
3M Steals Viral Image Idea To Avoid Licensing It

3M Steals Viral Image Idea To Avoid Licensing It

There is probably nothing more pathetic in the world of marketing than watching a big corporation try to do something “viral”—usually they end up looking like Elaine dancing. But sometimes, they’re so cynical and soulless about it that they don’t just come across as incompetent, but as exploitative cheapskates as well. In 3M’s case, they wouldn’t pay $2,000 to license a well-known photo with its own viral history, and instead recreated a fake version of it to save a grand. We guess they’re just hoping none of the sites and communities that made the photo popular in the first place will notice. Oh wait, this is supposed to be viral or something…

Court Changes Mind, Strikes Down Anti-Spam Law

Court Changes Mind, Strikes Down Anti-Spam Law

The court noted that “were the ‘Federalist Papers’ just being published today via e-mail, that transmission by Publius would violate the [current Virginia] statute.”


Google has announced that they’re shortening the duration that they keep personal data on users from 18 months to 9 months. Yay! “It’s no big deal—we’ve already got more personal info on you than we know how to monetize,” said a Google official in a totally fabricated (yet plausible) statement. [Reuters]

How Marketers Trick Your Secretary Into Opening Fax Spam Floodgates

How Marketers Trick Your Secretary Into Opening Fax Spam Floodgates

Joe used to work at a multi-million-dollar fax spam company. Since it’s illegal to cold call fax, here’s the trick they would use to start fax-spamming a company and be covered in case of legal action. It’s all about pretexting the secretary. Here’s how it works:


Gothamist says that there’s a company (in NYC) selling purified New York City tap water in bottles. We can vouch for the goodness of NYC tap water, but really, all you need is a cup, or as Consumerist readers recommend to me, a stainless steel canteen. [Gothamist] (Thanks, Avi!)

Angry Telemarketer Calls Back, Chews You Out For Hanging Up

Angry Telemarketer Calls Back, Chews You Out For Hanging Up

This telemarketer has had it up to here with all of you people at home hanging up on her every time she needs to sell you something! Randall Whited in Austin, Texas, received an earful recently, when he answered the phone shortly after hanging up on the unnamed telemarketer.

Only 119 Shopping Days Left 'Til Xmas, Cracker Barrel Reminds

Only 119 Shopping Days Left 'Til Xmas, Cracker Barrel Reminds

Luke sent us this shot of Christmas Creep in full…

Facial Recognition Technology + Video Screens = Creepy Dunkin' Donuts Ads?

Facial Recognition Technology + Video Screens = Creepy Dunkin' Donuts Ads?

The Wall Street Journal says that Dunkin’ Donuts is experimenting with video screens that use facial recognition technology to figure out your age and gender. The screens then display ads targeted specifically to you.

FTC Listens To Your Complaints, (Mostly) Bans Telemarketer Robocalls

FTC Listens To Your Complaints, (Mostly) Bans Telemarketer Robocalls

After reviewing the more than 14,000 comments left by living human beings, the FTC yesterday amended its Telemarketing Sales Rule to ban most types of robotic telemarketing calls. By this December, any recorded calls will have to lead off with an automated opt-out option; by September 2009, telemarketers will need prior written permission to contact someone—simply being a recent customer won’t cut it.

Is Walmart Passing Out Fake Back-To-School Supply Lists?

Is Walmart Passing Out Fake Back-To-School Supply Lists?

Blogger Kelby Carr says that her local Walmart has totally fake but official looking back to school supply lists posted in their stores. The lists not only contain some extra supplies that are banned from the schools, but are actually missing some supplies. Here’s how she describes the lists:

Michaels Arts & Crafts Rolls Out The Christmas Display The First Week Of August

Michaels Arts & Crafts Rolls Out The Christmas Display The First Week Of August

Reader Sam writes in to let us know he found some Christmas Creep at a Michaels craft store. He sent along some pictures he took in early August, 142 days before Christmas.

Coinstar Calls Cashing In Change 'Recycling'

Coinstar Calls Cashing In Change 'Recycling'

Douglas writes, “Coinstar wants you to ‘recycle’ your coins in their machines, and save the environment! Minus their 8.9% fee of course.” They even have a little wizard on their website that estimates how many parts of the environment—water, energy consumption, and geological waste—you save by putting those coins back into circulation, instead of hoarding them like the polar bear murderer you are. They don’t provide any source for these estimates, though, and we’re not convinced you’re doing anything “green” other than lining Coinstar’s pockets.

Pizza Hut Sends Unsolicited Email To Apologize For Sending Unsolicited Email

Pizza Hut Sends Unsolicited Email To Apologize For Sending Unsolicited Email

Pizza Hut apologized for sending an unsolicited marketing email by sending an unsolicited apology email. We’ve all accidentally hit send without ending the world, but the pizza-maker’s flub is all the more egregious because they force customer who place orders online to opt-in to spam marketing. According to Pizza Hut, the error occurred while “testing new functionality.”

Sam's Club Pretends Its Polystyrene Cup Is Green

Sam's Club Pretends Its Polystyrene Cup Is Green

Gregg saw this cheerful environmentally-friendly message on the side of his Sam’s Club soda cup. Wait, what? We guess it saves Sam’s Club fuel costs to ship the cups, but that sounds more like a profit-friendly quality. Gregg notes another benefit of the cup: “[it] may never biodegrade but at least it’s easy on my drinkin’ elbow.”

Dear Radio City Music Hall, Christmas Is Not "Right Around The Corner" In August

Dear Radio City Music Hall, Christmas Is Not "Right Around The Corner" In August

Reader Scott says he spotted some nasty summertime Christmas Creep in the free NYC area paper “Metro”. Apparently the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular is under the impression that “Christmas is right around the corner.” In August.

Sears: Please Deliver This Special Offer After It Expires

Sears: Please Deliver This Special Offer After It Expires

Reader Ed says:

AT&T Calls 9 Times In 12 Days Trying To Sell DSL

AT&T Calls 9 Times In 12 Days Trying To Sell DSL

Would you buy DSL service from a company that either doesn’t care about Do Not Call lists or doesn’t know how they work? A man in Missouri was harassed to the point where he considered calling the police, because no matter what he did, AT&T wouldn’t stop calling. Every time he tried contacting AT&T to get it to stop, he ended up in automated phone systems with recorded messages, busy signals, and disconnections—but never a live person. Only after he wrote to a local consumer advocacy columnist did AT&T pay attention and turn off the telemarketing fire hose. AT&T didn’t, however, explain why they were targeting this person, or whether anyone else is facing the same barrage of calls.

JetBlue To Charge $7 For Pillow-Blanket Kit

JetBlue To Charge $7 For Pillow-Blanket Kit

JetBlue is launching a new fee, $7 for a pillow and an allergen-rebuffing blanket. It comes with a $5 coupon to Bed Bath and Beyond. It’s all part of what JetBlue describes as a “basket of fee changes” which they project will rake in an additional $50 million this year. I guess that’s someone’s idea of targeted marketing. “Guys, we need to figure out a way to hone in on this lucrative “buys blankets” crowd…”