geek squad

UPDATE: Hey Geek Squad, I Haven't Seen My Laptop In A Month

UPDATE: Hey Geek Squad, I Haven't Seen My Laptop In A Month

As of July 25, Lorraine still didn’t have her original laptop back from Best Buy. It seems to have vanished into the nether of a 3rd party repair center. Inside, you can read the update to her story posted on July 13th

Best Buy Making All Service Departments Geek Squadified

Best Buy Making All Service Departments Geek Squadified

If you love the great porn-stealing and privacy-invading services currently offered by Geek Squad’s in-store and in-home tech support, have cheer: Best Buy is rebranding all its service departments into Geek Squads, according to an inside source. They’re testing it out in the New York metro area in preparation for a possible nation-wide rollout.

Best Buy Systemically Searching Geek Squad Precincts For Porn

Best Buy Systemically Searching Geek Squad Precincts For Porn

Best Buy is scanning Geek Squad computers for signs of porn infestation, as part of their continuing witch hunt. According to reports from four different Geek Squad employees, an edict was issued from corporate requiring precincts to connect every computer in every precinct to Agent Johnny Utah.

Geek Squad Documents: Meet Agent Johnny Utah

Geek Squad Documents: Meet Agent Johnny Utah

Agent Johnny Utah, aside from being the name of Keanu Reeves’ character in Point Break, is an outsourcing technique used by Geek Squad to keep labor costs low.

Best Buy Fires Geek Squad Supervisor Following Negative Newspaper Articles About Porn Pilfering

Best Buy is on the offense, launching an internal witch hunt to unmask the “rogue employees” responsible for exposing Geek Squad’s pervasive culture of porn pilfering. Their first victim is the Geek Squad supervisor of the Santa Clarita store, one of the only Best Buy locations whose former employees were quoted in recent articles, print as being a center for porn pilfering.

Best Buy To Sue Geeks Who Spoke Out Against Porn Stealing?

Word on the street is that following negative stories in the LA Daily News, and the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Best Buy interrogated employees at the Santa Clarita store where former Geek Squad agent and Consumerist reader Brett Haddock used to work, and could be gearing up, or at least, wants people to think it’s gearing up, to seek damages against Geeks who spoke out about the porn pilfering.

We're On CBS2 Los Angeles Tonight

Just did a phone interview with CBS2 in LA. Looks like they’re picking up our Geek Squad sting operation story. The piece might air at 6, but it could be later, too. We know many of you are sick of hearing about it but there’s a whole bunch of America that hasn’t. A still image of monsieur Popken with a crackly phone conversation playing underneath shall be their reward.

Consumerist's Geek Squad Investigation Featured In Today's Star Tribune

Consumerist's Geek Squad Investigation Featured In Today's Star Tribune

Today’s Minneapolis Star Tribune confirmed our reports of widespread privacy violations and thievery at Best Buy‘s Geek Squad. The Star Tribune interviewed several Geek Squad agents on the record, and their findings mirror our own:

How Geek Squad Steals Your Porn

How Geek Squad Steals Your Porn

According to an insider, these are the tools, programs, and procedures one Geek Squad precinct exploits to snarf up your porn:

Hey Geek Squad, I Haven't Seen My Laptop In A Month

Hey Geek Squad, I Haven't Seen My Laptop In A Month

Reader Lorraine would like her laptop back. Geek Squad sent it to HP for repair then never contacted Lorraine again. Eventually she drove over to the Best Buy (she couldn’t get anyone on the phone) where they told her that her laptop would be replaced, but only after HP sent it back. When would HP send it back? No one knows. It is a mystery for the ages.

Disgruntled Ex-GeekSquad Postergirl eBays Badge

Disgruntled Ex-GeekSquad Postergirl eBays Badge

“Hi, my name is Holly Forman-Petersen and I used to be a Special Agent at The Geek Squad. I am eBaying my Special Agent badge.

Geek Squad Hatched Plot To Harvest Porn From Pornstar Jasmine Grey's HardDrive, Days Before She Died In Car Crash

“I worked for Best Buy 285 several years ago (2003-2005) and was both a Blackshirt and an Agent once the Geek Squad rolled out.

Why Geeks Steal Porn From Your Computer

Why Geeks Steal Porn From Your Computer

hashand: I used to work at a computer repair place. All the stuff you’re finding isn’t limited to Best Buy. We had a 2 TB [terabyte] server of mp3s.

2 More Former Employees Claim Geek Squad Stole Customers' Personal Files

2 More Former Employees Claim Geek Squad Stole Customers' Personal Files

Two more individuals identifying themselves as former Geek Squad employees have stepped forward with allegations about the repair company’s employees unauthorized copying of personal information from customer’s hard-drives.

Internet Reacts To Geek Squad Sting Op Video

Slate: “That can’t be good for business.”

Geek Squad Company Forums React To Sting Op Video

A sampling of what they’re saying on the Geek Squad internal message board about “Consumerist Catches Geek Squad Stealing Porn From Customer’s Computer.”

Why We're Not Telling Geek Squad CEO Which Agent Stole The Porn

Why We're Not Telling Geek Squad CEO Which Agent Stole The Porn

subject looking for comment re: VIDEO: Consumerist Catches Geek Squad Stealing Porn From Customer’s Computer

How To Make Your Computer Catch People Stealing Your Porn

How To Make Your Computer Catch People Stealing Your Porn

Here’s how we rigged our computer to make a video of itself and caught the Geek Squad stealing porn from it.