

More Than 286K People Ask McDonald’s To Stop Franchisees From Paying Employees With Debit Cards

A month after an ex-McDonald’s worker in Pennsylvania sued her former employers because they required that all employees receive their pay via a fee-laden Chase prepaid debit card, she has put together a petition asking McDonald’s leadership to put an end to the practice at McDonald’s nationwide. [More]


Don’t Block The McDonald’s Drive-Thru Just Because You Can’t Get Free Breakfast

We understand that it can be annoying when you have a craving for a certain fast food item, only to realize it isn’t available because of time constraints. But police say an intoxicated woman took that a few steps too far by blocking the McDonald’s drive-thru early Sunday morning in her quest for Big Macs, or at least, a free breakfast. [More]

(Jeff Keen)

We Have Some Problems With Visa’s Sample Budget For McDonald’s Employees

Someone meant really well. We think. A few years ago, Visa and McDonald’s partnered to launch a personal finance site for McDonald’s employees to help them better manage their money. Unfortunately, whoever wrote these materials had no grasp of what it’s actually like to live on $8 or so per hour. [More]


McDonald’s Apologizes After Employee Asks Customer If Her Breasts Are Real… Twice

Fast food transactions are often mechanical, rarely getting more familiar than discussing the weather, but one McDonald’s employee decided to cross that invisible line, twice asking a female customer if her breasts were real. Making matters worse, his manager didn’t seem to be bothered by his line of questioning. [More]

(The Consumerist)

88-Year-Old McDonald’s Worker Not Ready To Retire Because Sitting At Home Is Boring

At the end of the workday, your slippered feet up on the ottoman, fuzzy bathrobe in place and TV remote in hand, you might think — “I’ll do this all the time, once I retire.” Not so for one of McDonald’s oldest workers, who at 88 says he’s not ready to retire from the fast food world and instead, will “carry on until I drop.” [More]


New York Attorney General Investigating Walmart, Home Depot, Others Over Prepaid Payroll Cards

Though it’s been a point of concern with employee-rights advocates for years, the use of prepaid debit cards as a substitute for traditional payroll checks is finally getting attention from the powers that be, with the New York state attorney general’s office investigating the practice at some of the nation’s largest employers. [More]


Sued McDonald’s Franchisee Now Says Employees No Longer Have To Accept Pay On Debit Card

The McDonald’s franchisees who were sued by a former employee after she was forced to accept her wages on a prepaid debit card have had a sudden change of heart, saying they will now be giving workers at their 16 McDonald’s franchises in Pennsylvania the option of receiving their pay on good old-fashioned paycheck or direct-deposit. [More]

NetSpend is the largest issuer of prepaid payroll cards.

Here’s Why Employers & Banks Love Putting Wages On Prepaid Debit Cards, And Why Employees Keep Their Pay In Shoeboxes

The recent lawsuit filed by a former McDonald’s worker against her employers has drawn a lot of national attention to issue of paying wages on prepaid debit cards, with a some people not understanding why a business would push these cards over traditional payment methords, or why an employee would have such a big problem with the cards. [More]


Police: Customers Attacked Couple Kicked Out Of McDonald’s For Having Sex In The Bathroom

This is one of those situations where an example of consumers behaving badly turns into consumers behaving really, really badly. Police say a group of customers who complained about two women having sexual relations in a McDonald’s bathroom then attacked the couple after a manager threw them out of the restaurant. [More]


McDonald’s HQ Says It Has Nothing To Do With Franchisee That Forces Employees To Get Paid Via Debit Card

People around the country have taken an interest in the story of a former McDonald’s employee who recently filed a lawsuit because she was told the only way she could receive her wages was via a prepaid debit card. Meanwhile, the folks at the McDonald’s corporate office are trying to put as much of a buffer between themselves and the franchisees running the store in question. [More]


Ex McDonald’s Employee Sues Because She Doesn’t Want Her Paycheck On A Prepaid Debit Card

Earlier this year, a woman in Pennsylvania was expecting to get her first paycheck from her new job at McDonald’s, but rather than an envelope containing cash or a check, she received a prepaid debit card from Chase. This did not go over well. [More]

(Bill Binns)

McDonald’s Inches Closer To 24-Hour Breakfast Menu

Some 24-hours McDonald’s restaurants have been offering “Breakfast After Midnight” menus for a while, but now some folks’ dreams of being able to get an Egg McMuffin at 2 a.m. are coming true, with the fast food chain saying it will expand the post-Witching Hour breakfast menu outside of the regions where it’s been being tested. [More]

(Morton Fox)

McDonald’s Admits: No One’s Really Buying Our Salads

When people accuse McDonald’s of serving food that isn’t nutritionally ideal, they can always point to their salad offerings. See, salads are healthy, and McDonald’s serves salads: therefore, you can eat healthy at McDonald’s, but if consumers choose to eat something else, that’s cool, too. Only the company admitted to investors this weekend that they don’t actually sell a lot of those salads: vegetable-based offerings account for maybe 2-3% of McDonald’s sales in the United States. [More]


9-Year-Old Girl Tells McDonald’s CEO: Stop Trying To Trick Kids Into Eating Your Food

Oooooh, someone’s in trouuuuble! Chastisements can come in tiny packages, as one nine-year-old girl proved at today’s annual McDonald’s shareholders meeting. She took to the mic with a pretty clear message for Mickey D’s CEO Don Thompson: “It would be nice if you stopped trying to trick kids into wanting to eat your food all the time.” Oh, snap. [More]

Behold, the agony and the ecstasy.

McDonald’s Outdoes Itself With Highest-Calorie Menu Item Ever: The Mega Potato

Yes, the people in Japan want fries with that — lots and lots and lots of fries, apparently, as McDonald’s is serving up its (reportedly) highest-calorie count item ever: A 1,142 calorie container of fries double the size of a regular large fries, dubbed The Mega Potato. What, not the McMega Potato or Mega McPotato? [More]


Gospel Singer Suing McDonald’s Because Broken Glass Isn’t Easy On The Throat

If it’s not the hot coffee lawsuit of a lifetime, it’s still a major claim that McDonald’s mucked up pretty fierce: A gospel singer living in Brooklyn alleges in a new lawsuit that McDonald’s is responsible for ruining her voice, after she claims she bit into a piece of glass while eating a chicken sandwich. [More]


McDonald’s Looking To Slim Down Its Bloated Menu

The Angus burger has mooed its last moo, and Chicken Selects clucked off months ago, but it looks like McDonald’s isn’t done ditching menu items, as the company seeks to streamline its business by paring down the available offerings. [More]


Police Have Better Things To Do Than Rescue Adult Men Wedged In McDonald’s High Chairs

Take a look at yourself. Are you older than five? You’re reading this post, so it’s likely that you are no longer part of the toddler set. As such, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind adults that they are too old, and really, too darn big, to be sitting in high chairs meant for toddlers at McDonald’s. One man in Ireland learned that in the way that turns out to be the most hilarious to the rest of us. [More]