Deli meat slicers are expensive pieces of equipment, and useful ones if you want to run a sandwich shop. Police in Indiana are looking for someone who cut through the ceiling of a Jimmy John’s sub shop and took a meat slicer, the store’s video surveillance system, some aprons, and… that’s pretty much it. [More]

Comcast Apologizes For Tech Crew Whose Truck May Have Caused Multiple Accidents
Earlier today, we told you about the Comcast tech crew in Indiana that was recorded showing an apparent disregard for the many drivers who ran off the road or collided while trying to get around a Comcast repair truck parked in the street. Now, Comcast HQ is issuing an “our bad” and promising to use this latest PR debacle as a teachable situation for its employees to prevent future incidents. [More]

Nonprofit Hospitals Suing Poor Patients Without Telling Them They Qualify For Reduced Or Free Care
Given that nonprofit hospitals are tax-exempt, the general view is that their primary focus should be on providing care for those who need it rather than making using the court system to make those patients pay up. Almost all of these hospitals have programs to reduce bills for people living below or near the poverty line, but some are suing poor patients without ever telling them about these options. [More]

Tesla Can Continue Selling Cars Straight To Consumers In Indiana For At Least A Year
Electric car-seeking Indiana residents can still buy their new Tesla without having to go out of state, at least for the time being. State senators have tabled a bill that would have banned the carmaker from selling vehicles under its current, often controversial, straight-to-consumer business model. [More]

Truck Full Of Domino’s Pizza Dough Hits Overpass, Spills Across Road
Here at Consumerist, we’re fascinated with incidents where truck crashes result in food (or future food) spilled across the highway. We’ve brought you tales of spilled milk, cheese, beer, frozen chicken, and one weird day where a truck of bacon and a truck of piglets crashed in different states. However, we never expected to hear about a highway full of pizza. Future pizza. Pizza dough, scattered across the highway. [More]

Man Accused Of Stuffing $80 Worth Of Steak Down His Pants
People love steak. We love steak so much that people who want to eat steak but can’t afford it will steal, it, and do so by stuffing it down their pants. Why pants? Why steak? We can answer the second half of that question, at least. [More]

McDonald’s Joins This Summer’s Pulled Pork Party
Hey, Burger King, you aren’t the only one who can serve up a limited-time pulled pork sandwich for barbecue season! It’s not nationwide, but McDonald’s is currently testing a pulled pork sandwich in at least one restaurant in Indiana. [More]
![[Insert joke about literally bringing home the bacon here]](../../
Indiana Lottery Debuts Bacon-Scented Scratch-Off Tickets, Prizes Include 20-Year Supply Of Bacon
It appears Indiana likes New Hampshire’s style, as the state’s Hoosier Lottery has introduced a bacon-scented scratch-off ticket of its own. But unlike previous bacon-themed lotteries designed to tempt your olfactory system, this one actually includes the savory meat in the list of prizes, with a 20-year-supply of bacon at stake for players. [More]

Sorry, Indiana: Still No Carry-Out Booze Sales On Sunday After Bill Flounders
Indiana residents who were dreaming of picking up a bottle of wine or a few beers at their local grocery stores on a Sunday afternoon will have to stick to the other six days of the week, after support for a recent bill proposing to legalize carryout booze sales slowly drained away. [More]

Scammers Manipulate Lowe’s Receipt-Checking Policy To Steal $80,000 In Tools
Many consumers don’t like it when stores check their receipts on the way out of the building, claiming it treats all shoppers like shoplifting suspects. But a trio of scammers had no problem showing their receipt at Lowe’s, running a multi-state shoplifting/return scheme for several months. [More]

Indiana Walmart Under Siege By Feral Cats
If you’re a feral feline in southern Indiana, it looks like the Walmart in Jasper is the place to be. The store’s parking lot has apparently been overrun by dozens of cats out looking to score free food. But unlike past instances where Walmart has been accused of trapping and hauling off the cats to be killed, this store appears to be taking a more humane approach to these wild cats. [More]

Indiana Court To Decide What Constitutes A Criminally “Annoying” Drunk Person
We’ve all likely had the experience of being annoyed by someone drunk in public, perhaps that guy breathing on you on the bus or the screeching girl outside a club. And heck, odds are you’ve been that obnoxious boozebag at some point in your life too. But is it a crime to be “annoying” while drunk? And if so, what constitutes annoying? [More]

Pizza Hut Wants To Hire Back Manager Who Refused To Work Thanksgiving
Earlier this week, a Pizza Hut manager in Indiana was all over the news for taking a stand against his bosses’ demand to open the restaurant on Thanksgiving — and losing his job in the process. Now the folks at Pizza Hut HQ are finally talking about the subject and say it was all a big misunderstanding. [More]

Pizza Hut Manager Walks Away From Job Rather Than Open On Thanksgiving
A 10-year employee of Pizza Hut claims he was given no choice but to leave his job when faced with the company’s demand that the restaurant open on Thanksgiving. [More]

$1 Million Lottery Prize Goes Unclaimed, Split Between Boring Worthy Causes
Did you buy a Powerball ticket in an Indiana Circle K convenience store in April? Do your usual numbers include 1, 36, 40, 52, and 53? Um, you should probably sit down. [More]

$1 Homes For Sale In Indiana, But Don’t Go Counting Quarters Just Yet
When you hear that Gary, IN, has a dozen homes for sale for $1 each, you might be inclined to dig into your wallet and ask, “Will you take a 10-spot for the whole lot of them?” But these home aren’t available to just anyone with four quarters to rub together, so nearly 94% of interested buyers have been turned away. [More]

HOA President Threatens To Sue Newspaper For Using Neighborhood’s Name In Article
Some residents of an Indiana neighborhood say the leadership of their homeowners association have gotten a bit power-hungry and lawsuit-happy, and the HOA’s response to a local newspaper doesn’t do much to help out the association’s public image. [More]

Starbucks Store Gives Away Two Months Of Tips To Charity
A Starbucks store in Greencastle, IN, recently handed over a check to the local chapter of the Humane Society, representing the full amount of tips taken in by the coffee shop in September and October. [More]