has been recalled because it may be contaminated with bacteria. [More]

Someone Sued Because ‘Natural’ Nature Valley Granola Bars Contain Common Pesticide
Although the term “natural” is not defined by the federal government — allowing basically any food company to slap it on a product’s label — a judge has decided that General Mills’ use of the term to describe granola bars that contain herbicide is not deceptive. [More]

Unilever Buys Seventh Generation. What About Honest Co.?
Days after Unilever was rumored to be discussing a deal to purchase The Honest Company — the line of household and personal care products co-founded by actress Jessica Alba — the company behind everything from Ben & Jerry’s to Vaseline added a different high-profile independent brand to its portfolio: The eco-friendly cleaning supply folks at Seventh Generation. [More]

Whole Foods Asks Judge To Put The Kibosh On Lawsuit Over “Natural” Label On Baked Goods
When it comes to products with labels reading “all natural,” are you willing to pay more than you would otherwise? Whole Foods customers who have filed lawsuits against the grocery chain said they paid a premium price for baked goods that were falsely labeled as natural, as they actually contained synthetic ingredients. [More]

‘Natural’ Is A Meaningless Marketing Term When Applied To Food
One of the many labels that you’ll see on food at your local food-buying store is “natural.” What marketers want you to think is that “natural” products lack artificial flavor or color additives or preservatives, and maybe even that they’re made with organic ingredients. What it actually means is that the product says “natural” on the label, and that label is probably in shades of tan and light green. [More]

Pinnacle Foods Takes A Trip Down The Healthy Aisle, Pays $710M For Boulder Brands
If you’re a major player in the food industry, the cool thing to do these days is buy up brands with a natural and/or organic bent to them to show consumers how healthy and hip you are. Pinnacle Foods is no different, taking a trip down the organic aisle to scoop up natural packaged foods maker Boulder Brands for $710 million. [More]

Lawsuit Says Jessica Alba’s Honest Company Products Are Dishonest About “Natural” Claims
The Honest Company, co-founded by actress Jessica Alba, built its billion-dollar reputation on the fact that its products are created using natural, nontoxic elements. But a newly filed class-action lawsuit claims the company hasn’t been as honest as its name would lead one to believe, accusing the organization of deceiving consumers by selling items that actually contain unnatural and ineffective ingredients. [More]

Applegate Recalls 15,000 Pounds Of Chicken Nuggets That May Contain Plastic Nuggets
If you prefer your chicken nuggets to be antibiotic-free and plastic shard-free, it’s time to check your freezer: Perdue’s Applegate Naturals brand has recalled more than 15,000 pounds of frozen chicken nuggets after customers complained that they contained pieces of plastic. [More]

20 Lawsuits From Across U.S. Say Tropicana's "Natural" Claim Is Pulp Fiction
Back in January, we reported on a lawsuit from a California woman against Tropicana, claiming that the juice makers shouldn’t be marketing its products as “natural,” as extensive processing changes its “essential nature.” Now a slew of around 20 lawsuits from across our fair nation have popped up to chime in, claiming the company adds chemically engineered “flavor packs” to the juice. [More]

Ben & Jerry's Dropping "All Natural" From Labels
After the Center for Science in the Public Interest complained last month that “all natural” doesn’t include things like alkalized cocoa and hydrogenated oil, Ben & Jerry’s announced yesterday that it will stop using the phrase on its ice cream cartons. [More]

Make It Yourself
If you really want to claim the title of the most do-it-yourself Consumerist reader, you will grab this book (free PDF) and learn from it. Just don’t come back here and post about it in the comments.

Make Yourself Beautiful With Bird Poop, Bull Semen, And Gold
Sure, in the interest of eternal youth and beauty, you can inject your face with collagen or botulism toxins. Or you could try something really disgusting! rounded up eight of the most disgusting “natural” beauty treatments out there. Mmm, placenta.

Help, There Are Bugs In My Kitty Litter!
Dawn is freaked out because when she got up this morning, she found bugs in her cat’s litter box. She called the company that makes the litter to ask them what to do, and they offered coupons but no real explanation. “Maybe some of your readers have had the same experience and could help me figure out what to do,” she writes. “Thanks!”

Our Egg Nog Is Made Exactly Like It Was In 1898! With HFCS!
Reader Sarah got a laugh from her egg nog this morning. The package says the ingredients are all natural, just “exactly” like when “Grandfather started our dairy business in 1898.”

'No Need To Stir' Skippy Natural Peanut Butter Requires Stirring, Or A Straw
As any convenience-seeking American knows, the bane of natural peanut butter is its tendency to separate into an unspreadable sludge of crushed peanut and an eager-to-spill pond of oil. You have to stir the two together to get back to the peanut butter texture you’ve come to expect from the hybridized brands. Skippy says they’ve solved the problem, but based on the two jars one customer bought, they’re plain nuts (wocka wocka!).

Just Because It Says "Organic" Doesn't Mean It Won't Give You A Ton Of Cancer
Here at the Consumerist we’re not trying to tell you that you need to buy organic soap, but if you do want organic soap… we think you should get what you’re paying for.

Clorox Buys Burt's Bees
Clorox is sick of being unnatural so it’s going to pay $925 million in cash for natural skin care products manufacturer Burt’s Bees.