Part of the attraction to the Tinder dating app is the experience of swiping left or right through the various profiles and having your flow interrupted with the (hopefully) good news that someone you right-swiped had already done the same to you. But not everyone likes surprises and are willing to pay for a degree of certainty in their swipes, which is why Tinder is now willing to let you know who’s already liked your profile — for a price. [More]

Matchmaking Service Costs Thousands Up Front, Doesn’t Guarantee Multiple Dates
In love, like life, there are no guarantees. But singles who signed on with a matchmaking service offering connections to other locals say they wound up with dateless, despite paying thousands of dollars up front for the chance to meet other lonely hearts. [More]

Alamo Drafthouse Offers Gift Certificate To Guy Who Sued Date For Texting During Movie
By now, you’ve probably heard about the guy in Texas that is suing his date for texting during a movie. Text-hating theater chain Alamo Drafthouse is hoping to intervene in this personal spat by offering the man a gift certificate. [More]

There’s Supposedly A Secret Version Of Tinder Only Available To Elite Users
The world of online dating has just become a lot more like the high school cafeteria: Because supermodels, celebrities, professional athletes, and rich CEOs are apparently above having to dip their well-heeled feet into the commoners’ dating pool, Tinder reportedly has a secret, members-only version of its app. Don’t feel too bad, we weren’t invited, either. [More]

Police: Woman Scams First Date Out Of $300 Gift Card At Dinner
We’ve heard of jerks who take advantage of folks looking for love, from dining-and-dashing to elaborate scams that swindle romantic targets out of thousands of dollars. Now, police in Connecticut say one woman fleeced her date after he paid for dinner — and used the money to go out with other men. [More]

Formerly Free Dating App Hinge Will Now Cost $7/Month
When it comes to being single these days, the dating scene can often feel like a series of endless swipes — left for no, right for yes — that never results in an actual relationship. Dating company Hinge says it’s ditching “swipe culture” with its new app aimed at folks who want an actual relationship — but it’ll cost you. [More]

Woman Gets $163 Bill Instead Of Romance After Online Date Dines, Dashes
Have you gone on a bad date recently? Maybe he had food in his teeth the whole time, or perhaps she wouldn’t stop talking about her Precious Moments collections. It could’ve been worse, though. Your date could’ve ordered a bunch of food and drinks at a pricey steakhouse and then fled, leaving you with the bill. [More]

Who Knew Tinder Allowed Minors On The App?
If you’re under 18, it’s time to find a new way to seek out suitable peers for the purpose of dating: Tinder is changing the rules, and will only let adults use the app from now on. Wait, what? [More]

Turns Out It’s Easy To Pinpoint A Grindr User’s Location, Even With Privacy Settings Enabled
Usually when you think of “privacy,” that comprises ideas like, say, other people not knowing who you are, or being able to locate you down to the nearest meter. And yet that last bit seems to have been grossly overlooked by the developers of certain dating and hookup apps, which, it turns out, leak your exact location even if you have location-based services turned off. [More]

It Isn’t Very Fun To Attend A Speed Dating Event If There’s No One Else There
You’re in the mood for love, simply because there are a whole lot of eligible singles near you. That’s how it goes at speed dating events, where organizers bring in singles, sit’em down and have everyone meet everyone else for a few minutes at a time before moving on. But customers of a Boston-area dating service say the company has misled them by taking money for speed dating events when there was no event to actually attend. [More]

Study: Men Don't Feel The Need To Spend As Much On Dates If There Are Plenty Of Women To Be Had
If you’re the kind of lady who absolutely loves it when a guy goes totally nuts and splashes out on fancy dates and all that wining and dining that goes with it, you better head to somewhere with less women around, according to a new study. Researchers say if men detect a shortage of the ladyfolk, they’re more likely to spend spontaneously in order to seem attractive. It’s all about biology! [More]
Dating Site Says Android Users Are More Likely To Give It Up On The First Date did some very scientific research in Canada, polling singles living up there beyond our borders, and found that Android users are a lot more likely than other smartphone users to put out on the first date. Maybe don’t use that as your pick-up line, however, if you spot someone with an Android phone. [More]

Manhattan Twentysomething Uses To Feed Herself
There are a number of ways to deal with the problem of being young and broke in a large, expensive city. A 24-year-old woman who has trouble paying her bills could move to a cheaper apartment. She could eat rice, lentils, and ramen instead of takeout. She could take on a second part-time job. Or she could join and find men to go on a few dates with her, paying for her meals at nice restaurants. That’s one way to save money on food. [More]

Dating And Coupons Are Not A Perfect Match
Reaching for a coupon at the end of a dinner date could be a potentially mood-killing move. Or it could be a watershed moment to demonstrate shared affection for frugality. [More]'s 6-Month Guarantee Does Not Transfer To is a dating site that is separate from, but owned by, Meredith learned this the hard way when she clicked over to Chemistry from a page on Match, then found that all of her information was already in their system. Assuming that it was all part of the same site and that Match’s advertised six-month guarantee was in effect, she signed up for a membership. After six months passed with neither chemistry nor matches, she learned that the guarantee doesn’t extend to memberships. [More]

Should The Guy Always Pay On The First Date?
It’s nearly the weekend, which means at least some of you will be going out on dates, a handful of which will be first date. And in spite of all talk of gender equality, many people still think it’s the man’s job to foot the bill. [More]