Recently, 21st Century Fox, Warner Bros., and Universal Pictures all confirmed they’re looking to offer high-priced, home-video rentals of new movies soon after they’re released in theaters. And according to a new report, Apple wants a piece of that pie. [More]
movie rentals

Redbox Hikes Prices For Movie And Video Game Rentals
The cost of a night in with a rental DVD is about to get a little more expensive for those of us out there who still rent physical movies and video games: Redbox is increasing the price of DVD rentals by 25%, as its parent company Outerwall Inc. tries to boost its revenue stream. [More]

Waning Movie Rentals Could Signal Beginning Of The End For Flicks In Physical Form
I used to love driving to Blockbuster Video to pick out a horror film for scary movie nights in high school with my pals, perusing the aisles and deciding whether or not we really needed a bajillion-pound box of Raisinets. But although physical movies are still more popular than digital, Blockbuster is a ghost of its former self and rentals are on the wane in general, which could mean the beginning of the end for all kinds of disc rentals. [More]

Universal, Redbox Cut Deal To Maintain 28-Day Rental Delay
Universal will not follow the lead of Warner Bros. by restricting sales of DVDs to rental services for 56 days. Instead, the studio worked out an extension of its current deal with Redbox that will continue to keep Universal’s discs out of renters’ hands for 28 days. [More]

Customer Stream Flows Back Toward Netflix
After ditching Netflix en masse in the third quarter, customers began crawling back to the service at the end of the year. [More]

Report: Warner Bros. Will Stretch New Release Rental Window From 28 To 56 Days
Apparently no longer content with the 28-day window in which it sells DVDs but doesn’t allow companies to rent them out, Warner Bros. is reportedly on the verge of doubling that time frame in an effort to starve viewers into starting to buy movies again. [More]

Netflix CEO Will Take Pay Cut After Rough Year
Although the average CEO saw hefty pay increases this year, it’s a different story for Netflix honcho Reed Hastings. Following a year in which the company introduced a rate increase coupled with a short-lived decision to spin off the disc-rental division as Qwikster, causing an exodus of subscribers, Hastings will receive fewer gold coins to toss into his money bin. [More]

Blockbuster Express Jumps Into Rental Price Hike Pool
With rival movie rental services Netflix and Redbox already having raised their prices, Blockbuster Express decided to follow suit, doubling the price of some movies to $2 for the first night starting Tuesday. The hike applies to releases that have been out between 29 and 90 days, while older movies will remain at $1 a night. New releases that have been out for four weeks or less will remain $3 for the first night. [More]

Report: Netflix's Killing Of Qwikster Forces Layoffs
After Netflix decided against spinning off the DVD rental side of its service as Qwikster, the company reportedly decided it didn’t need as many call service reps to handle such duties as fielding inquiries from confused customers. [More]

Blockbuster Wants To Lure You Back With Unlimited In-Store Rental Plan
Hoping to scoop up some customers who have fled Netflix and Redbox due to recent price increases, Blockbuster has launched a monthly subscription plan that provides unlimited, one-at-a-time rentals of games and movies, plus an additional film by mail each month. The challenge is to find a Blockbuster that’s still open. [More]

Enjoy Your Last Weekend Of $1 Redbox Rentals
The era of $1-per-night movie rentals was too sweet to last into November. Perhaps seeing some opportunity to up profits in the wake of Netflix’s bumbling, Redbox announced its nightly DVD rental rate will rise to $1.20 on Monday. For now, Blu-rays will stick at $1.50 and video games will remain $2 per night. [More]

Warner Bros. Slaps Blockbuster With 28-Day Movie Rental Delay
Along with several other major movie studios, Warner Bros. restricts Netflix and Redbox from offering its movies for rent until 28 days after they go on sale. For months, Blockbuster has been immune to such restrictions, trumpeting early access to films as one of the few reasons to still bother visiting a rental store. But now Warner has taken that meager advantage away. [More]

Netflix Loses 800K Subscribers In Third Quarter
While no business likes to lose 800,000 customers in the span of a few months, such a drop could pass for good news in the Netflix halls in these post price-hike days. [More]

Netflix Will Start Streaming Miramax Films In June
Netflix has been so effective at nailing down deals with movie distributors that it’s easy to become surprised/enraged when you get a hankering to watch a movie and find it isn’t available on instant streaming. Now the company has added Miramax movies to its virtual film brothel, completing the deal rumored in March. This means several films by Quentin Tarantino, Kevin Smith and Robert Rodriguez will be streamable. [More]

Android Market Starts Renting Movies On Devices
Those with Android tablets and smartphones can now look forward to renting movies, thanks to new functionality available on the Android Market that ties into Google-owned YouTube’s expanded rental service. [More]

Dish Network Will Assume Leases Of More Than 500 Blockbuster Stores
Dish Network, the proud winner of the auction for Blockbuster, will play around with its new toy by not letting it completely vanish. [More]