If you live in any of the 15 states where Bob’s Discount Furniture operates, you’re probably familiar with the retailer’s “Dare to Compare” ads that pit expensive brand-name furniture against Bob’s more affordable versions. But one major mattress maker claims some of these comparisons are misleading and illegal. [More]

Bob’s Discount Furniture Accused Of Falsely Claiming Its Mattress Is Same As Serta But Cheaper

Steinhoff Announces “Successful Consummation” Of Cash Offer For Mattress Firm Stock
South African retailer Steinhoff and Mattress Firm are likely shopping for some new pajamas after announcing the “successful consummation” of a previously announced $64 per share cash tender offer for the U.S. company’s outstanding common stock. [More]

Mattress Store Apologizes For Ad Parodying Twin Towers Falling On 9/11
A San Antonio mattress store is apologizing after posting a video on Facebook advertising a “Twin Towers Sale” that parodies the World Trade Center towers collapsing. [More]

South African Retail Giant Steinhoff Buying Sleepy’s Owner Mattress Firm For $3.8B
Two big names are going to bed with each other, though one of them you may not be as familiar with: South African retailer Steinhoff — known as “Africa’s Ikea” — is buying America’s largest specialty bedding retailer Mattress Firm, for $3.8 billion. [More]

Here’s What You’ll Find On Sale In February
Our deal-crunching colleagues down the hall at Consumer Reports maintain a national calendar of deals, which tracks which items are on sale during which months so you can plan your spending accordingly. What can you find on sale in February? You should be looking for indoor furniture (especially mattresses), winter clothing, and humidifiers. [More]

Unsurprising: $145 Prison Mattress Gets Mediocre Consumer Reports Rating
Are the low-end mattresses sold in retail stores really “prison mattresses?” That’s what one dealer called them when speaking to one of our bed-testing colleagues down the hall at Consumer Reports. That made them wonder: how would an actual mattress made for the prison market do compared to the mattresses that we use here on the outside? [More]

Mattress Firm Getting Into Bed With Rival Sleepy’s In Deal Worth $780M
Instead of going to the mattresses* like they used to, two big rivals are hopping into bed together: Mattress Firm Holdings has agreed to buy Sleepy’s in a $780 million deal. [More]

Rejoice! Cat Accidentally Sold Along With Mattress Is Home Again
Because not every lost pet story has a happy ending, fans of Camo the Mattress Cat will likely be incredibly relieved to hear that the beloved pet accidentally sold along with bedding on Craigslist has been reunited with his owners. [More]

We’re Feeling Very, Very Sleepy Because Mattress Firm Buys Sleep Train For $425M
Have you ever walked by a mattress store and automatically felt like you needed a nap? No? Just me? Okay, fine, but the mattress store near you might in for a big change as two mattress retailers prepare to go to bed together. [More]

The Main Difference Between These Sleep Number Mattresses? $2,000
Sure, when you step into a mattress showroom, the sales placards might tell you all of the fancy differences between different beds with widely varying price points. A $3,000 bed can’t possibly be three times more comfortable than a similar bed that only costs $1,000… right? Mattress tests by our foam-cushioned cousins down the hall at Consumer Reports found that there’s very little objective difference, but “comfiness” isn’t really an objective measurement. [More]

Mattress Store Tries Novel Approach: Leaving Customers Alone
Mattress shopping can be a stressful, high-pressure experience, with difficulty in comparing different models. One store in the Midwest wants to solve that problem by eliminating sales staff from the process. Entirely. No, they aren’t going to sell mattresses online: they plan an unattended store where shoppers can browse in complete peace. [More]

Finding An Old Mattress Within A New Mattress Is Even Worse When It’s Filled With Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are already the pests of our worst nightmares, but usually when a customer buys a brand new mattress, that fear is allayed by the fact that well, the mattress is a new one, wrapped in plastic, and thus safe from bugs. But what if some freaky mattress inception had gone on and there’s an old mattress inside the new mattress? [More]

Would You Buy A Mattress Before Trying It Out In A Store First?
A good mattress can be hard to find — or soft, depending on the level of support you’re partial to. And because the perfect mattress isn’t just essential to a good night’s sleep but is also usually a bit of an investment, shoppers have long been bouncing, tossing and turning on, napping and otherwise trying out mattresses in showrooms before buying them. But is that all about to change? [More]

Sleepy Driver Literally Heads For The Nearest Bed By Crashing Into A Mattress Store
It makes sense, if you’re driving along at night and feeling heavy-headed, to head for the nearest bed and just crash. But one sleepy driver took that idea to the literal extreme and drove her truck into a Dallas mattress store last night. Plenty of beds there, but not the best way to catch 40 winks. [More]

Need To Change The Sears Order You Placed 15 Minutes Ago? Tough
Do you think there’s even a remote chance that you might need to change your Sears order after the fact? Then you should go to a physical store and place your order there. Heather was told that she needed to perform that bit of time travel if she wants to cancel her mattress order before two weeks have passed. She noticed a problem fifteen minutes after the order went through, but because the order had been placed, she can’t do a darn thing until after the proposed delivery date, March 15th. [More]

Mattress-Jumping Isn’t Just Child’s Play; It’s A Real Job
While most of the mattresses you sleep are tested by machines, some mattress companies actually pay grown adults real money to jump up and down on their product before it ships to stores. [More]

The Best Mattresses For That Other Thing You Use Mattresses For
Our lab-coated cousins down the hall at Consumer Reports may test all kinds of products extensively, including mattresses, but we’re fairly certain they’ve never produced a ratings chart like this one. Hilariously-named sleep product review site Sleep Like the Dead polled their users to find out which type of mattress is best for the second most important thing that most people use their beds for: sex.

When Buying A Mattress From Sears, Maybe Also Invest In A Truck
This probably isn’t news to you, Sears, but you’ve lost another customer for good. This time, it’s reader Jeff, who had a nice experience buying a mattress at his local Sears store, but a terrible experience trying to get the mattress delivered to his house. People do not enjoy taking a vacation day from work and then not having the delivery person show up. Four times. [More]