
Ad Board Recommends McDonald’s Focus On Actual Meal, Not Just The Cool Toy

Ad Board Recommends McDonald’s Focus On Actual Meal, Not Just The Cool Toy

By now we all know that McDonald’s is trying to appeal to a younger audience, but a commercial the company aired last fall geared toward its youngest customers apparently didn’t sit well with an ad review board. And now that group is warning the fast food giant to stick to its food and not to use toys to appeal to youngsters.

(Paxton Holley)

Dairy Queen To Remove Soda From Kids’ Menu By Sept. 1

Taking the lead from other fast food restaurants like McDonalds, Wendy’s and Burger King, Dairy Queen has reportedly decided to nix sugary drinks from the kids’ menu. [More]

McDonald’s Could Become The Biggest Kale Buyer In The Land

McDonald’s Could Become The Biggest Kale Buyer In The Land

McDonald’s is trying to make its food offerings better and fresher to coax young adults back to their restaurants. In addition to a simplified drive-thru menu, the company is also testing fancy giant burgers, cutting ingredients from its products, and will no longer use chicken treated with antibiotics also used in humans. Yet their decision to start serving kale as a regional test is drawing lots of attention. [More]


McDonald’s Plans Simpler Drive-Thru Menu To Speed Up Orders, Expanding Test Of All-Day Breakfast

Beyond selling off a bunch of company-owned restaurants to franchisees, McDonald’s has been a bit vague on the details on how it intends to turn around struggling sales at the chain. Yesterday the company offered a glimmer of its vision for the future, sharing a plan with franchisees to trim its drive-thru menu, add some more midprice offerings and expand tests of its (limited) all-day breakfast menu. [More]

Tests Of Kale In McDonald’s Restaurants Are Really Happening

Tests Of Kale In McDonald’s Restaurants Are Really Happening

A few months ago, we shared the news that McDonald’s might be offering breakfast bowls that include the dark leafy vegetable kale. That was news not only because kale and McDonald’s seem like a weird fit, but also because the chain specifically made fun of kale in a commercial from just a few months ago. [More]

Is he telling us to be quiet or the burger?!?

McDonald’s Brings Back The Hamburglar And We Aren’t Sure How To Feel

Upon hearing buzz that McDonald’s has brought back that scamp the Hamburglar to network TV after a 13-year hiatus, ostensibly in Burger Thief Jail, the image of the chubby-cheeked, one-toothed masked beef marauder might come to mind. But lo — the scamp is gone, replaced by a suburban dad with a full set of teeth, a five o’clock shadow on his chiseled jaw and a penchant for red leather high tops and trench coats. [More]

McDonald’s Big Turnaround Solution: Sell More Restaurants To Franchisees

McDonald’s Big Turnaround Solution: Sell More Restaurants To Franchisees

When new McDonald’s CEO Steve Easterbrook said he would unveil turnaround plans for the sagging fast food giant on May 4, some people were expecting more than just a decision reorganize the company’s international business and sell off a bunch of company-owned stores to franchisees. [More]

Mike Mozart

McDonald’s Testing Simplified Version Of Build-Your-Own Program, Adds Drive-Thru Option

A day after we learned that McDonald’s had eliminated nine items from its menu so far this year, the fast food giant announced it would also adjust its build-your-own-burger test program to be easier for customers and franchisees to use. [More]

(Don Buciak II)

McDonald’s Cuts Nine Items From Menu Including Chicken Sandwiches, Deluxe Quarter Pounder

Five months after McDonald’s announced it would cut eight menu items and narrow extra value meal options from 16 to 11 combinations, the fast food giant has finally started showing some of its less popular products the door. [More]


Stay Away Kids; This McDonald’s Is For Adults Only

The default setting for teenagers is “obnoxious,” and anyone who’s ever worked in fast food knows just how insufferable some adolescents can be when released into the wild without adult supervision. But are pre-adults so unmanageable that they have to be banned from entering a McDonald’s? [More]

McDonald’s Employee Caught On Camera Knocking Out Unruly Customer

McDonald’s Employee Caught On Camera Knocking Out Unruly Customer

An apparent attempt to remove an unruly customer from a Michigan McDonald’s resulted in a knockout punch from an employee at the fast food chain. [More]

(Mike Mozart)

McDonald’s Closes 700 Locations In First Half Of 2015

Just yesterday McDonald’s new CEO Steve Easterbrook claimed that he was in the midst of developing a turnaround plan for the once unstoppable fast food force. However, it appears his ideas on how to reverse sagging sales and criticism of labor practices comes a bit too late for about 700 locations that have already closed or are slated for closing this year. [More]

McDonald’s CEO Says He Has Turnaround Ideas Up His Sleeve

McDonald’s CEO Says He Has Turnaround Ideas Up His Sleeve

Facing sagging sales, increasing criticism of its labor practices, and growing disenfranchisement from its franchisees, McDonald’s recently installed CEO Steve Easterbrook is at the head of a flagging company that was once viewed as an unstoppable fast food force. But Steve-E claims that he’s got some ideas on how to reverse the course before this burger Titanic strikes the iceberg. [More]

Taco Bell’s Founder Originally Intended To Start A Burger Empire

Taco Bell’s Founder Originally Intended To Start A Burger Empire

If you drive to Downey, CA, you can find the oldest existing McDonald’s eatery and the currently vacant building that housed the first Taco Bell. And the tie between the two famous fast food names goes deeper than that. It was in the parking lot of the very first McDonald’s that the man who would eventually create the Taco Bell empire dreamt of a fast food empire stretching from coast to coast. [More]

McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast Test Will Not Include Full Breakfast Menu

McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast Test Will Not Include Full Breakfast Menu

McDonald’s recently confirmed it would soon begin testing an all-day breakfast menu in the San Diego area, but when that test kicks off next week, fans of certain McD’s breakfast items may find themselves still hungry, as not everything from the morning menu will survive past 10:30 a.m. [More]

Ken Fager

McDonald’s Franchisees Say Company Has “Jumped The Shark”

For years, a number of McDonald’s franchisees have been griping with their corporate overlords about constant menu tweaks, limited-time offerings, and a push for bargain pricing. And the latest survey of franchisees seems to indicate that this tense relationship is only getting worse. [More]


Some McDonald’s Locations Exchanging Free Egg McMuffins For Taco Bell Breakfast Receipts

If you’re the kind of person for whom a second breakfast is a matter of course, you might want to consider moving to northeastern Pennsylvania in the next few days: Some McDonald’s locations there have been offering up free Egg McMuffins this month in exchange for Taco Bell breakfast receipts. [More]

McDonald's has drawn the ire of on of Italy's pizza makers association for a recent commercial.

Italian Pizza Association Threatens To Sue McDonalds Over Happy Meal Commercial

There appears to be a bit of a war brewing between Italian pizza makers and McDonald’s after the fast food company aired a commercial depicting a child overjoyed to receive a Happy Meal over pizza at a local pizzeria. [More]