
KB Toys: Who Needs Halloween When You Have The "Pre-Holidays" Instead?

KB Toys: Who Needs Halloween When You Have The "Pre-Holidays" Instead?

Reader Meg says that she saw this sign at KB Toys in New Jersey and just had to go back and take a picture. She’s wondering why we can’t have Halloween anymore without mentioning Christmas.

Verizon's Policy Blog V. SmarterChild

Verizon's Policy Blog V. SmarterChild

Verizon’s so-called “policy blog” is a grotesquely self-serving marketing orifice, perhaps the worst corporate blog we’ve ever read. We decided to stack Verizon’s inane sales schmaltz against the internet’s preeminent bullshit-spewing chatbot, SmarterChild….

Old Cigarette Ads: Doctors, Nurses, And Rock Hudson Say It's Good For You

Old Cigarette Ads: Doctors, Nurses, And Rock Hudson Say It's Good For You

Man, cigarettes were awesome in the past, if these old ads collected by Stanford University are to be believed. They calmed your nerves so you’d stop humming nervously! They soothed your throat! They made you a movie star and helped you capture animals on your big game hunt! We don’t know what tobacco was made of before the mid-80s, but no wonder everyone smoked.

Marriott Emails You To Let You Know That You Did Not Give Permission For Them To Email You

Marriott Emails You To Let You Know That You Did Not Give Permission For Them To Email You

Marriott really wants to know what you think of their hotels. Unfortunately, they don’t have permission to solicit your participation in surveys. The solution? They email you to let you know that you asked them not to email you.


Best Buy has apparently launched a new “woman-friendly” store where the “Home Theater” section is marked “Family Room” and there is a “lower sink for children in the bathroom, lotion near the paper towels, and a private room for new mothers, with carpeting, a rocking chair, free diapers and softer lighting.” [Minneapolis Star-Tribune]

This Shaw's Pizza Box Is Conflicted

This Shaw's Pizza Box Is Conflicted

Someone in marketing really wanted to show the handmade goodness of Shaw’s house brand pizza, despite the fact that there is no handmade goodness to the product at all. But not to worry! A little fine print takes care of any legal issues, and you’re good to go.

High Fructose Corn Syrup Research Paid For By HFCS Industry

High Fructose Corn Syrup Research Paid For By HFCS Industry

CBS says that they took a look at the research cited by the marketing campaign from the Corn Refiners Association — which features “people-in-the-know” rolling their eyes and scoffing at befuddled anti-corn-syrup zealots — and realized that “three were sponsored by groups that stand to profit from research that promotes HFCS. Two were never published so they’re funding sources are unclear. And one was sponsored by a Dutch foundation that represents the interests of the sugar industry.”

Extended Stay Hotels Must Smell Really Bad

Extended Stay Hotels Must Smell Really Bad

Okay, we got the bathroom humor of Kellog’s All-Bran commercial last year. We’re not sure if this commercial for Extended Stay Hotels, which shows guests so relaxed that they pass gas—or what the French call un petit éclatement—is quite as effective. Maybe they should change the tagline at the end to, “Our windows can be opened.”

Citi Credit Card Cautions You Against Spending

Citi Credit Card Cautions You Against Spending

Citi’s been burned enough by its cardholders’ profligate spending, apparently. Check out the message on this activation sticker on a new card. We like the inclusion of a sort of Yin-yang background, as if to remind us that debt and repayment are equal elements of the consumer credit world. A balance must be maintained! Just, you know, not so high a balance that you can’t make your monthly payments.(Thanks to Jerry!)

Food Makers Want To Sell You Cheap Food For Big Profits

Food Makers Want To Sell You Cheap Food For Big Profits

Gone are the days of pushing “premium” food offerings, says the Wall Street Journal— big food manufacturers like Kraft and Campbell are going to be pushing “cheap” foods like tomato soup and cheese singles — foods which are thought of as “easy on the wallet” but are still hugely profitable for the manufacturers.

Gorton's Wants To Know If You Noticed Anything Fishy About Their Fish Sticks

Gorton's Wants To Know If You Noticed Anything Fishy About Their Fish Sticks

Reader Dave was doing an online survey about Gorton’s Fish Sticks packaging — and it looks like something fishy is going on…

FreeCreditReport Hires Ed McMahon To Rap In "Viral" Videos

FreeCreditReport Hires Ed McMahon To Rap In "Viral" Videos

We’re warning you now, so that you won’t bother to fall for the “you-gotta-see-this!” absurdity of an 85-year-old former talk show announcer and sweepstakes pitchman reduced to self-mockery in order to make some money. We don’t begrudge McMahon his career, but as you know we deeply begrudge “free” for its misleading name, commercials, promises—well, pretty much everything.

Best Buy Cancels Your Order As You Stand There Shouting "Stop!"

Best Buy Cancels Your Order As You Stand There Shouting "Stop!"

Best Buy didn’t want to honor the sale price of the 2GB flash drive Matt ordered through their website, so when Matt arrived to pick-up his purchase, the store’s assistant manager called customer service and, pretending to be Matt, asked to cancel the order. Let’s read Matt’s story and see how it violates Massachusetts law, inside…

Vienna "All Beef" Hot Dogs Are Made With Sheep, Pigs

Vienna "All Beef" Hot Dogs Are Made With Sheep, Pigs

Sorry Chicagoans, your beloved Vienna “100% All Beef” hot dogs are actually encased in sheep and pigs, according to a recently settled class action suit. Under the settlement, all class members—anyone in the U.S. who bought a Vienna hot dog at a hot dog stand in the past five years—are entitled to $3 per consumed hog dog. To submit a claim, visit and follow the procedures listed there.

Idiot Comcast Door-To-Door Salesmen Cause Neighborhood Panic

Idiot Comcast Door-To-Door Salesmen Cause Neighborhood Panic

Yesterday, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported that the police were looking for two men who were posing as Comcast employees as a ruse to steal social security numbers. The men were driving an unmarked car, wandering around a neighborhood knocking on doors and telling residents they needed to fix some wiring issues. One resident refused, claiming that she didn’t have an appointment. She then saw the employees start knocking on other doors and, finding it unlikely that her entire neighborhood could have “wiring issues,” called the police.


MisterJalopy over at BoingBoing has put together a rough outline of a cheat sheet when shopping for eggs, based on an article in yesterday’s New York Times on how to interpret egg carton labeling. [BoingBoing]

Wrigley Field Unloads WaMu Swag On Fans Before Its Too Late

Wrigley Field Unloads WaMu Swag On Fans Before Its Too Late

My husband and I were at the Cubs/Brewers game at Wrigley Field last night. At the door we were surprised to be given WaMu promotional string backpack/bags. This was in addition to the announced promotion, Carlos Zambrano bobbleheads.

McDonald's & Microsoft To Let Zune Users Download Music While Scarfing Burgers

McDonald's & Microsoft To Let Zune Users Download Music While Scarfing Burgers

Is there really a need for this? Microsoft says that they’ve partnered with McDonald’s to offer access to the “Zune Marketplace” to Zune owners via a free wifi connection inside 9,800 participating McDonald’s. This is apparently going to “attract new customers whose digital lifestyle extends beyond their home and office,” according to a press release.