Last week, rumors circulated that Jamie Dimon, the JPMorgan Chase CEO whom President-elect Donald Trump had once called the “worst banker in the United States,” was being considered by the incoming Trump administration for the position of Secretary of the Treasury. However, a new report claims that Dimon has formally passed on the offer. [More]
jamie dimon

Reports: Trump Considering Chase CEO He Once Dubbed “Worst Banker In U.S.” To Head Treasury
President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team are now in the process of selecting cabinet members and other top officials that will run many federal agencies under the direction of the White House. According to new reports, one of the names under consideration for Treasury Secretary is banker who Trump has slammed publicly in the past. [More]

Sen. Elizabeth Warren Has Some Choice Words For Chase CEO Jamie Dimon
Earlier this week, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie “It sounds like Diamond” Dimon, was quoted as saying that Sen. Elizabeth Warren, an outspoken advocate of financial reform who helped create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau before becoming a lawmaker, was clueless about how banks actually work. The Massachusetts senator says that Mr. Dimon doth protest too much. [More]

Congratulations, Jamie Dimon, You’re The Sexiest CEO In America!
The last week has been great for Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, or would be if he were a regular reader of Consumerist. Last Thursday, our readers voted his company to be less terrible than Bank of America in our annual Worst Company in America tournament. Today, our readers declared him to be the official Sexiest CEO in America! [More]

Sexiest CEO In America Final Showdown: Jamie Dimon vs. Meg Whitman
Every year, when our Worst Company in America tournament rolls around, some yaysayers wonder why we can’t be more positive. “Where’s the Best Company in America?” they ask. This year, we finally took their complaints to heart. Which is to say that we’re asking you, our readers, to choose the biggest heartthrob among the top chief executives in America. Welcome to the final round of our first annual Sexiest CEO in America Tournament! [More]

Chase CEO Admits That His Executives “Acted Like Children” Following Huge Loss
Remember last year when JPMorgan Chase lost billions of dollars in a matter of weeks? One might think that well-heeled, experienced executives at one of the country’s largest banks would have buckled down and faced the problem with a steel-like resolve. Apparently not. [More]

Chase CEO Wants You All To Know "We Live In A Free. Fucking. Country."
Jamie Dimon is many things. CEO of JPMorgan Chase. Crusader for the rights of banks. Self-proclaimed “defender of the truth.” A living, breathing, F-bomb-dropping reminder that we don’t live in the Soviet Union. [More]

Shareholders Sue JPMorgan & CEO Jamie Dimon Over $2 Billion Loss
Late last night, two separate lawsuits were filed against JPMorgan Chase & Co and its Chief Operating Officer, Jamie Dimon, accusing the bank and its management of excessive risk that led to trading losses of at least $2 billion. [More]

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon On $2 Billion Loss: "We Have Egg On Our Face"
JPMorgan Chase dropped a hefty financial bomb on everyone yesterday, admitting that it lost $2 billion in six weeks after some bad trading decisions. CEO Jamie Dimon revealed the news after trading closed last night, admitting that the company only has itself to blame. [More]

Chase CEO Wants Everyone To Lay Off On Hating Rich People
In case you’ve been asleep for the last few months, there are more than a handful of people out there who aren’t too happy about the fact that executives at bailed-out banks are reaping huge salaries while none of them have been called to account for the actions that required them to be bailed out in the first place. But thank heavens that one ultra-wealthy CEO is willing to stand up for his fellow bullied bankers. [More]

Senator Durbin To Chase CEO: You're Already Gouging The Consumer, So Stop Complaining
The main reason that JPMorgan Chase and other big banks have given for things like $5 ATM fees and prohibitive caps on debit card purchases is a soon-to-be-enacted bit of legislation known as the Durbin Amendment, which limits the amount of money banks can make off of interchange fees, the amount they charge retailers for each debit card transaction. Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has called the laws “price fixing at its worst” and “downright idiotic.” Now Dick Durbin, the Illinois senator whose name graces the legislation, has come out swinging at Dimon, telling the bank exec to quit whining and enjoy being profitable. [More]

Arrest Warrant Issued For JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon
Last week, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon was a wanted man in the city of Atlanta. The city solicitor issued a warrant for his arrest. [More]

Contact Information For Chase CEOs
Here’s the contact info for the CEOs of major Chase divisions: