UPDATE: Why We’re Not Telling Geek Squad CEO Which Agent Stole The Porn
geek squad
Where's That Geek Squad Sting Operation Video Already?
It’s coming so very soon. Technology, the politics of delegation, in-vain attempts at perfection, all these slowed what we thought was gonna be a lot quicker. Sorry for the delay, we know some of you’ve been antsy. Bear with us!
Teaser For Our Forthcoming Sting Operation Video
Still working on the video. Here’s a small taste of what’s to come…
Internal Geek Squad Memo Acclaims "Notorious" Service
We received an internal Geek Squad memo that acclaims the world-renowned service for which they are “notorious.” The Oxford English Dictionary defines notorious as: “famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed.”
UPDATE: Geek Squad CEO Promises To Resolve Any Consumerist Reader Complaint He Receives, And Then Does So
Geek Squad CEO Robert Stephens just emailed us:
Geek Squad Opens Stores Inside FedEx Kinkos
Apparently, FedEx Kinkos will not rest until it adds every possible name to its title, because now in addition to being a FedEx… and a Kinkos… it’ll be a Geek Squad. That is, if “Project Xerox” is successful.
Best Buy Stole My Computer!
The young man behind the counter told me that the techs weren’t in yet, but that he would take down my info by hand and the computer and that they would call me when they came in for the day. (I figured if it was more then a couple hundred I would just spring for a new one). Well, at noon today having not heard back I called over to find out the status, and the gentleman who I spoke to told me, and this is a quote “We dont have that computer”.
Uh. What? Read E’s entire email inside.
RESOLVED: Geek Squad Fixed My iPod By Sending Me A Broken One
When Charlie’s iPod died, again, she took it to Best Buy, again, as it was under one of those extended warranties they push. What she got back in the mail was an even more messed up iPod. When she took it to the store, they were kinda jerks about it. After her complaint got posted here, Best Buy swooped in.
Geek Squad Fixed My iPod By Sending Me A Broken One
Charlie gave her 4th gen iPod to Geek Squad for warranty repair. They promised her a new iPod in return. Instead, she received an iPod with a sad face screen. When she shook it, its hard drive rattled around. There was a ding in the side. The back of the iPod was buffed shiny, so much so you couldn’t hardly see the iPod logo. When she took it back to the store, she says they were kinda obnoxious to her. The iPod is sent away again, but her hopes are not high.
Customer Gets 30 Months Prison After Geek Squad Finds Child Porn On His Computer
Child porn is a most heinous exploitation and its publishers and consumers should be boiled in blood, then stabbed in the face, then fed to wolverines. The Geek Squad is helping feed those wolverines by reporting child porn they find on customer’s computers to the police, the St Louis Dispatch reports:
All The Computer Tech Needed To Do Was Reconnect A Power Cable. Cost? $59.99, $69.99, $119.99 and $275!
The results were varied and shocking:
Geek Squad Agrees To Look For Hidden Porn If You Bring In A Spouse's Computer
A Minneapolis news site decided to follow up on whether Geek Squad really harvests your porn from your computer when you take it in for repairs. Since Geek Squad started amidst the state’s frozen drifts, its denizens take a special interest in its doings.
Top Geek Squad Stories To Date
“Geek Squad agents scour your computer for those porn pics you and your girlfriend(s) took, and load it onto their thumb drives. Even the ones you thought you deleted.”
Secret Geek Squad Training Video
A former Geek Squad employee, racked with guilt over how he steals porn from customer’s computers all the time, gave us this video on his death bed. “Take this,” he gasped with one outstretched arm, “tell them the truth…” Then the guilt virus reached his heart and he was dead.
The 10 Page Geek Squad Confession – "Stealing Customers' Nudie Pics Was An Easter Egg Hunt"
This is the ultimate Geek Squad insider confession. It’s 10 pages long.
Court Transcript Of "Peek Squad" Agent's No-Contest Plea
We just received the court transcript detailing former Geek Squad Agent Hao Kuo Chi “no-contest” plea in the case of his alleged setting up a cameraphone while on call in a customer’s house and recording a young woman taking a shower.
40% Geek Squad Downsizing Memo? Not That I Know Of, Says Founder
When reached for comment, Geek Squad founder Robert Stephens said he knew nothing about 40% tech staff reduction / have-more-repairs-done-remotely-by-techs-in-India memo as described by our tipster. In fact, he said he’d like to see it if we did ever end up getting it. Anyhow, as far as staff reductions go Stephens said, “There has been restructuring since we launched within Best Buy and the most recent was back in Jan/Feb but that’s old news – and quite public.”
We're Always Looking For Porn On Customer's Computers, Techies Confirm
Looking through comments both here and on Digg, it seems that finding and saving customer’s porn from their laptops is one of the perks of the job, and it’s hardly limited to the Geek Squad.