Our favorite moment: when Halleran asks, “If I cancel my account with you guys, will that stop the mailing?”, and the man on the other end just sighs in angry exasperation.
Mental Floss has a fun quiz that asks you to match actual warnings to popular drugs. It’s a good way to brush up on your side effect trivia, so you’ll know what to take to increase your gambling addiction but not interfere with your sleep driving. (Sadly, we only got 3 out of 10 correct.) [Mental Floss via BoingBoing]

The Onion Reveals iPhone's Hidden Features
The Onion skewers the iPhone’s “most highly anticipated features:”

Free Beer For Rewriting And Publishing This Press Release
Oh dear, this reminds us of the time that Walmart flack invited us out for drinks. Also, why we paid for our own. — BEN POPKEN
Save Money On Gym Membership By Working Out At Walmart
They’ve got everything you need: free weights exercise bikes, treadmills, and even fishing poles! (Taffeta not included) — BEN POPKEN

Neurotically Yours: Tech Support
Cute flash movie about Foamy the Squirrel trying to get technical support for a Dell laptop. NSFW with a few lil’ cursies.
Bloodsport Does Mentos
Although sad that this Jean Claude Van Damme Mentos commercial doesn’t end with him punching a tube of Mentos Ricky-Oh style through the spurting torso of his enemies, it’s amazing how Mentos-like Van Damme’s girly little chase scene from Bloodsport actually is.
Telecrapper 2000 Telemarketer Interception System
Sp3nc3 in the comments on another telemarketer foiling device pointed us towards the Telecrapper 2000. It’s an open source software that you can install on your computer to trap telemarketers in an endless loop on your computer and then record the results. Here’s an amusing Flash animation reenactment of the Telecrapper 2000 in action, found here..

Penny Arcade Tries to Cancel Unwanted Toaster Protection Racket
Penny Arcade called up to cancel the Sears “payment protection plan” they never ordered.

Shamu Proves Retailers Don’t Care About Credit Card Signatures
Conclusive proof that signing your credit card slip is completely irrelevant: The Credit Card Prank II.
Carl’s Jr. Follows Up Sexy Paris Hilton Ad
What does this half naked fat man washing his car have to do with Carl’s Jr. hamburgers? We didn’t hear any of you asking that same question when it was Paris Hilton getting water sprayed in slow motion all over her ass to advertise the Carl’s Jr. Spicy BBQ Burger…