If You're A Fugitive Sex Offender, Watching Porn At McDonald's Will Probably Put You Back In Jail

While we certainly understand the appeal of looking at the human form sans clothing, we don’t really get why anyone would feel the need to do so while chowing down on a Big Mac at a crowded McDonald’s. But then again, we’ve never been a sex offender who was already wanted for failing to register.
But according to Atlanta’s WSB-TV, a man fitting that bill was arrested after he was spotted — by an off-duty sheriff’s deputy no less — allegedly looking at illicit images on his laptop at a local McDonald’s.
The deputy told the restaurant manager who called the local police.
When the cops arrived, the man reportedly began erasing files off his computer and attempted to flee on foot before ultimately being taken into custody.
“I think he wanted someone to catch him because why would he do it in such an open place where everybody could be walking past him?” asked one customer at the McDonald’s.
Police: Wanted sex offender caught watching porn at McDonald’s [WSBTV.com]
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