calendar of deals


Here’s What You’ll Find Deals On In March

Our colleagues over at Consumer Reports have a relentless squad of price-watchers who can tell us all what we should buy and when. Every month, they tell the world about what’s come up this month on their Calendar of Deals, and we pass the news along. [More]

Here’s What You’ll Find On Sale In February

Here’s What You’ll Find On Sale In February

Our deal-crunching colleagues down the hall at Consumer Reports maintain a national calendar of deals, which tracks which items are on sale during which months so you can plan your spending accordingly. What can you find on sale in February? You should be looking for indoor furniture (especially mattresses), winter clothing, and humidifiers. [More]

Here’s What You Should Be Shopping For In January

Here’s What You Should Be Shopping For In January

The holiday season is over, the sales are on, and smart Consumerists know that now is the time to do some serious shopping. What should you look for on store shelves in the coming months? Let our price-tracking colleagues down the hall at Consumer Reports lead the way, straight to the gym sign-up desk and the winter coat aisle of your favorite department store. [More]