Whenever a financial institution says you’ve owed them money for nearly 40 years, it’s cause for concern. But luckily Justin, who sent us this screenshot of his PayPal line of credit account overview, has a reasonable $0 payment to make.

This Best Buy Survey Seems Suspiciously Biased
Sidd tried to fill out a Best Buy post-purchase survey online, but he suspects it might be skewed toward specific ratings. We know, it’s just a glitch, but this would explain that report that Best Buy is demoting 8,000 senior sales associates.

Sirius Streaming Radio Not Working For Some Customers
Sirus-XM charges for access to its Sirius Music Player, but for the past few days, some customers can’t get it to work. One of them in this forum says it only connects after Howard Stern is over, and speculates that some cost-cutting measures have reduced available bandwidth, leading to locked-out customers. In another thread customers are complaining that popular third-party streaming radio services have been sent cease-and-desist letters from Sirius, further limiting access to streaming Sirius programming online. Naturally, Sirius-XM hasn’t responded to customer queries about the issue.

E-Harmony Gives You 58 Dimensions Of Suck By Billing You For Two Accounts
Update: eHarmony has returned the money.

TWC Apologizes For Botched 1-Cent-Movie Weekend, Offers Coupons
We totally exceeded the number by 3-times the amount. It was hugely successful. But a lot of people used it at peak times, which overloaded the system. For any inconvenience we caused for customers, we do apologize.

Time Warner Cable's 1 Cent Movie Weekend Just Annoys Customers Even More
Update: TWC says sorry, offers coupons to affected customers.

Congressman Wants Ticketmaster Investigated For 'TicketsNow' Website
Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D) of New Jersey has asked the FTC and the Justice Department to investigate the relationship between Ticketmaster and its reseller website, TicketsNow, after consumers who tried to buy Bruce Springsteen tickets encountered technical problems that prevented purchase, and were then redirected to TicketsNow where prices were “hundreds of dollars above face value” (actually, more like “thousands of dollars,” based on our check just a few minutes ago).

14 Weeks And Counting, But Limited Edition Zune Still Not Fixed
The 30-gig Zunes may have temporarily revolted last week, but Brooke’s limited edition 80-gig Zune has been MIA for over three months now, apparently lost in that magical ever-transitioning Zune world from the commercials. (It just keeps falling through floors and walls and swimming pools.) Maybe someone at Microsoft can take a look at what Brooke’s had to go through so far, and get back to her with a real answer?

World's Most Conscientious Customer Completes Botched Software Purchase Over A Year Later
I just wanted to pass along a story of a truly honest customer.

Update: USAA Posts Notice On Website Regarding Technical Issues
Last week we raised the ire of plenty of USAA fans by posting a story about a woman’s IRA that went missing for nearly a day. We were as surprised as many of you that she’d received such poor customer service from the first CSR she spoke with, considering USAA’s usually stellar reputation. But the next day someone from USAA contacted Travis and his wife to find out what went wrong. Here’s Travis’ update.

Citibank's Website Glitch Tricks Man Into Overpaying $755, But They Won't Issue Refund
Citibank’s website isn’t reliable, at least according to them. Matt assumed that a website from a bank could be trustworthy, and that if there was no scheduled payment showing up, then he must have forgotten to arrange it. He scheduled a second payment, but then both payments went through one day apart. Now Citibank refuses to give him a refund: he should have called or emailed before rescheduling, they’ve told him, and not trusted what the website was telling him.

Uno Chicago Grill Charges You $200 When You're Not Even There
Lauren was shocked to find five charges for a total of $200 on her account from a pizza place she hadn’t been to in months. They were all levied from one Uno Chicago Grill during a day she wasn’t even in town. What she found out about why they happened in the first place was even more disturbing, and annoying.

Profitable Farmers Insurance "Error" Has Been Going On for A Year And A Half Now
Susan in Wisconsin was charged an extra $10.30 last October, even though she’d already paid the next six months of her premium in full a month before. “I thought maybe I had misread my initial bill and paid the amount said to be due,” she writes. But then it happened again last month, so she began to investigate.

Frontier Airlines Insists Man Who Missed Flight Was On Plane
Matthew is the center of a Hitchcockian mystery over at Frontier Airlines. He missed his flight from New Mexico to Texas with a connection through Denver (there was a total of 4 segments to the flight), and when he tried to rebook the flight and pay the change fee, Frontier told him he’d already flown to Denver. So who took the flight? One of the flight crew’s friends? A woman too pretty for Southwest? A killer? There’s probably a killer roaming the streets of Denver now.
Mary at Frontier keeps promising Matthew she’ll look into it, but “after weeks and several calls,” nothing’s been fixed, and Matthew still can’t rebook the flight he already purchased.
A reader tried to send in his shipping info to Monster Cable yesterday to receive their free HD informational DVD, The Higher Definition Home Theater Experience (see second to last paragraph), and discovered the address wasn’t working. Now it is, so if you got your email bounced back, try again.

USAA Customer? Make Sure Your Checks Haven't Been Cashed Twice
This morning, Mary logged onto her USAA bank account to check her balance and was surprised to find that her rent check had been cashed twice while she was asleep. She was eventually able to get through to a human and get the problem addressed, but it wasn’t easy. And she may not have been the only one affected.

Wal-Mart Gift Card Servers Malfunctioning Day After Christmas
John wrote in yesterday to tell us, “I just got back from Wal-Mart trying to buy stuff with my gift cards, but the employees told me that they gift card servers were down across the country. I waited for about 15 minutes as cashiers and managers tried to get my gift card to go through and nothing occurred.”

Home Depot Considers Middlesex New Jersey To Be Invalid
For some reason, and we’re sure someone will figure it out but we’re not going to waste our morning, the Home Depot Tool Rental Search does not recognize Middlesex, NJ as a valid zip code. This irritated our reader enough that he wrote several letters to Home Depot, in a vain attempt to find a location in New Jersey that rented tools. Read his letters and Home Depot’s replies inside.