We post a lot of stories during the week, and we know that most of you have jobs, families, lives, hobbies, nagging itches and other more important things to do than read every single thing we write. So for those who might be playing catch-up on the weekend, here are some of the things you might have missed… [More]
april fool’s

If Today Is Your Birthday And You’re Flying, JetBlue Will Match Your Fare With A Credit
We know, we know — everyone is on edge today because who knows when someone is going to prank you into feeling like a total sucker for believing some outrageous April Fool’s Day lie. But JetBlue is crossing its heart and swearing to die that it really is trying to give back to all those who happen to be born on this date — and are flying on the airline today. [More]

Congratulations, Jamie Dimon, You’re The Sexiest CEO In America!
The last week has been great for Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, or would be if he were a regular reader of Consumerist. Last Thursday, our readers voted his company to be less terrible than Bank of America in our annual Worst Company in America tournament. Today, our readers declared him to be the official Sexiest CEO in America! [More]

April Fools’ Day, Anyone? YouTube Is Shutting Down After 8-Year Quest For Best Video
We’re just gonna go ahead and take everything we read today with a giant grain of salt, as it just so happens to be April 1. In an April Fools’ joke that would likely devastate anyone who’s a fan of funny cat videos or 10-hour loops of Kate Upton on a runway, Google announced today that it’s shutting down YouTube tonight. [More]

Scope ‘Introduces’ Bacon Mouthwash With A Mint Finish Just Before April 1st
Do you know what’s wrong with the current oral hygiene products market? Not enough bacon. In what has got to be an early April Fool’s joke, Procter & Gamble has joined the global bacon obsession. Yesterday they announced a new flavor of Scope mouthwash flavored like the famed pork product. It tastes like bacon, but leaves your breath minty fresh. If that’s even possible, the existence of Scope Bacon is a disturbing bit of flavor chemistry and we have to try it right now. [More]

Man Superglued To Walmart Toilet Seat
A man was taken to the hospital after an apparent April Fool’s prank left his rear superglued to a toilet seat at Walmart, reports CNN. [More]

Poll: Which April Fool's Product Should Become Real This Time?
Last year, demand for ThinkGeek’s April Fool’s Tauntaun sleeping bag was so intense that the company began selling it for reals. This time around, the site is taunting visitors with a “Want these products for real?” survey. We, however, don’t want to limit our wish-fool thinking to one site, so we want to know: Which of this year’s gag products would you most like to see in the wild? [More]

Worst Company: Graystone Industries VS Massive Dynamic
One develops technology that nearly destroys the human race. The other … pretty much does the same. Which of these bad boys tops your list: the dysfunctional family that brought us the Cylons, or the Vulcan scientist and his one-armed sidekick who like to open doors that are better left closed? [More]
Tauntaun Sleeping Bags Almost Ready To Ship – Win A Free One!
ThinkGeek’s tauntaun sleeping bag is nearly here! It’s so close, you can almost smell it. They’ll start shipping in early November. In the meantime, if you can’t justify spending $100 on the greatest piece of Star Wars memorabilia ever, you can enter their pumpkin carving contest to win one. Or a bunch of other prizes we don’t care about.

Glocker Z-Day Round-Up
On March 28th, 2006, a strange Venusian satellite streaked an eerie fluorescent parabola across the sky, irradiating the world’s cemetaries, funeral parlors and abattoirs with an extraterrestrial radiation. Four days later, the dead walked, slavering for human flesh and tasty brains. And we were here covering it.