
Free Wifi For All At Barnes & Noble Stores

Free Wifi For All At Barnes & Noble Stores

The new ebook offering from Barnes & Noble may not be that compelling–it’s all the DRM badness of Amazon, but not always the lower prices–and yet something awesome has come out of it. Starting immediately, all customers can access free Wi-Fi in any B&N store.

AT&T Lifts 4Chan Block, Was To Stop DDos Attacks

AT&T Lifts 4Chan Block, Was To Stop DDos Attacks

AT&T released a statement about their temporary blocking this weekend of troll haven 4chan for its customers. The company said the temporary block was to stop DDos attacks on one customer emanating from IP addresses associated with the site. After the threat was over, the block was lifted. Here’s the official release:

Etsy Fraudster Goes After Beadmakers Who Got Her Banned

Etsy Fraudster Goes After Beadmakers Who Got Her Banned

A woman named Ullja Kuntze was booted from Etsy after word got around that she was buying handmade beads and reselling them as her own. Her original Etsy pages read, “All my beads are made by me in my private glass studio in Milan Italy.” Kuntze was actually doing business from Waco, Texas, and now that legitimate beadmakers have gotten her kicked off of Etsy and Artfire, she’s trying to get their own websites shut down under false spam accusations, and/or get them investigated by the IRS for tax fraud.

AT&T Reportedly Blocks Wildly Popular And Deeply Offensive Website

AT&T Reportedly Blocks Wildly Popular And Deeply Offensive Website

UPDATE: AT&T has a statement. They said the temporary block was to stop DDos attacks from IP addresses associated with After the threat was over, they lifted the block.

Access Commercial WiFi Hotspots At Airports For Free

Access Commercial WiFi Hotspots At Airports For Free

We all know the crushing defeat of logging onto an open WiFi hotspot at an airport only to discover that you need to pay to reach the internet. No more! If the portal has a space for promotion codes, go ask the gift shop if they have a coupon for free access. If they don’t, you’re not out of options…

Internet Trolls Trash Tardy, Chest-Thumping, Monitor Shipper

Internet Trolls Trash Tardy, Chest-Thumping, Monitor Shipper

If you’re a big jerk on the internet, eventually the internet will be a big jerk to you. That’s the tale of Adam Goldstein, a guy who didn’t ship a monitor promptly, sent aggressive emails to the buyer, got mocked in online forums, started posturing in those forums, and then had a series of harassing actions conducted against his person by numerous strangers. Things like all-black faxes…

Switch To FiOs An Unmitigated Disaster

Switch To FiOs An Unmitigated Disaster

Do you know that Comcast commercial where this homeowner gets FiOs installed against his will and then all these bulldozers tear up his lawn and bumbling contractors cause an electrical short? Lelah’s letter describes a process that’s very similar, except worse and much longer. And then this salesman just picks up her guitar and starts playing it and singing without even asking first. No wonder, by story’s end, she’s been driven to the brink of insanity, demanding compensation for 5 missed days of work. So far, they’re offering her $25.

LendingTree Launches Financial Advice Website

LendingTree Launches Financial Advice Website

MoneyRight, a new website from LendingTree, seems at first aimed to take on in the easy-to-read/use financial snapshot category of web services. However, it also offers financial advice based on your current situation and future goals.

Want To Experience Retail Crack? Try Swoopo

Want To Experience Retail Crack? Try Swoopo

Just in case that headline doesn’t make it clear: we do not recommend you try Swoopo, because you do not want to experience retail crack. Stay far, far away from Swoopo. Swoopo will feed into every gambling and spending impulse buried in the irrational parts of your brain, and suck up your money. There’s a reason the site describes itself as “entertainment shopping.”

Why Is Spam Around? Because 12% Of Readers Actually Try To Buy The Stuff

Why Is Spam Around? Because 12% Of Readers Actually Try To Buy The Stuff

Why, in a rational world, does spam continue to exist? Because someone you know—or maybe it’s you—has actually tried to buy something from it, a new study finds. Find that person and beat him (or yourself) with a stapler.

Consumers Get $32 Billion More Than They Bargained For With Broadband, Says Study

Consumers Get $32 Billion More Than They Bargained For With Broadband, Says Study

Silly you — did you think you were overpaying for broadband access? Well, a study has gone and proven you wrong.

Marketers Announce They Will Bring More Transparency To Personal Data Collection By 2010

Marketers Announce They Will Bring More Transparency To Personal Data Collection By 2010

Several major advertising trade groups announced yesterday that starting in 2010, they will implement a new set of self-imposed guidelines on how they collect and use your personal info, in an attempt to prevent the government from handing down federal regulations.

Is This Rogue Installer Running A Scam On Comcast Customers?

Is This Rogue Installer Running A Scam On Comcast Customers?

If you live near Burke, Virginia, you might want to pay close attention when the contractor hired by Comcast comes to install your service. Rick runs a computer repair company and has twice run into the same problem with Comcast customers, where they can no longer access the Internet after an upgrade and are offered an off-the-books repair service.

Facebook Encourages Open Marriages—Just Ask Dan's Wife

Facebook Encourages Open Marriages—Just Ask Dan's Wife

One thing I personally hate about Facebook is how the ads co-opt my friends’ pictures and use them to try to sell me stupid stuff. Dan received one of those types of ads yesterday, only the combination of text and photo selection was a little… um, let’s say “open minded.”

Ship Metal Hardware To Your House For Only $99,999

Ship Metal Hardware To Your House For Only $99,999

Wesley ordered some zinc-plated drawer slides from The hardware cost $25, and the shipping charge was $99,999. Either this is a database error, or Gliderite sends a Bentley full of spokesmodels to hand-deliver everything they sell.


The New York Times takes a look at “contact scraping,” which is when a website tricks you into providing access to your address book and then spams all of your friends by saying you asked them to join. Some of the offenders include, (formerly, and [New York Times]

Beanbag Chair Website May Actually Be Run By Beanbag Chairs

Beanbag Chair Website May Actually Be Run By Beanbag Chairs

Eric and his girlfriend are trying to acquire a beanbag chair from, but there have been some hiccups. Eric is a former retail manager, so he’s actually pretty understanding about how things can go wrong with fulfillment. Now that Mindy is just flat out ignoring him, however, he may have lost his patience. Update: The founder of has responded in the comments below.

Cox Sees Your Double Payment, Raises You A Double Bill

Cox Sees Your Double Payment, Raises You A Double Bill

Tamera accidentally paid her $134.61 Cox Cable bill twice, but instead of refunding or acknowledging the overpayment, Cox thought it would be fun to send Tamera an extra bill for $269. If she’s lucky, Cox says they’ll consider waiving their late fee.