When Scott found socks on “buy one, get one half off” sale at Kohl’s, he picked up a few packages. The sale signage stipulated that the discount was off the original price…but was that the original price, or the original original price? Scott noticed that a sticker had been placed over the original tag, raising the price from $12 to $14. So what’s the original price?

What Is The 'Original Price' After Kohl's Marks An Item Up?

How A Shirt With 'Made In The U.S.A.' On The Front Can Be Made In India
The design on a T-shirt can have very little to do with where the garment itself was made. Today, for example, I’m wearing a Cute Overload shirt that was made by American Apparel and is made of cotton, not from winged hamsters. But Jeremy thought it was strange that a shirt his girlfriend bought at Kohl’s has “Made in the USA” in fairly large print on the front, but was made in India. [More]

Kohl's Wants You To Pick A Side: Paper Statements Or Online Account Access
If you have a Kohl’s charge card and like to have a paper statement but also check your account online…well, tough. As part of what looks like a push to get customers to opt out of receiving bills in the mail, the good times of having two different ways to access one’s account are over. If you want paper bills, you’ll have to surrender your access to the site. [More]
Shoppers Give Costco Highest Overall Marks Among Major Retailers
Our pals-in-arms at the Consumer Reports National Research Center recently asked more than 26,000 readers to rate their shopping experiences at the nation’s top retailers — both in-store and online — and in spite of being a members’ only warehouse store, Costco came out looking the best. [More]
Is Kohl's Marking Up Prices Before It Puts Items On Sale?
When you see a sale advertising “40% off” an item, what exactly does that mean? Is it 40% off the price it was selling for last week? 40% off the MSRP? There’s a gray area in retail pricing that has some shoppers accusing Kohl’s of inflating prices so that an “on sale” item looks to be a better deal than it actually is. [More]

Rebecca Black Friday Kohl's Ad Annoys Pretty Much Everyone
Congratulations to Kohl’s on their early entry in the 2012 Worst Ad in America contest. Their parody version of Rebecca Black’s “Friday” is just as grating as the original song, only with worse lyrics. Yes, it turns out that was possible. [More]

Big Retailers Opening Doors Even Earlier On Black Friday
Instead of the usual 3am Black Friday door opening, several retailers, including Target, Macy’s, and Kohls, announced they’re going to be open at midnight this year. [More]

How To Get The Best Deals At 10 Major Retail Chains
Everyone wants a bargain, which is why more Americans shop at discount chains like Target and Walmart than at any other type of big store. But a new survey of more than 30,000 subscribers by the Consumer Reports National Research Center reveals that folks are also finding low prices at department stores, warehouse clubs, and general-merchandise retailers. We recently reported on why consumers shop where they do. [More]

Man Sentenced To Life In Prison For Shoplifting
A man in Mississippi is heading up the river for the rest of his life after he was caught heisting some stuff from a Kohl’s store and then led police on a car chase. Oh, and also because he’d been convicted 10 previous times. [More]

Retailers, Manufacturers Agree To Reduce Amount Of Lead Used In Handbags
As part of a $1.7 million settlement, over 40 major retailers and apparel manufacturers have agreed to cut back on the amount of lead used in handbags and other accessories. [More]

Red "Sale" Sign At Kohl's Means Item Is FOR Sale, Not ON Sale
Nice try, Kohl’s, but we see through your game. An item isn’t on sale just because you say it is. You have to actually decrease the price. Noah writes that when he found a tag emblazoned with the word SALE, he thought this meant that perhaps the item was on sale. Don’t be silly, Noah. [More]

Kohl's Sends Me Random Door Parts, Empty Box, With My Order
Consumerist reader Mike was recently enticed by a clothing sale on Kohls.com, so he ordered, in his words, “a ton of shirts.” What he didn’t know was that, in addition to his shirts, Kohl’s was also going to send him several random pieces for a door lock assembly and a second box of free air. [More]

Used Syringes Surprise Kohl's Shopper
We’ve all been there, trying on a pair of shorts in a Kohl’s dressing room when suddenly we feel the cold sting of three used syringes. Or maybe it’s a joy that was limited to a Texas woman who was shopping yesterday at the Kohl’s in Harris County, Texas.

Is Kohl's Systemically Overcharging Customers?
Don’t walk out of Kohl’s without first double-checking your receipt. The store apparently has a penchant for overcharging customers, according to the Sacramento County Department of Weights and Measures, which fined the chain $2,000 for repeatedly failing surprise inspections. CBS sent an enterprising reporter to see how long it would take for them to uncover a pricing discrepancy of their own. Almost immediately, they found a woman who was charged $64.99 for a pair of shoes marked $59.99.

Kohl's Marks Up Jewelry, Then Discounts It
A Maryland woman bought some jewelry on sale at the Kohl’s in Westminster, then discovered cheaper prices under the price tags.

Confirmed: Christmas Is Creeping
The Chicago Tribune confirms that Christmas is creeping up earlier this year as skittish retailers try to stay ahead of the ever-crescendoing non-recession. Walgreens, Kohls, and Home Depot were all singled out for defying the calendar, but blame also belongs with consumers who fuel seasonal ignorance with their buying choices.
Morning Deals
- Kohl’s: 80-90% Clearance Sale
- Disney Outlet: Kid’s costumes up to 80% off, plus extra 20% off code
- Amazon: Dr. Martens Men’s 1914 Cherry Red Size 14 Boots $38
Highlights From Dealhack
- Tiger Direct: UTStarcom GSM708 Unlocked GSM Phone $20
- Butterfly Photo: Canon Rebel XSi 12MP DSLR & Lens $790 Shipped
- Expedia: Save 30% off Hotels, Cars, Cruises & Other Travel