
Even Alligators Have Cravings For McDonald’s Sometimes

Even Alligators Have Cravings For McDonald’s Sometimes

We’re sure McDonald’s employees have seen all kinds of characters come through the drive-thru: there was the drunk guy who fell asleep and then the person who punched another customer in the face for cutting in line. But a recent incident at a Texas McDonald’s was a little more reptilian in nature – and all kinds of weird. [More]


Map Shows Americans Which Major Burger Chain Is Nearest

Now that we know where all the bars are (hey, Wisconsin), where’s an American supposed to get a burger after a few beers? It’s back to the maps, with this handy illustration of which of the seven major burger chains is closest, depending on where you live. Mmm, crunching numbers. [via] [More]

A Man Walks Into McDonald’s With Knife In His Back; There’s No Punchline

A Man Walks Into McDonald’s With Knife In His Back; There’s No Punchline

Imagine you’re just minding your own business, waiting in line for some fast food breakfast at your local McDonald’s when a man walks in. Something seems a bit off about him. Is it the way he walks? Perhaps it’s something about the conversation he’s having on his phone. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s the huge, bloody kitchen knife sticking out of his back. [More]


Food Companies Not Bragging About Making Products Healthier Out Of Fear You’ll Reject Change

Change can be terrifying. Just ask my brother, who ran screaming at a young age when my formerly straight-haired mom came home with a perm. That kind of reaction is exactly why the companies behind Boston Market, Hamburger Helper and even McDonald’s don’t always go bragging to customers when they change products to make them healthier — they’re worried about rejection, just like the rest of us. [More]

Report: McDonald’s Testing Order-Ahead And Payment App, But Do We Really Need It?

Report: McDonald’s Testing Order-Ahead And Payment App, But Do We Really Need It?

If you just can’t stomach the idea of waiting in line at McDonald’s during the lunch rush, the fast food joint has some (maybe) good news for you. It’s reportedly testing a super (not so) secret order-ahead and payment app. [More]

McDonald’s, Taco Bell Bring Up Rear In Latest Customer Satisfaction Survey

McDonald’s, Taco Bell Bring Up Rear In Latest Customer Satisfaction Survey

While McDonald’s may be the most well-known fast food company in the world, it’s also the least-loved by American consumers. For the fifth year in a row, and for the 18th time in 19 surveys, the Golden Arches has come in dead last among its competition in the American Customer Satisfaction Index. [More]

McDonald’s Must Pay $10,000 To Employee Fired For Reporting Gas Leak

McDonald’s Must Pay $10,000 To Employee Fired For Reporting Gas Leak

One would assume that a restaurant employee would be given a pat on the back for putting the safety of customers and workers first, but one McDonald’s employee in New York was fired for reporting a gas leak to authorities. That just doesn’t seem right, does it? Well, that’s because it wasn’t. [More]

On Second Day Of Protests, McDonald’s CEO Says “We Pay Fair Wages” To Workers

On Second Day Of Protests, McDonald’s CEO Says “We Pay Fair Wages” To Workers

While protesters seeking higher wages for fast food workers gathered for a second day near McDonald’s corporate headquarters outside of Chicago, the chain’s CEO told the company’s investors that there is nothing wrong with what McDonald’s employees are paid. [More]

McDonald’s HQ Tells Employees To Stay Home To Avoid Protests

McDonald’s HQ Tells Employees To Stay Home To Avoid Protests

As thousands of people, including hundreds of McDonald’s workers, staged a protest near McDonald’s corporate headquarters in the Chicago suburbs, the halls of those offices were apparently quite vacant, as the company told many of its 3,200 HQ employees to stay home today in order to avoid the scene. [More]

Joining all the creepy mascots that have come before him is Happy the new McDonald's Happy Meal mascot.

Poll: Is McDonald’s New Happy Meal Mascot The Creepiest Fast Food Shill Yet?

Here’s a little secret about me. I hate mascots. Seeing grown adults running around in gigantic animal-like costumes makes my skin crawl. The sense of dread that washes over me when I see them also translates to their cartoonish counterparts hawking hamburgers, ice cream and other fast food fare on television. Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of creeptastic mascots out there seeking to give us nightmares. [More]

McDonald’s Adding Go-Gurt Option To Happy Meals

McDonald’s Adding Go-Gurt Option To Happy Meals

In an effort to further change its image, McDonald’s announced today that it will soon be adding a yogurt option to its kids meals in the form of Yoplait’s kid-friendly Go-Gurt. Whether or not this is actually a healthier choice all depends on what you substitute the yogurt for. [More]

(Chris Martino)

Rep. Slaughter Asks McDonald’s To Switch To Antibiotic-Free Beef

Some 80% of antibiotics sold in this country go to farmers to put in animal feed, and while the livestock and pharmaceutical industries now like to pretend it’s for disease prevention, the primary motive for shoving drugs down animals’ throats is because antibiotics have the happy side effect of encouraging growth. The practice is so widespread that it would take one of the country’s largest beef-buyers to result in any effective change, which is why New York Congresswoman Louise Slaughter has called on McDonald’s to ditch drugged-up meat for good. [More]

Would You Like Guacamole With Your McDonald’s Meal?

Would You Like Guacamole With Your McDonald’s Meal?

You might react to this concept with either horror or curiosity: McDonald’s is testing guacamole as a condiment and dipping sauce at its restaurants in southern California, and they’re testing a fancy new Guacamole Burger in Denver. For 89 cents, they’ll put guacamole on anything. Anything? [More]


Hold The Onions, Add Marijuana? Man Claims McDonald’s Burger Came Topped With Weed

When ordering at the McDonald’s drive-thru one has to consider the chances of their order coming out wrong. But an Iowa couple says they got something in their hamburger they would have never expected: marijuana. [More]

Don't believe everything you read.

McDonald’s Reminds Customers That It No Longer Uses Pink Slime In Burgers

The Internet is a vast landscape of knowledge just waiting to be mined for your personal edification. But just like Winston Churchill didn’t say “Somebody’s got a case of the Mondays!” just because someone slapped a caption on a photo of the guy and plastered it all over Facebook, not everything you read about fast food is necessarily true. [More]

McDonald’s DIY Seasoned Fries Seem Like A Big Mess Waiting To Happen

McDonald’s DIY Seasoned Fries Seem Like A Big Mess Waiting To Happen

We’re not against the idea of seasoning french fries with flavors like “garlic parmesan” or “zesty ranch” (much better than the failed “blasé ranch”), but we are a bit concerned that the DIY seasoned fries being tested by McDonald’s might result in a huge mess. [More]

Will Fast Food Workers Around The World Strike On May 15?

Will Fast Food Workers Around The World Strike On May 15?

In an effort to raise awareness for their goal of higher wages for fast food workers, labor organizers announced today that May 15 will be a day full of walk-offs, with workers at McDonald’s, Burger King and other eateries striking in 150 cities on six continents (sorry, Antarctica). [More]

Today I learned there are 10 Subways within walking distance of the Consumerist Bat Cave (Philadelphia Branch).

Is There Room For Another 8,000 Subway Locations? Subway Thinks So

The way things stand right now, there are around 26,000 Subway restaurants in the U.S., nearly twice the total number of McDonald’s in the country. In fact, Subway is larger than the number of eateries operated by 30 of the nation’s top 50 food chains — combined. And yet, claims the company’s top exec, there is still room to grow. [More]