
Lunch Envy: McDonald’s France Offers Goat Cheese McWrap

Lunch Envy: McDonald’s France Offers Goat Cheese McWrap

Other countries continue to get all of the best fast-food products from American brands. Want more evidence? Check out the new goat cheese McWrap available from McDonald’s, only in France and for a limited time. A previous version that the chain tried had breaded and fried goat cheese. Both versions replace the more typical chicken in the wrap with cheese. [More]

(Steve Rhode)

McDonald’s Worker Calls Cops On Customer Making His Own Special Sauce In The Drive-Thru

Drive-thrus are meant to be convenient for customers, but that ease of ordering is only meant for food, not for ahem, other services. A McDonald’s employee called 9-1-1 on a pantsless customer who allegedly tried to get her to help him out with his masturbatory efforts. [More]


McDonald’s Testing Rewards Program For Customers Using Mobile Devices

The only reward you earned in the past for chowing down on McDonald’s food was perhaps the self-congratulations awarded for satisfying a craving, or accomplishing your personal french fry consumption quota. McDonald’s might change that soon, with a new loyalty program its testing that would reward customers using mobile devices at its restaurants. [More]


This Ad For McDonald’s Mighty Wings Looks Like Something You’d Scoop Out Of Kitty Litter

Even though you can get chicken wings from any family restaurant or sports bar (or buy them at the supermarket at make some yourself), McDonald’s sure has invested a lot of money into advertising and marketing its Mighty Wings. But whoever thought that this sculptural representation of the fast food product looked at all appetizing should really consider a new line of work. [More]

(Paxton Holley

McDonald’s Will Stop Pushing Soda With Happy Meals

It was always a treat when we were allowed to get McDonald’s growing up, not only for the fast food burgers and fries but for the sugary soda that came with a Happy Meal. But McDonald’s is closing that chapter, it says, to start a new one, where it says it will only market milk, water and juice with the kids’ meals. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Morning Talk Show Hosts Will Probably Never Get Sick Of Eating McDonald’s On TV Every Day

Coffee mugs branded with your morning TV show’s logo are so… how shall we put this? Stale. Unsatisfying. The new thing to do, apparently, is open a teeny tiny McDonald’s location in the TV studio so you can feed your guests Egg McMuffins before they go on camera to chat about whatever currently interesting thing is being discussed. [More]


McDonald’s Switching To Paper Cups For Hot Beverages At All Restaurants

After decades of selling coffee and other hot beverages in polystyrene cups — and 23 years after it stopped using that material for its sandwich boxes — McDonald’s has decided to make the switch to paper in all of its restaurants. [More]

Pumpkin spice lattes = dollar signs.

McDonald’s Hopes You Won’t Notice Its Pumpkin Spice Lattes Are Not From Starbucks

If you’re one of those people who are sick, absolutely fed up with all things Pumpkin Spice Latte related, stop reading right now. For all of you who never get sick of finding new ways to ingest the stuff, McDonald’s would like it if you tried out their “new” McCafe pumpkin latte. [More]

McDonald’s Clubhouse Quarter Pounder Sounds Nice, Wants To Eat Itself

McDonald’s Clubhouse Quarter Pounder Sounds Nice, Wants To Eat Itself

It’s old news that McDonald’s is testing a new variation on the Quarter Pounder, the super-fancy “Clubhouse Quarter Pounder,” in a few counties in the Miami area. What struck us about this new burger wasn’t its contents, but the food styling in this photo. A bacon strip looks like a human tongue licking its lips in the universal cartoon symbol for “yum.” Is it supposed to be clever? It’s creepy. [More]

Don’t Get Too Excited About McDonald’s Chicken & Waffles Just Yet

Don’t Get Too Excited About McDonald’s Chicken & Waffles Just Yet

Last week we told you about a McDonald’s eatery in California that was testing out a “McD’s Style Chicken & Waffles” dish with questionable waffle content. Since then, the folks at HuffPo got the lowdown from McDonald’s HQ that this is “simply one franchisee who experimented with a limited time offering of his version of chicken and waffles,” which explains why it looks like a few Mighty Wings with a pancake. [via HuffPo] [More]


McDonald’s Gives Me Free Post-Workout Smoothie When Card Machines Are Down

Here’s a heartwarming consumer experience to close out the week. It happened at… McDonald’s? Really? In need of post-workout refreshment, Matthew stopped in a nearby McDonald’s for a smoothie. He doesn’t carry cash, but McDonald’s accepts debit cards for small transactions, so no big deal. Right? Not when the card machine is down. [More]

(Twitter user @wakko824)

McDonald’s Testing Chicken & Waffles In California

Chicken and waffles can be a divisive menu item, with some people smacking their lips at the prospect while others maintaining that chicken is not a breakfast food and should not be consumed with a traditional breakfast item. Were the nation’s largest burger chain to suddenly unleash such a product nationwide, it might rip this country in two. Perhaps that is why McDonald’s is merely testing the idea in at least one California eatery. [More]

(Dude Foods)

Wisconsin Man Uses All 43 McDonald’s Sandwiches To Create “The McEverything”

Why eat one McDonald’s sandwich when you can combine every single one on the menu and call it a day? Sure, you might not be able to get a taste of each one in a single bite, but no one has an latching-and-unlatching snake jaw and so instead, we can just admire the towering feat of 43 sandwiches one Wisconsin man recently constructed in the name of “Heck, why not. Let’s do this.” [More]


“No Sagging Allowed” At Some McDonald’s

McDonald’s is the latest battleground in the ongoing war over saggy trousers. The owner of several Golden Arches franchises in Texas recently began posting signs making it clear to all that there will be “No Sagging Allowed in This Restaurant.” [More]

The diners just trying to enjoy their candlelit McDonald's meal.

McDonald’s Customers Almost Kicked Out For Trying To Use Their Own Cutlery

A silly stunt at a McDonald’s in England has become much more popular than it ever should have after a staffer at the fast food eatery threatened to throw out customers who brought their own plates, tablecloth, candles, and cutlery to the restaurant. [More]

(Atwater Village Newbie)

McDonald’s Manager Accused Of Robbing His Own Restaurant At Gunpoint

There are rough days at work, and then there are the rough days at work where your manager climbs through the drive-thru window and orders everyone into the freezer while he robs the joint. Law enforcement in California’s Bay Area say a McDonald’s manager used a gun to rob his own restaurant and another in the area. [More]

Now for breakfast noms.

McDonald’s Adding Steak To List Of Meaty Breakfast Ingredients On The Menu

The McDonald’s menu overhaul continues and it’s about to get a lot beefier: the fast food chain announced that along with its sausage and bacon offerings on breakfast sandwiches, steak will now be available as part of the morning fare. [More]

A McDonald's customer in Singapore believed that the long, dangling whitish thing in this sausage sandwich was a baby lizard.

McDonald’s: That’s Not A Lizard In Your Sandwich, It’s A Chicken Vein

A McDonald’s customer in Singapore recently caused quite a stir, alleging that their Sausage McMuffin came with a free baby lizard inside. The fast food chain says it has had the mystery meat tested and is trying to assure everyone that this is not lizard meat, but just an ugly chicken vein. [More]