Every year, when our Worst Company in America tournament rolls around, some yaysayers wonder why we can’t be more positive. “Where’s the Best Company in America?” they ask. This year, we finally took their complaints to heart. Which is to say that we’re asking you, our readers, to choose the biggest heartthrob among the top chief executives in America. Welcome to the final round of our first annual Sexiest CEO in America Tournament! [More]
check your calendar before you complain

Here Are Your Sexiest CEO In America Tournament Finalists!
Every year, when our Worst Company in America tournament rolls around, some yaysayers wonder why we can’t make it more positive. “Where’s the Best Company in America?” they ask. Things like “good customer service” and “corporate responsibility” are important and all, but no one else is asking the real hard-hitting question: how easy are companies’ chief executives on the eyes? [More]