
Woman Finds Thumbtack In Snack Wrap, McDonald's "Takes It Very Seriously"

Woman Finds Thumbtack In Snack Wrap, McDonald's "Takes It Very Seriously"

THE QUOTE: “Nothing is more important than the safety of our customers,” said Paul Van Sickle, director of operations for McDonald’s Florida Region. “This was an isolated incident which we take very seriously. We always strive to give our customers an enjoyable and pleasant restaurant experience in a clean and safe environment.”

Grandmother Arrested At McDonald's For Refusing To Pull Car Forward

Grandmother Arrested At McDonald's For Refusing To Pull Car Forward

Merola said the McDonald’s employees told her to wait there for her food. Merola was handcuffed behind her back and put in the cruiser. Another officer arrived and took her to the Pinellas County Jail .

Bus Radio Advertises To School-Bound Kids

Bus Radio Advertises To School-Bound Kids

The school district that approved McDonald’s-sponsored report cards has a hot new partnership with Bus Radio, a friendly company that advertises to kids as they ride to school!

McDonald's Stops Advertising On Elementary School Report Cards

McDonald's Stops Advertising On Elementary School Report Cards

McDonald’s has decided to stop branding report card envelopes in a program that gave kids in Florida free food as a reward for good grades after a backlash from parents concerned about exploitive marketing. Teport cards came in an envelope (pictured, click to enlarge) telling kids to check their grades and redeem a free Happy Meal if they got all A’s and B’s or got good marks in “Citizenship” or attendance. The jacket also showed a smiling Ronald McDonald and mentioned McDonald’s several times.


McDonald’s UK CEO said “video games” should take the blame for the obesity epidemic, not fast food. [MCV via BoingBoing]


McDonald’s stock hits all time high. Thank you chicken snack wraps, breakfast, and better coffee. [USAToday]

McDonald's Advertises On Elementary School Report Cards

McDonald's Advertises On Elementary School Report Cards

UPDATE: McDonald’s Stops Advertising On Elementary School Report Cards

60 Minutes Tackles The Menu Labeling Controversy

60 Minutes Tackles The Menu Labeling Controversy

60 minutes aired a lengthy report last night on the menu labeling controversy, and all the usual suspects were in attendance.

McDonald's Forgets The "Angus Burger" Part Of Mushroom And Swiss Angus Burger

McDonald's Forgets The "Angus Burger" Part Of Mushroom And Swiss Angus Burger

Not that we’d ever spent very much time thinking about it, but we were sort of under the impression that when making cheeseburgers, the cheese-type toppings are placed on the burger to melt while still on the grill, right before it is done.

Hepatitis A Scare At Calgary McDonald's

Hepatitis A Scare At Calgary McDonald's

Attention residents of Calgary: Anyone who ate at the McDonald’s at Foothills Industrial Park, 5326 72 Ave. S.E., across from the Calgary Soccer Centre from Oct. 1 to 23 is at risk for Hepatitis A after a food handler tested positive for the disease.

Is A Homemade Cheeseburger More Cost Effective Than A McDonald's One?

Is A Homemade Cheeseburger More Cost Effective Than A McDonald's One?

Nope. It sure isn’t, but Trent at the Simple Dollar makes a good case for why you should just make yourself a cheeseburger. He went to McDonald’s, bought a cheeseburger and then tried to replicate it at home for the same amount of money. (He used real tomato instead of ketchup, however.)

McDonald's Delivers Via New York City Subway

McDonald's Delivers Via New York City Subway

Reader Christopher snapped this photo of some McDonald’s employees making a delivery, via the New York City subway. Christopher is worried that the boxes contained what they say they contained—raw eggs and chicken fillet.

California Assembly Passes Menu Labeling Legislation

California Assembly Passes Menu Labeling Legislation

The California Assembly has passed legislation that will require chain outlets with 15 or more locations to place calorie info on fast food menu boards and nutrition information on restaurant menus. The rule applies only to standard menu items and not to daily specials or custom orders.

McDonald's Worker Arrested For "Over Salting" Police Officer's Burger

McDonald's Worker Arrested For "Over Salting" Police Officer's Burger

No, “over salting” isn’t code for anything nasty. The 20-year-old McDonald’s worker literally spilled salt on the hamburger meat that was used to make a “Big ‘N Tasty” that was served to a Georgia police officer.

Lawsuits Of The Week

Lawsuits Of The Week

Sutton vs McDonald’s Corporation (PDF) Frank Sutton orders a Mickey D’s Chicken Sandwich on August 8th, 2005. Bites into the sandwich and hot lava grease exploded on his lips. When approached about the matter, the McDonald’s worker says something to the effect of, “This is what happens to the sandwiches when they aren’t drained completely.” Sutton wants $2 mil for his damaged puckers. While that might seem steep, McDonald’s should make be making sure their employees are properly draining the chicken sandwiches.

McDonald's Introduces 1/3 Pound Burger

Supersize Me’s effects have worn off. Burger King takes market share by introducing more calorie rich items. And, you need something for the new 42 oz Hugo to wash down.

Introducing The 42 oz  McDonald's "Hugo" Drink

Introducing The 42 oz McDonald's "Hugo" Drink

McDonald’s has been struggling to give themselves an image makeover—they’ve cut the “supersize” menu and added salads and “apple dippers.” But what’s this?

McDonald's Launches Viral Invite To "BurgerCon"

McDonald's Launches Viral Invite To "BurgerCon"

Are you ever sitting around, internetting with your fellow internetters, when all of a sudden you wish you had a corporate-approved “viral” way to challenge said “fellow internetters” to a competitive eating contest?