
(Steve Rhode)

McDonald’s Drive-Thru Worker Spots Own Stolen Car Pulling Up To Window

A McDonald’s employee may have left her car unlocked outside of her apartment complex overnight–she doesn’t remember. That didn’t mean that she deserved to have it stolen, though. She woke up to discover that her car was missing, then spotted the culprit…in the drive-thru lane at her workplace. [More]


Should You Have To Pay For Extra Ketchup At Fast Food Joints?

For years, some McDonald’s have been charging extra for additional McNugget dipping sauces or other non-ketchup condiments. But charging for extra ketchup is rare, except in Manhattan, where more than a dozen Golden Arches are tacking on a fee for the red stuff. [More]

Burger King's new kid on the block.

Burger King: Hey Guys, McDonald’s Isn’t The Only One Who Can Do A Rib-Shaped Sandwich

Thus far in its life, the McRib has had a solitary existence, with nary another rib-shaped piece of meat out there to keep it company. So rejoice, McDonald’s! Your boneless hunk of rib-ish meat will have  new friend soon, when Burger King unveils its summer 2013 menu, including its limited-time BK Rib Sandwich. [More]

This East Balt memo says the last Angus patties will be going out to restaurants this weekend.

Memo Seems To Confirm The End Of McDonald’s Angus Burgers

Yesterday, we mentioned an unconfirmed report that McDonald’s was ending its experiment with the Angus Third Pounder burger after nearly four years, now a Consumerist reader has provided us with what appears to be solid proof that the Angus burgers will be disappearing in the coming weeks. [More]

Is It Time To Say Goodbye To McDonald’s Angus Third Pounder?

Is It Time To Say Goodbye To McDonald’s Angus Third Pounder?

Nearly four years ago, McDonald’s added the Angus Third Pounder to the menu, making it the company’s first new burger offering in eight years, and leading to the inevitable rash of “anus burger” signs. But now comes a report that the sandwich is set to vanish forever. [More]

Most American Company On Earth Has No Idea How To Portray Americans To UK Audience

Most American Company On Earth Has No Idea How To Portray Americans To UK Audience

Though McDonald’s is a global company, serving up variations of its fast food to people of just about every nation, it’s still considered by many to be one of the companies, if not the company, most identified with Americans. Which is why we’re perplexed by the bizarre images shown in McDonald’s UK ads for its America-themed menu items. [More]

(Michelle Rick)

Healthy Offerings Or No, Study Says Teens Will Pile On The Fast Food Calories Anyway

For all that Subway markets its lower-calorie, healthy options, it appears adolescents and teens are going to load up with enough food to rival the calorie counts at places like McDonald’s, according to a new study. Researchers studying teens in Los Angeles say it doesn’t matter what’s on the menu, kids are going to buy meals with a whole lot of calories. [More]

Everyone loves this guy, including McDonald's.

McDonald’s Shows How To Capitalize On Recent Cleveland News In A Totally Tacky Way

When three women who had been missing for 10 years were rescued from a house in Cleveland this week where they’d been kept captive, all eyes turned to the neighbor who first noticed one of the women, Amanda Berry, yelling for help. Charles Ramsey seemed as surprised as the rest of us, noting in the 911 call and to local TV news that he’d been just out on his porch, “eating his McDonald’s” when he saw her. At that, McDonald’s ears perked right up. [More]

World's Oldest Hamburger

Mummified McDonald’s Burger Found In Closet, Still Looks Edible

What happens if you forget about a fast-food meal for a decade and a half? Visually, not a whole heck of a lot. A Utah man set out to show his friends that a burger would remain unchanged if it sat around for a few weeks. The onions and pickle shriveled a little bit, but that was all. Six years later, the family moved and found the burger stuffed in a coat pocket. It looked pretty much the same. Now, seven years after that, it pretty much looks the same. Does that tell us anything about fast food, though? Not really. [More]

(Source: Placed Insights)

Study: Nearly Half Of U.S. Consumers Went To McDonald’s In March

A new study attempts to determine the businesses that American consumers visit most often. Not surprisingly, the list is dominated by places that sell food; and that McDonald’s was by far the most-visited business in the U.S. [More]

Ever had a CEO cook breakfast for you?

Forget The Mc10:35, CEO Says Breakfast All Day May Come To McDonald’s

McDonald’s CEO Don Thompson (not to be confused with Ron Johnson) appeared on CNBC last week to talk about the company and be seen making an Egg McMuffin on camera. More importantly, he discussed the possibility that they could expand the breakfast menu to all day long. [More]

Which International McDonald’s Menu Items Deserve A Try Stateside?

Which International McDonald’s Menu Items Deserve A Try Stateside?

Ever since Vincent Vega first told America about the Royale with Cheese at McDonald’s restaurants in Amsterdam, we’ve been fascinated with the variations, name-changes and bizarre menu offerings available at overseas Golden Arches. But, in the spirit of the international community something something blah blah, is it time to open our borders up enough to allow a few of these fast food finds to squeak through? [More]


Flooding In Illinois Leaves Site Of Original McDonald’s Underwater

In addition to the many people driven out of their homes or stranded by flood waters in Illinois, recent storms have wreaked havoc on a piece of fast-food history, with the site of the first McDonald’s opened by Ray Kroc now underwater. [More]

Wendy’s & McDonald’s Teach Readers Disappointing Lessons In Ads Vs. Reality

Wendy’s & McDonald’s Teach Readers Disappointing Lessons In Ads Vs. Reality

Most of us know that what we actually get from a fast food eatery is never identical to what’s shown in the ads, and sometimes is similar in name only. We got used to knowing that a cheeseburger will never look as perfect as it does in the commercial, but with the recent addition of supposedly fancier menu items consumers are learning to prep themselves for more disappointment. [More]

McDonald's surveillance cameras caught the incident on tape.

Off-Duty Cop Gets Impatient At McDonald’s, Pulls Gun On Customer

When we write about customer disputes at fast food joints, it usually involves the cops showing up to put an end to things. But here’s a tale of an impatient police officer who has been accused of pulling his gun on the car in front of him at the McDonald’s drive-thru. [More]


McDonald’s Franchisees Not Pleased About Improving Customer Service While Selling More Discount Food

Between increasing (and tastier) competition, a general drop in the number of younger people eating out, and corporate push to sell more lower-margin menu items, the last thing some McDonald’s franchisees want to hear about is improving customer service. [More]

(The Consumerist)

Cops: McDonald’s Customer Traded A Happy Meal For A Happy Ending

Doesn’t matter if you’re handing over cash, a selection of fine cheeses or a bag of french fries — the law will get ya if you’re trading goods for certain ah, services. Police say a New Mexico man set up an illegal trade of the fast food-for-sex variety in Albuquerque recently, wherein he picked up a woman and then ordered her a meal at McDonald’s. [More]

(Handout via USA Today)

McDonald’s Pulls Ad Since Crippling Depression Isn’t Quite The Same As Loving Big Macs

While it might seem like your day is ruined if you can’t get a Big Mac, in no way is it the same as suffering from a mental illness. That’s a point McDonald’s apparently missed with a regional ad in the Boston area: It featured a familiar image of a distraught woman with her head in her hands with the copy, “You Are Not Alone.” Below it? “Millions of people love the Big Mac.” [More]