When a pet goes missing, the owners might post “Lost” fliers, call their local animal shelters, or simply look up the animal’s microchip in hopes of finding them. While the last option is used more and more, some owners say the way in which the microchip system works is flawed, leaving people with little hope of finding their pets. [More]

Verizon Loses FiOS Equipment, Sends You To Collections
Leon liked Verizon’s FiOS service when he had it. It wasn’t until he moved and sent his equipment back that he had any problems with them. He sent his router and CableCard back via UPS, and the card was taped to the side of the router. Verizon received the router, but the CableCard is still missing. “I have visions of the router at some new customer’s house with the cablecard still taped to it,” he writes. [More]

My USPS Package Took A California Vacation, Didn't Invite Me Along
Using the U.S. Postal Service’s Priority Mail, Justin mailed a gift from his home in New York City to a friend in Georgia. Package tracking meant that he was able to follow the gift’s journey and make sure it arrived safely. He was baffled, though, when the tracking information stated that it first traveled out to California for no reason, then made its way back to Georgia, eleven days later than anticipated. Where it was then delivered to the wrong person. In a different town. No one knows where the package actually ended up. [More]

Worst Company In The Air: Oceanic Vs. TransAmerican
Every airline has a few in-air horror stories in its history, but there are two commercial carriers whose public image is dominated by their catastrophe-related headlines. [More]

Bid On 'Lost' Props So You Can Make A Series Finale Worth Watching
I, like many people who spent too many hours attempting to solve the 6-season puzzle that was Lost, was more than a tad bit disappointed in the show’s final episode. But now we all have the chance to recreate our own versions of how the finale should have gone — and do it with actual props from the show. [More]

UPS Calls You For Directions To Your House, UPS Store
Sounds like it’s not just Megabus drivers who need to invest in a GPS. Alphonzo tells Consumerist that his local UPS drivers are evidently unable to locate his house. It sounds like some of his local drivers have no sense of direction whatsoever. [More]

Lost Finale Had 107 Commercials: More Than 45 Minutes Worth
So, Lost ended, as you may have heard, and you also may have heard your friends complaining about the number of commercials that were in the finale. EW says there were 107 of them in 2.5 hours — or more than 45 minutes worth. [More]

If An Airline Loses Your Luggage, Get Compensation
The U.S. Department of Transportation says that despite what the airline tells you, there are certain regulations it must follow when it loses a passenger’s luggage. Here are the things to remember if you’re in this unfortunate situation. [More]

Best Buy Sends Your Playstation 3 To New Jersey. You Live In Missouri.
Steve writes that his brother used to live in New Jersey. He now lives in Missouri. When ordering a Playstation 3 from Best Buy, he repeatedly corrected his address in Best Buy’s system, but somehow the PS3 still ended up shipped to his former address in New Jersey. Now Best Buy doesn’t intend to do anything until Steve’s brother convinces the current occupant of his former home in New Jersey to send the PS3 back. Good luck with that. [More]

Cut The Cable And Watch All Your TV And Movies Online
Cutting cable can save you upwards of $500 a year, and Lifehacker shows you how to do it while still getting to watch all your favorite shows and movies online. [More]

Family Heirloom Wedding Bands Enter Kay Jeweler, Are Never Seen Again
Mistakes happen, and apparently there was a hole in the UPS box and all the rings fell out. No really, that’s what this customer’s wife was told when she asked for an explanation of where their rings were. Now the customer says Kay Jewelers won’t give him any other information, or even show him photos of the rings after they were sent to the warehouse. They’ll replace them with jewelry up to $500, but nothing higher, and if he wants to find out anything else he’ll have to lawyer up. Here’s his story. [More]

"Lost" Sweepstakes Prize Disappears Into Electromagnetic Anomaly (Or Maybe Just FedEx)
Last night was the much-anticipated season premiere of “Lost,” and ABC built up excitement with a sweepstakes where 815 fans would receive a USB drive with exclusive video clips from the premiere. Sounds pretty awesome. Reader and Lost fan Nicholas writes that he won the sweepstakes, but his prize never showed up. The marketing firm running the contest and FedEx blame each other, and Nicholas is left without his cool prize. [More]

Meet 'The Imaginary Refund Policy' From Hammacher Schlemmer
It turns out Hammacher Schlemmer doesn’t want their goofy products any more than you do. Tanya in Canada has been trying for a month to get a refund on a product she felt didn’t live up to its promise, but the company won’t even acknowledge whether they’ve received it. Update: Hammacher Schlemmer has responded, and issued the refund. [More]

Man Can't Track Down Phantom Circuit City/Chase/Best Buy Credit Card
Ah, the perils of having a credit card issued by an electronic store that dies a slow, painful death, only to come back, haunt you and resist all attempts at seances and exorcisms.

Check For Unredeemed, Matured Government Bonds
A PR person just contacted us on behalf of the U.S. Treasury Department to point out that there are $16 billion in unredeemed bonds that are no longer earning interest. “Specifically, there are 40 million Series E savings bonds purchased between 1941 and 1978 that are over 30 years old and therefore have fully matured. They can be cashed out today for at least four times their face value.”

USPS: Your Five New, Insured Laptops That We Lost Are Worth $74
The US Postal Service lost five new Lenovo laptops that Pedro’s friend bought and shipped to him. Pedro expected that this might happen, so he wisely insured the package for $3,000. After stalling for about two months, USPS finally agreed to pay his insurance claim, but reduced the payment, claiming his merchandise was only worth $74.