
Get Your Data Out Of Google

Get Your Data Out Of Google

If you’re like the average Google user, you’ve now got a lot of personal data—emails, addresses, calendars, documents, photos and videos, maybe even health records—in their system. This is fine with them, because the Google Hive Mind needs all of this data to eventually become self aware and enslave us. However, if you ever want to get that information out of Google, the company has created something they call the Data Liberation Front to make it easier for you.

FCC Proposes New, Awesome, Net Neutrality Rules

FCC Proposes New, Awesome, Net Neutrality Rules

The FCC today proposed new rules to protect and preserve “net neutrality,” the idea that ISPs must treat all users the same and not prejudice against different types of customers. In a speech, Chairman Julius Genachowski supported adopting the “Four Freedoms” first articulated by the FCC in 2004 (PDF) not just as principles but as formal rules, and adding two more: “non-discrimination” and “transparency.” The big networks are, naturally, incensed.

FCC To Propose Net Neutrality Rules Tomorrow

FCC To Propose Net Neutrality Rules Tomorrow

The government is finally cracking down on Net neutrality? Yes, it’s time! Tomorrow, the FCC plans to propose new rules for Internet service providers to prevent them from blocking certain types of traffic.

Microsoft Goes After Malicious Ad Suppliers

Microsoft Goes After Malicious Ad Suppliers

If you visited the New York Times website last week, you may have been surprised to have your browsing interrupted by one of those scammy “we’re scanning your computer for viruses OH NO YOU HAVE A VIRUS!” ads that overtake your window. Now Microsoft has filed 5 lawsuits in an attempt to fight back against the jerks who may have been responsible for it, and certainly for other ads like it all over the web. Sells $7 Mil Baubles To Special People Only Sells $7 Mil Baubles To Special People Only

The reborn Faberge has decided that the rich don’t shop online like the rest of us.

DeadlyDeal Neither Deadly Nor A Deal, Just Lame

DeadlyDeal Neither Deadly Nor A Deal, Just Lame

Brandon regrets having done business with earlier this year. He figured he “couldn’t go wrong” with his mystery box purchase—”after all, my dealings with had all been more than satisfactory so far.” But DeadlyDeal is no Woot, friends. Well, except maybe in the creative writing department, because there’s no way those DeadlyDeal customer testimonies (“Thanks for my free iPhone!”) are legit.

AT&T To Offer Free Wi-Fi Hotspot Access To Windows Mobile Users

AT&T To Offer Free Wi-Fi Hotspot Access To Windows Mobile Users

If you have a WinMo smartphone, you’re in luck. (Wow, I never thought I’d be typing that.) Starting September 14th, AT&T will open up its approximately 20,000 Wi-Fi hotspots to Windows Mobile customers with “qualifying plans.” According to AT&T, that should mean most WinMo customers as “most [already] have a qualifying data plan.”

Hearst Drops Banhammer On Disemvoweling

Hearst Drops Banhammer On Disemvoweling

Hearst Corporation, a large print, television, and internet publisher, has notified one of its bloggers that he needs to stop removing the vowels from certain comments on his blog. Apparently Hearst’s lawyers have some concerns about the practice.

Shut Out The Worst Ad Offenders With These Firefox Tricks

Shut Out The Worst Ad Offenders With These Firefox Tricks

If advertisers and websites would play fair with their readers, we wouldn’t need to apply various filters and blocks to them. But when you’re trying to read an article and every sixth word is hotlinked with a pop-up ad, while the FavIcon in the browser window blinks at you like a traffic light, while loud video clips start auto-playing when the page loads—well, it’s time to shut it all down. Lifehacker has put together a great list of all the ways to reclaim your sanity when you’re online.

Complaint From Canada Prompts Facebook Privacy Changes

Complaint From Canada Prompts Facebook Privacy Changes

If you’re suspicious of Facebook’s use of your personal data, the social networking site has made some recent changes that may make you very happy. And for this, you can blame thank Canada.

Is Verizon Randomly Charging You $1.99 Per Line For "Data Usage"?

Is Verizon Randomly Charging You $1.99 Per Line For "Data Usage"?

On August 14, the Cleveland Plain Dealer printed a column by a business writer who described her 6-month-long ordeal with Verizon concerning a mysterious $1.99 charge for “data usage.” The paper says that over 400 Plain Dealer readers responded with complaints similar to the one in the column. Now the paper says they have a promise from Verizon to refund these mysterious and erroneous charges.

Check Your Financial Health In Two Minutes

Check Your Financial Health In Two Minutes

Is there anything more entertaining than having a website assign a letter grade to your financial status? Yes, but whatever it is, it would likely involve spending money you don’t need to spend, at least not if you want to get a good grade. Unlike in-depth financial evaluation tools, Money’s “Your Financial Health” widget just asks for big picture numbers that you can probably enter without needing to open up your budget or spreadsheet app—so it only takes a couple of minutes for you to find out how worried or proud you should be.

Wi-Fi Coming To Southwest Airlines Next Year

Wi-Fi Coming To Southwest Airlines Next Year

Southwest says a test of Wi-Fi on its planes was successful, so they’re going to expand the service to all of their planes next year.

Type The Wrong URL? Comcast Redirects You To An Advertising Page

Type The Wrong URL? Comcast Redirects You To An Advertising Page

According to PCWorld, Comcast is testing a program called “Domain Helper” that will redirect you to an advertising page if you type the wrong URL.

Comcast Auto-Payment Charges Account In Perpetuity; CSR Tells Cardholder To Cancel Card

Comcast Auto-Payment Charges Account In Perpetuity; CSR Tells Cardholder To Cancel Card

Marian adorably paid her son’s cable, phone and internet bills as he attended grad school in Chicago. All were handled by a company called… Comcast. Duh duh duuuuuuh!

Try To Get DSL From AT&T, They Dare You

Try To Get DSL From AT&T, They Dare You

The person who blogs at MichiganTelephone just tried to help his friend sign up for DSL from AT&T last week. Their experience was so full of fail that now his friend doesn’t even want to bother trying anymore. Yes, a customer came to AT&T ready to sign up, and AT&T drove him away. Michigan telephone wonders, “Does AT&T have a death wish, or are they really just that incompetent?”

Verizon Offering $20 Naked DSL

Verizon Offering $20 Naked DSL

Verizon is sad that so many of you are jumping ship, so they’re hauling out the bargain naked DSL offer again. (“Naked” means no home phone line is required to take advantage of it.) The deal is $20/mo with a 1 year commitment, and they’re throwing in a free router—although DSLReports says a Verizon rep told them the router freebie will go away at some point. Also, it’s available online only.

Use Google Trends To Find The Best Time To Go Car Shopping

Use Google Trends To Find The Best Time To Go Car Shopping

Engine Industries used Google Trends to map the frequency of search terms like “used car,” “new car,” and “buy car” through Google. They found that “people search car-related keyterms most in the summer and least in the winter, with a small spike right before Christmas.”